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Everything posted by wahnsinn
works until you die again.. then same thing ... so .. :/
First of all, the issue is well known and documented around these boards; in fact, Rocket has attempted (unsuccessfully for most of us) to fix the issue in the latest dayz version Im guessing a proper fix will be found eventually, until then however, let me put this to you: I have looted stary and NWAF on various servers (with various populations, i.e. low mid high/full) dozens of times despite the graphics bugs. In fact, in the early weeks, when people had no way of fixing it even temporarily, it probably covered my activites quite nicely. The key, just like in all of dayz really, is not to panic, and to know where youre going and why. If you end up dawdling in the tents at stary, looking at all of them for extended periods of time, yes you will be found out eventually. Get in, (without a zombie escort!) identify and grab what you want, and slip back out unseen. So far, I have only been killed once due to a graphics bug (I saw the guy, I tried to hide and/or circle around to get him, lost him in the bug, he got me before I could find him again, and tbh I probably could have taken a blind shot that wouldve killed him, he was that close. I just didnt dare). I have been killed dozens of times by hackers, though. So .. that last bit was just to give you some perspective, too, when complaining about this bug. It is a nuisance, yes, but it does not make the game unplayable, not by a long shot. And lets be honest, the best gear isnt found in the spots where the gfx bugs are anyway. We all know the best gear is in the hands of the guy around the next corner. Just saying. And theres hundreds of km² without gfx bugs, too.
AKM or M4A1 (and where are NW airfield barracks)?
wahnsinn replied to Statik (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
m4 > akm easy. I dont even have any rational argument other than the sights, but the m4 -- all of its variants -- just feel right. I never had any trouble coming across ammo for either weapon, so unless this decision was to be made in the midst of a firefight (bad time to do so anyway), the 4 additional mags really aren't much of a concern - 4 stanag mags will turn up over the course of visiting the next fire station/barracks/tent/deer huts... -
I have no info about how it works or what they have to do to get their helis, I merely reported what I witnessed. I suspect they can spawn helis the same way they can spawn their boxes of *everything* ... :(
Is it worth it reporting alt-f4?
wahnsinn replied to bluetorch (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
stupid question, what's alt f4 do in dayz? for me it opens some command window..? -
hackers can spawn infinite helis.. I was on a server where 2 helis battled one another @ cherno, both downed in the end, and then I saw another downed wreck in elektro and next to it an almost repaired one....
cannot loot dead bodies; sometimes temporary, sometimes permanently
wahnsinn posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I have been playing on DE #00 (...) Berlin 36 for the first time today. Encountered hackers (cherno on fire, shooting precisely through firestation walls, etc, see cheat report forum) The issue in this thread is: I couldnt loot any bodies on the ground, as if they werent there at all. There were numerous dead people around, some had weapons still in their hands. On approaching them, however, there is no option to check their gear nor their backpacks. This has happened to me on other servers before, and the fix was to simply wait next to the body for a minute or so, after which the bodies became lootable. I used to chalk that down to a network issue / high server load, whatever. Today/on that server I stayed next to this one body for at least 5 minutes, nothing, did not even register (mouse wheel menu only shows the option to change to sidearm). The same when I tried another body for 2 minutes, and lots more bodies in one place for about 3 minutes. Picking up normally spawned items worked fine, btw, as did interaction with other stuff (doors, water fountain). Now the funny part: Another guy came up to me as I was waiting near a body, went to the body, grabbed the gun and shot me with it. So .. in conclusion, I'm a bit puzzled here.. any ideas what causes this? -
cannot loot dead bodies; sometimes temporary, sometimes permanently
wahnsinn replied to wahnsinn's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
thanks ill try that next time... -
A few weeks ago I wouldve said: hackers? whats that? I only read about it on US servers so.. Now, however, my answer is: yes. it is that bad. Im guessing some larger numbers of my fellow Germans discovered the hack site that sells the shit.
In the same vein I would sincerely suggest adding a killlog that allows you to see who killed you and where that person was (killshot cam for example), possibly with a few minutes delay or something like that so it can't be abused for ghosting. The argument and chance that there are server admins who might abuse this info to take revenge on people is ridiculously small compared to the benefit of being able to identify/track the scum who sees and kills you through walls and entire buildings.
