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About M4KER

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  1. M4KER

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Everything you've said... Is 100% on the money. Vets are leaving the game at a rapid pace because bugs are either not being addressed or just made even worse. There's only so many times I can handle being fully stocked up with a range finder, NVG's, Coyote backpack, an AS50, ghillie suit, etc... Just to join a server and be teleported into the air and watch as my character comes to an end. You know... Cuz aborting/ALT+F4 is a bannable offence. What a joke. Hosting a server is a joke, you have almost no control over something YOU pay for. Ridiculous. /rant
  2. Classic. "I didn't do it, wait.. yes... yes I did. Can I have my money back though?"
  3. M4KER

    [VIDEO] 1st flight in a heli

    I found it again, this time fueled it up and flew for hours. We raided every chopper crash and made out like bandits. Really easy to fly, it just takes an enormous amount of fuel to get it filled. Hard to fill the heli at the NWAF at 11:00AM with zombies all around and 20 players online.
  4. Alright, Thought I'd post a vid of my buddy and I finding our first heli and taking it out for a joy ride. ... Nothing like running out of fuel in mid-air. Next time we won't be so eager to get air born.
  5. M4KER

    Why Not Remove The Army Bodies?

    Im with Fooz on this. They provide absolutely no use at all. Most of the time they just vanish and pop back up depending on where you point your mouse view anyway.
  6. Installed a fresh via the torrent provided here and updated to latest Arma version. Joined a server with both Arma II updated to latest and DayZ and I can confirm artifacts in Stary and NWAF from the military tents/bodies. I did a flush but it did not fix anything, however exactly like 1.7.2 4, if I leave the game entirely, rejoin it's fixed for the meantime. Just my experience, playing on an i5 2500K, 8GB of RAM, AMD 6870 915MHz clock. Using 12.3 catalyst driver.
  7. All great ideas. They should really add new sounds to the zombies when they're being shot rather than just a male voice saying, "ouch" and other human based sounds.
  8. M4KER

    Strip cars for parts

    I thought of this after playing the game for the first time within a matter of minutes. It only makes sense. Things like engine parts, wheels, should be around other vehicles. Also perhaps there should be ammunition, weapons, bandages around the burned out Humvies? They are military vehicles after all.
  9. M4KER

    Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

    I can also confirm this bug, lost my Coyote pack which had my M107 and ammo in it after equiping my ghillie suit. It just replaced my pack with the starting pack and my stuff was not on the ground, just vanished into server abyss.