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About jena84@alice.it

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  1. jena84@alice.it

    Stucked in debug fields after patch

    tnks man , looks like it works
  2. jena84@alice.it

    Stucked in debug fields after patch

    to be honest i dont know , im in a very wide open place , i can see semi flat lands and unshaped roads on the far. sea too , but im not sure its sea or horizon border.
  3. jena84@alice.it

    Stucked in debug fields after patch

    I've found my char stucked in debug fields without any chance of getting a control of him , the only thing i can do is accessing the direct communication ... after 2 years of playng dayz , i've never encountered such problem. Regards , Dor1co.
  4. that was not a total fail , i was getting killed there :)
  5. jena84@alice.it

    Fast & Furious - Taviana Drift

    hate VW btw
  6. jena84@alice.it

    Ultimate Chopper save!

    always scared to see recon manouvering with a chopper
  7. jena84@alice.it

    [FR159] ADMIN abuse

    [FR156]Ham (ADMINISTRATOR) & [FR156]coolcow , very nice , very nice , teleport and ambush us in a market .
  8. after 25 km of walk ...from elettro to polana to stary ... 10 people in the server and 3 of them are friends in teamspeak ... he ambush us with a m108 fail tens of shots and when i flank him , got him straight in my ironsight ... getting killed with no noise , no gunshots and no beartraps , thanks to the administration in the FR 39 ... too many hackers , bye bye dayz
  9. jena84@alice.it

    How to Stop Pointless Killing

    i think we lost out of sight a couple of possible factors to solve some problems : Dayz could be a bit more RPG , as example u can place a couple of "safe zones" with npc guards , not invicibles , but good equipped , this means that if a bandit wanna raid a safe zone , he'll need a hell of players and good tactics . 1- the guards ( U.S. soldiers , Russian Soldiers and British soldiers ) could fill a good part of the meta plot of dayz , savezones are supposed to be "checkpoints" to a final ez , that means that the entire world is truly acting against this infection ; Guards could be classified in 2 groups , guards that protecting the safe zones and perimeter patrols that scanning sourranding areas in woods for hostiles (infected or bandits) and the more u go north the more this guards are stronger and their aggro range is longer ; The aggro of the guards could be based on the humanity level and the state of other npcs , ex: guards attack only zombies and bandits , if a patrol will be shotted down , another will replace that one in less than a couple of minutes (the time of the walk from the check point to the area where the patrol members dies) with less equipped npcs (prevent farming , create rpg if someone want to raid a safezone) plus a patrol in the woods prevent douche snipers who really enjoy to kill for the fun. 2- The safezones , could have drop in it , based on position and server difficulty , NO weapons or ammo in it (check point 3 ) , a fresh water source (the basic of setting up a military outpost is locate a near and functionally water source) a couple of military tents where patrols spawns and a couple of tents with food supplies and medical supplies , the more u go north the harder it supposed to be to raid a safezone , means defences , a grishino or skalka checkpoint cant have only barbwires , but movable metal panels , dragontooth and watch towers (with snipers in it maybe). 3- Realism in armory , i know u think this game looks like very realistic , but trust me , its very very far from realism ( for sure less than cock of doodie modern whorefare) , personally ive served for 3 turns with the 103th airbourne italian army in afghanistan , and trust me the first rule is "fresh and clean" , your equipment in order to be functional had to be clean ( think about the bullet chamber of a carbine that is full of powder and sand exploding directly in your face when u pull the trigger ) and most of it has to be fresh too (very nice to make some suppressing fire when your weapons is so hot that u can cook raw meat on his reciever , obviously will result in a little white flag caming out the barrel with the writing "FAIL" on it ) , if u want to stay functional and alive , u've to run a daily manteinance on your equipment. I know perfectly that in the united states of america the law restrictions on the weaponry it just a joke , but u guys have to understand a couple of things , first , chernarus is supposed to be some kind of a fake copy of somekind of ukraine soil (not texas , not new mexico and neither california NO MEXICANS ALLOWED here . xD ) and second , not in every country of the world had in their homes more assault rifles than cell phones , so one good move supposed to make military weaponry more harder to find and civilian weapons more common ; Remove all the .50 cals from the game , in my experience u need a gold lick of a rich ass just to have the papers for request to been issued with a m82 .50 in the army (italian i mean , i dont know about russian or u.s. ones) , at least u can get a .338 ... and u've to be very lucky , sure not running into the wrecks of a crashed heli ... maybe if u want a .50 cal u can try setting up a raid against a north checkpoint ... maybe. 4- Zombies and infection , add the chance to get infected by a zombie attack ; add roaming herds of zombies in random points (maybe u can wait when they attack a patrol or a checkpoint to get the loot ;) ) 5-Server side saves , checked by the central hive database , by its stupid that i shoot someone that disconnect and than after 10 minutes or so re appears just right my back ( a lot of ppl do that , disconnect , go in an empty server , move , disconnect and reconnect behind his enemy) 6- A DAMN WORKING AND DECENT ANTICHEAT . no description in here. p.s. i apologize for my written english but its not my first language.
  10. jena84@alice.it

    AS50 Night Vision Compatible

    false , the AS50 had zeroing option , 1200+ mts of range and a blood damage of 30k ; DMR , no zeroing , 800+ mts range and 8555 damage : This means , u need a 1 single shot from an AS to die , when the dmr needs 2 or 1 headshot (very hard to place cos of the rangefinding factor + accuracy ). Imho i think that one good thing could be remove all the 50's cals , add 1 (or 2 just for the variety ) big caliber gun , cheytac m200 .416 barret (bolt action) low firerate , zeroing , not more than 1200 mts of range with NO NVG compatibility ( or maybe a McMillan TAC .50 ) and add to an m24 the nvg compatibility , for those who want to shot from very very far during night ; add the .338 lapua magnum rifles (m98 , l96 etc. etc.) with a bit more of blood damage than a 7.62 with NO nvg compatibility. At the end of the plot , a 50 cal with a nvg means longer life to ghillie campers , unaccessible areas to noobs and not enjoiable night time p.s. Sorry for my bad english , but its not my first language
  11. jena84@alice.it

    Unconscious spawning bug

    solved , by be found from a friend and killed ....
  12. jena84@alice.it

    Unconscious spawning bug

    up , need a solution here