- right now Cherno on fire, Bodies en masse but all unlootable, even after waiting for a few minutes next to one. A guy goes into the firestation (Cherno), I go after him, shoot him, he survives goes up 1 flight of stairs, I stay on the ground floor aiming at the top, it takes about 15 seconds then I get shot although Im surrounded by walls. Im tired of people disappearing right in front of me, then killing me from upstairs/behind me/whatever through walls. its ridiculous. Pls kill fucking hackers irl kthx.
Possible graphic glitch fix for Nvidia GPU's
wahnsinn replied to runeedk's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
with the exception of those are my exact settings. Graphics are glitching like a mother... after a while on the server. I'll try with 8, but I would be very very surprised if this worked. Note: glitches are almost always "fixed" when newly joining a server, they creep back in after half an hour of playing or so (relatively randomly). -
Is there a trick to finding crashed helicopters?
wahnsinn replied to XOLiD's topic in New Player Discussion
once you secured yourself a vehicle, make your way towards stary / NWAF, try various routes. It's actually been rare for me NOT to find helis on my way north of late.. but then I may just have been lucky. At any rate, there's no real trick to it, other than covering ground quickly, and keeping your eyes peeled of course. -
have the same with SOME servers (all v1725 of course), but not all, so .. keep looking/trying guys.
Log out in stary, log in on the coast near solnichniy.
wahnsinn replied to Kuronama's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
Well.. sounds to me like this is intended. Anti server-hopping, I'd wager. So this means no more easy farming of stary / NWAF .. gotta hike up there every single time =) On the plus side: everyone, regardless of gear, spawns in the south now. you see where Im going with this... >=] -
DE 901, about 20 minutes ago (~01:00, GMT+2). All players (or lots of them anyway) got teleported to some location in the middle of nowhere, some start shooting. Alt+F4 did not work, I died (gg...). do not have any video or screens, sorry.
DE 901 - all players tele'd to same location
wahnsinn replied to wahnsinn's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Hi, like i said in my original post, it happened last night = 11 August 2012, around 1 am German time I don't really have any more info than that :[ -
well, gr8. Ive been playing for about a month, never once had a hacker while I was on (lucky I guess). Now, with 1725, not only are the graphic bugs still there (NWAF = bugs for me, but not for my mate; Stary = bugs for my mate, not for me), but two hackers in one day (1st thunderdome and 2nd some other location that all ppl get teleported to. this is BS.. :/ ) fed up for now..
kick for BE not responding, can this be caused by opponent / faked by admin?
wahnsinn posted a topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
This is what happened: we were a 2-man team camping on a relatively prominent building in cherno (you know the one I trust ;) ). We were mostly just messing around. Anyway, I got hit because I got to my knees at the wrong time, and died instantly from sniper fire. My mate stayed flat on his belly, roughly in the middle of the roof, keeping the ladder (=only access point) in his sights, as I respawn elsewhere and start making my way back. Someone is moving on one of the lower floors, but he doesnt come up, he just waits. My guy also waits, nothing happens for a while. Then after a few minutes, my guy suddenly gets kicked by Battleye ("not responding"). When he immediately returns to the server, he gets killed on spawn (friendly fire). By now, I have almost returned to the spot, and I can see the other guy up on the roof (not that I can do much about it, dont have any gear). The point is this: what an interesting coincidence, that my guy, who has his gun trained on the ladder, effectively blocking the roof for anyone, gets kicked while in a standoff of several minutes, and then the other guy not only realizes this, but also gets up there at exactly the right time.... Now I'm willing to chalk this up to just bad luck on our part / really lucky timing on his part.... But that BE kick does leave a certain after taste, makes me wonder if there is a way to either cheat BE into kicking another player (seems highly unlikely, but then again so do a lot of things that I have seen in this game so far.. ) OR if a server admin could have been responsible. Can they set custom kick messages when they do kick someone? I just don't know enough about what is possible in this game and what is possible through hacks, and what is possible as a server admin. I'm not accusing, I'm only asking (which is also why I'm not mentioning server name or name of the guy who killed us). Thanks for any responses that may shed some light. -
can anybody explain to me, why the game that runs on *my hardware* runs choppily when I connect to one server and perfectly smoothly when connected to another? I mean, since when is my FPS dependent on the network status of the server Im connected to .. it's not like every frame is hand delivered to me by the server.... I've never seen anything like it.. it makes no sense to me, unless I'm missing something. Anyway.. the solution for many of these issues indeed seems to be: switch to another server.
