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About Flex_Relax

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    On the Coast
  1. A think the problem at this stage is that a lot of survivors simply don't want do team up. I've notice that more and more survivors will shoot you on sight now, or at the moment you turn your back hehe. But i've also played in coop with some random survivors i've encountered and had a great time. In real life, for example if you're fighting for your life alone and you encounter someone doing the same on an hostile environment, chances are you'll probably team up. Finding someone it's a joy because no one wants to stay alone in the middle of an apocalipse. I really don't know how much survivors are killing each other, but if your always alone in an hostile environment you shouldn't be able to survive for too long. Even if your doing the right things, soon enough you'll crave for human contact, you'll start getting a bit crazy and you're gonna make mistakes that will cost you your life. I don't have a problem with bandids or survivors who just wanna kill you, maybe it will pass and with time players will start cooperating more. From a realism perspective i think coop is indeed important.