this is a long one. sorry. =) So my 2 mates and me have been playing for about 2-3 weeks, died a couple of times in the beginning, but never the whole team and so we always managed to get our stuff back by guarding/defending the corpses of our fallen.. until yesterday. It started out as a perfectly normal day. We had been up to the NWAF recently, had found it boring (wrong server, imo, but the other two wanted to go somewhere else so we did). We went to Stary, found a bunch of useless gear, but then i spot a body off in some field, I carefully check it out and voila: M4A3 CCO for me.. and a shiny new GPS to boot. yay! We travel around the countryside for a while, checking out barns and minor loot spots as well as the odd deer stand, but trying to stay off everyone's radar (we are on a high pop server now so things could get ugly real fast for us... or for the others). In the end, we get attacked by nothing except zombies. We should be shooting them, but we mess around with various evasive techniques and a hatchet, and ultimately we end up getting banged up a little. We are running out of blood and medical supplies. Since we're now not terribly far away from Chernogorsk, we decide to go check out the tent area there for some supplies. But before we reach it one of us has to leave and so we make camp below a bridge just outside the city. Now usually, as a DayZ player, you expect bad things to happen at any moment. That, in fact, is why I was under that bridge, I was afraid of snipers from Cherno. What I didn't expect, however, is that this was no ordinary bridge, my friends, oh no. We had fallen victim to the infamous player-crushing bridge of doom.... While I sat there, waiting for one of my guys to return from being afk, I quickly tabbed out to check something. As I tab back in not 5 seconds later, all I see is YOU ARE DEAD. At first it's like a fist in the face. my shiny new weapon, my Cojote Backpack, all that ammo and supplies I still had, my GPS that I loved so much .. I *have* to get it back. My guys are still around there somewhere, so we try our old "guard the corpse" game, thinking that I must have been sniped from somewhere.. zombies dont kill that fast, and there are none in the immediate vicinity. Everyone is a little panicked now. "Where is the sniper??" "On one of the buildings?! I dont see anyone.." -"How is this possible?" (The bridge silently snickers to itself as we utter these thoughts) One of my guys takes position in the nearby woods, still scanning the landscape for my murderer, and also for anyone who might be trying to get to my pinjata-like body (filled with goodies), the other mate remains posted at my body's side, under the bridge, "just in case someone manages to sneak up on the body unseen". I respawn near Kamenka. Could've been worse I suppose. I put the sea to my right hand side, and frantically start jogging. "Please god, let them survive, more importantly, let them keep my stuff safe.. > ;) " Im underway for less than 5 minutes when I hear one of my guys cursing. "I BROKE MY LEG, WHAT THE BLEEP!? .. I was under the bridge, changing my weapon, and it BROKE MY LEG!!!" So now it dawns on us. There is no sniper. There never was. It was the bridge all along. The bridge ... is eating .. PEOPLE.... In horror, my buddy crawls out from under the bridge, his leg still mauled, trying to put as much distance between him and the horrifying construction as he can before even thinking to mend his broken limb. Minutes pass. I keep running toward my goal. Only one thought is in my mind .. I have to reach the bridge before something worse happens, I HAVE TO ... Finally, having run from many a zombie, I reach Chernogorsk's western outskirts. I trace the railway line for surely it will lead me right to that accursed bridge, my guys, and my stuff. In my mind I can already picture myself holding my sweet sweet camo-printed gun once again, my blond ponytail flapping in the wind as I wreak havoc on my enemies.. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I come up on the bridge. My guys have valiantly held their positions without further incident, but as they spot me, they report a couple of zombies have become aware of me and are on my tail and closing. I pick up the pace. At first I hold straight for the bridge, thinking the others can take these zee's out with a couple of shots. I'm almost there.. just a couple of steps and I'm right on top of my corpse ... but then I change my mind after all: better to stay as inconspicuous as possible until my stuff is back in mine own inventory again... "Don't shoot, I'll get rid of them!" Suddenly and without warning I veer left towards some small buildings on the eastern outskirts of Chernogorsk, thinking to lose my brain-craving assailants inside. Just as I reach an open door, the game freezes. I panick .. "what the hell is it now? I was aLMOST there?!" ... . . . . . . . . Server restart. . . . My stuff is gone. . . . On the outside I try to stay positive.. "This wasn't entirely unexpected, right? I mean it is the Zombie Apocalypse here.. " but on the inside a little part of me is crying for my loss.. We pick ourselves up off the floor on another server. I soon am in posession of a shiny new Makarov pistol with a couple of clips, as well as a water bottle. Yay me... We are not careful anymore. "BLEEP the z's, BLEEP other players.. let's just get some stuff and be gone from this hellhole!" As we approach the hospital on the north part of chernogorsk, one of us again has to go afk. "Damnit real-life, what is it now?" We don't mind him, leave him standing in an old industrial building, he should be relatively safe, there, right? .. Well, he was. Turns out standing around in the same spot is much more healthy than snooping around the hospital for loot. I had climbed the stairs on a building near the hospital complex, just out of curiosity, and as I reached the top flight (and disappointingly found no loot whatsoever up there), I turn around, and out of the corner of my eye I see a figure on the hospital roof. Shots ring out, and I immediately take cover, hoping he has not seen me and it was just someone else shooting somewhere nearby... When I emerge from cover for a second, he has disappeared from view. Is there a way back into the building from up there? Did he jump? Or go down the ladder? Can't have been the ladder.. wouldve taken too long... So.... Meanwhile, my non-afk buddy, recently equipped with a shiny new CZ550, comes up the stairs to provide cover for me, and, admittedly, to snipe that bastard over on the hospital roof, should he still be there. He takes position on the top flight, thinking "Hmm.. I can see well from here, but I can be seen even better... this is no good ..." I say "where is this guy .. he mustve gone back inside already..!" so I make my way down the stairs again, hoping to catch him before he exits the hospital. (Sidenote: I really need to learn the floorplans/layout of that hospital, lol.. theres no way back inside from there...) Im on my way down.. but before I reach the second flight from the top, again shots ring out ... "Im dead." Is all my mate says. I hide behind a pillar, now being the only target for this bastard, and I want to make it tough on him. But he's smart. He circles around on the roof, keeping me on my toes - my cover is just a relatively slender metal beam.. he can see and hit me from the extreme sides of the roof hes on ... I try to predict his movement, try to stay on the other side of the beam.. I fail. One hit is all it takes for me to lose consciousness. As my body falls to the ground, I almost fall out from the stairs 3 flights down, but somehow I stay in .. maybe there is some hope yet... more shots ring out and I am ripped to shreds in the merciless attack from the neighbouring roof. A few minutes later our 3rd comes back. With little left to lose, he tries to sneak toward the murderous bastard, but before he even gets close a single shot takes him out. All three of us dead, we are quite distraught at first. Again we pick ourselves up, again we try to rebuild. But it is a difficult server we picked, it seems. We die a few more times before even having more than a water bottle in our posession, and two of us decide to turn in for the night. Not me though. I keep trying. I get killed 3 more times in various places, once even after having fairly decent equipment back together. It's no use, I think, maybe the other two are right. I should try again tomorrow. Theres always tomorrow. But no. Again I change my mind. One last attempt. COME ON. I spawn. Otmel. Alright. Not too far from Elektrozavodsk. Good start. I come across a hatchet almost immediately. Come get some, bloody zombies!! Not long after, I find dead bodies. One .. two ... three. relatively close to one another. I loot whats left of them, and get a winchester with some slugs. Better than nothing! Now Im in Elektro. My goal is to somehow make it to the supermarket without being seen, and grab myself a bigger backpack and some food if possible, and who knows what else there might be... Im almost there... I know theres a high-value multy-storey residential building blocking my way to the supermarket.. Should I go in? I decide to take the risk, to get a little overview of the market, if nothing else. before I even get to the door, I hear flies buzzing. A body. No .. not just one.. as I move inside I see one lying in the corridor, but there have to be more bodies on the other floors or in rooms, it's buzzing like CRAZY here. This can't be good.. but what have I got to lose, I own a shotgun and a hatchet! carefully I sneak past the body without checking it, quickly glancing into the rooms to the sides of the corridor Im in to make sure theres no ambush there. As I come up on an open double glass door leading outside, I hear movement on one of the floors above me. Then a scream, and a heavily armed guy drops right outside the glass door to the ground, HARD. I hear his bones break. I approach, my shotgun at the ready. He's unconscious and bleeding. I have one bandage in my posession. I'm sorry guy.. I can't .. He regains consciousness, and I see him turning towards me while still on the ground, his big-ass rifle is coming around... muscle memory takes over, and I pump my shotgun rounds into him. His head drops, he is dead. I breathe once, twice, convince myself it had to be done - but I'm anything but sure of that. I check his body, immediately exchange my now spent shotgun with his weapon without even looking what it is. Whatever it is, Im sure its gotta be better than mine! Suddenly I see movement off to my right. A guy comes around the corner with a pistol in his hands, I immediately get up and run off around the building, he starts firing and hits me a couple of times, but somehow I manage to stay on my feet, I reach the opposite corner of the building, I get around it, at least for the immediate moment Im out of his line of fire. I see Im bleeding, but I cant worry about that just now. I get past a fence on the other side of the building, and - fortune favors the bold! - circle back to the other glass door opposite the one where the guy fell down. I see his body. The other guy is nowhere to be seen. Was he his buddy, trying to take revenge, trying to protect the body from looting? Or had these two been enemies, had the survivor been the reason for the deceased guy's fall from the roof, maybe? All these thoughts are rushing through my increasingly blood-drained head. I climb the stairs, unsure of whether he is still outside looking for me there, or whether he has resumed a higher vantage point .. shaking violently, I cower on the stairs, and bandage myself. I dont have any painkillers, and that was my only bandage. Crap. If he catches me again, Im bleeped. This is the first time I take a moment to examine my new gun. My jaw drops. A S50. I look again, not trusting what I read. It's true. This guy had the biggest sniper rifle in the game. And now its mine. If I live through this, anyway. I got 6 mags too. Holy bleeping bleep. But first I have to get out of here. I dont want to be one of those guys that disconnects immediately once they got something good, and besides.. Im still in shock... I dont want to spawn next time next to a highvalue supermarket and fall unconscious.. So I carefully look around the upper floor of the building Im in. Nothing. No steps to be heard, nobody to be seen. I come back down the stairs, when I notice a small ledge outside the middle flight of stairs. I can step out on some kind of balcony here... hmm. I do so, carefully. I immediately see a guy who very much resembles my still-alive pursuer, pistol in hand, standing on the ground at the corner of the building, the very spot where I managed to put an obstacle between myself and him a few seconds earlier, aiming down the road with his pistol. I take a deep breath as I unpack my shiny new sniper rifle, cower down, take aim. My movement is smooth and relaxed, as if i had been doing this all my life. I squeeze the trigger with the most gentle of touches.. BAM. A shot rings out. blood sprouts from his body, but he does not fall. BAM. I shoot again. He remains unmoving, No death message to be seen. BAM, a third try. "Damnit, were either having a desync or this guy is disconnected already.." But now I have bigger problems. My reckless sniper fire has attracted half the population of elektrozavodsk, and theyre HUNGRY as they run toward the building's glass door, above which I am sitting on the balcony. 5...10...15...20.. I lose count. I want to run back inside, but I dawdled too long. Theyre on the stairs. There is no way out.. I turn back, out on the balcony. What do I do, what do I do. . . If I jump down here I might break my leg just like this guy did .... then I glance to the right, and notice a tiny ledge. holy crap, this leads to another roof or something.. Zombies have now flooded the stairwell and the first couple of them are splurting out onto my balcony. Whatever I do, I HAVE To get away from here NOW.. so .. ledge or jump? I decide to try the ledge. It is TINY. But I manage. I sigh a huge sigh of relief as I reach the roof it leads to. I find a ladder on the side of the building that faces the supermarket, and immediately stumble across another dead body .. and more zombies closing in. Im trapped again, I cant get past them here. I circle back inside the building on the ground floor, hoping the Z's have now at least all made it UP the stairs so I can pass through undisturbed.. and yeah .. theyre all up there.. almost all. More are coming in through the glass door all the time, and before I get past one of them notices me and starts taking after me. I start down the corridor, but he hits me just before I reach it.. One hit is all it takes to knock me unconscious in the weakened state I'm in after the pistol attack... As I sink to the ground I think .. so this is how it ends.. it could've been truly great... my newly won super sniper rifle will be long gone by the time I make it back here I bet .. But then... a miracle. The zombie lets off. To this day I dont know why he did, but it seems knocking me down was all he intended. I am bleeding heavily though, and now I'm painfully aware that by the time I'll regain consciousness I'll be down to 2k or 3k blood at most. Worse, I still havent found a new bandage. What cruel irony is this now. Come across great loot dropping literally from the sky to my feet, chased by pistolmaniac, knocked out and then spared by a zombie... only to bleed out because I couldnt find a damn piece of cloth to dress my wounds... . . . No .. it cant end like this. It MUSTNT. I frantically search the rooms on this floor. Im obviously starting to lose my mind. Theyre empty, each and every one of them. Slowly, my mind seems to come around to the idea that Im not gonna find medical supplies in this residential building. Then I remember. Body outside. Possible pistol guy outside. Im down to 2500 blood now, and I dont have a choice. Without even turning around to look for the pistol guy, I lunge for the dead body of the roof jumper, and find a bandage. I will survive. Hell yes. I will survive AND I will keep the sniper rifle. My optimism starts to crawl back out from under whatever rock it had been hiding in since "the bridge of doom".. I wonder where all the zombies ran off to though. There were hundreds of them here just a minute ago... and when I fell unconscious they all just .. went their merry way.... oh well, gift horse and all that... on we go: I check the rest of the inventory of my "victim" (a murder that I have not been credited with by the game mechanics, as a quick glance to the stats box tells me), I find tons of goodies. Holy hell this boy had it all. NV, Rangefinder, M9-SD pistol with lots of ammo... and then I open his backpack, and lo and behold .. more goodies. The kind that fill wet dreams. an M4A1 CCO SD with 8 mags plus his shiny new Coyote Backpack, all the toolbelt stuff I could dream of including my beloved GPS ... MOTHERLODE, my friends! MOTHER-EFFING-LODE! I finish with his body, then turn around. The other guy is still standing there, frozen in time. This cant be a disconnect or a network issue, I think to myself as I approach him (from behind, just to be 1000% sure). as I come close, I put another 2 of my newly acquired silenced M9-SD bullets in his head. Just to be sure. ^_^ He still doesnt drop down. I examine his body, and he is indeed dead. I have no idea why. I shot him, but he must have been dead already. It makes no sense, but again, gift horse... Looking through his stuff Im starting to believe that this guy was indeed the partner of the other guy I killed, for they have virutally identical inventories, minus the sniper rifle. So ... MOTHERLODE^2 .... I can barely believe my luck. It takes me a moment to realize it will be very difficult for me to salvage all this stuff without a buddy and without any place to store it. I look around for a tent .. I find none. I dont have a car, obviously, and my mates have gone to bed 2 hours ago. CRAP. So I have to make a judgement call. I take the creme de la creme, the very best and rarest stuff, and leave the rest of the fantastic equip. I fill my backpack with BOTH the M4A1 CCO SD's pack in the 2nd set of NV goggles + rangefinder for my buddies, then fill the few remaining backpack slots with STANAG SD ammo. More of that ammo also goes into my active inventory, as much as possible. I drop everything else except the sniper ammo and a water bottle.. in my secondary inventory I even drop the bandage I just recently acquired from body #1. . . this may be utterly greedy of me, but to hell with those concerns now. One more judgement call to make, before I head off, because Im starting to get VERY itchy around this high value spot with my 3.5k health (oh yeah, they had 2 grilled meat steaks in their inventory as well.. gnomgnomgnom..): Do I hide body? Or do I let some other lucky bastard salvage the rest? I decide to be magnanimous in victory and just leave the stuff that I cant carry where I found it. I turn north toward the power plant. Hopefully I'll get out of this town without meeting anyone else.. Im not in fighting condition. Low health and packed like a mule, with the wrong gun (sniper) in my primary slot and too scared to do anything about it.. if some nightvisioned ambushing bastard comes along now im done for all over again. But I get lucky. I get out. Im past the power plant, when again the server craps out. It's 1 am. Time for bed. I dont even log back in to check my stuff is still there. Maybe that was a good thing. for when I check the next day, my backpack has some STANAG ammo, but not the guns, not the 2nd pair of NV and rangefinder. Bugged? Or did I switch the backpacks in my haste to get out of there?? I guess I'll never know. I curse a little, but I still count myself lucky for having the m9-sd and the sniper rifle, besides, I still got the first set of nv goggles + rangefinder. Hell, this turned out alright, even though it couldve turned out even better..... end scene.
Return to desktop but game still run
wahnsinn replied to Elesder's topic in DayZ Mod Troubleshooting
I was willing to talk to you seriously, but what you said there just made it impossible for me to do so.. Ok nvm I'll try: youre playing an alpha ... ok? ^_^ btw, the same thing happened to me. I was low on memory. I am always low on memory because DayZ gobbles it all up like a ravenous ravenous rameater. -
you could always try and get someone on the server to kill you with a gun.. *shrug*