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About *Scarecrow*

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  1. *Scarecrow*

    BMRF DayZero squad

    Alright, whenever you want you can join our TS channel. Just sent you a PM...
  2. *Scarecrow*

    BMRF DayZero squad

    Two players are trying to form a squad of few experienced and skilled DayZ/ players. We curently play exclusively on private hive BMRF DayZero #2. That means you must be ok with DayZero (best DayZ mod), 1st person only and day/night cycle. Also, we are both from Europe, I am from the Czech Republic, Paul (Grebo) is from UK that means we usually play from +- 17:00 – 1:00 (GMT/UTC) every day. Lately we have been playing very often with Antonio who is Spanish and a bit less often with one Canadian and American. All of those guys showed interest in joining us but still, most of the time there are only two or three of us online and that just isn't enough. Wehave been playing DayZ since the start, we had a squad which eventually fell apart and now it’s basicly just me and Grebo. We like to take the game seriously but have fun with it. We use TS3 for communication and most of the time we spent up north just looking for gear and fights. We can offer good teamwork and communication, knowledge of tactics and game mechanics. We require following BMRF rules, experience, activity, willingness to improve constantly and KOS. If you are interested in joining us, tell us something about yourself, such as your DayZ history, what gameplay and tactics you prefer, when do you usually play etc. The more the better… You can post it here or just PM me a will write you back.. Also, I'd appreciate if you kept this topic for applications only and not long conversations. Scarecrow
  3. *Scarecrow*

    FR16 General Info and Suggestions

    I have just encountered a hacker on this server. His name is [sx|G]xLed We were flying in chopper and saw few tents somewhere on the west side of map so two of us got out and went check those tents. Pilot stayed in chopper and was flying around, he got shot by sniper rifle, the shot damaged a heli so he flew away. We were aproaching tents than somebody started to shoot at us. My teamate got shot, I saw the smoke from gun came out of nowhere, then a player appeard there, disappeared again. I ran down the hill, he was behind me and I managed to kill him. Than I went to check his gear, he had sniper rifle L115A3 and some Lapua Magnum rounds - obviously a hacker so I hid his body. After few second the ingame message said he was kicked because of some rescription and in few seconds he was back...
  4. *Scarecrow*

    Sniper squad - Recruitment

    I see in your signature that you already have some squad, don't you? Btw: I am getting more PMs than I expected so I need to pick the best of you guys. Try to write as much as possible about yourself:)
  5. *Scarecrow*

    Sniper squad - Recruitment

    I meant that you should know how to act in certain situations. For example when you are being attacked by bigger group of players you can't just stay prone and hope they won't hit you. You must cooperate with your team, there must be some supression fire and retreat. Also the retreat should be coherent, you can't just run hundred meters and again hope they won't hit you... So that is it, of course you can learn many but I want people who knows just a little about it;)
  6. *Scarecrow*

    Sniper squad - Recruitment

    Oh, did I make three topics? I honestly did not mean to do that. Sorry, will be careful next time;)
  7. SNIPER SQUAD - RECRUITMENT Hey! My name is Phil, 20 years old (young?). I am from the Czech Republic and I've been playing DayZ with my friend for almost two months now. However the game started to be boring for him and stopped playing so I decided to try something more serious and form a squad about 5 - 10 fine, experinced players who know a bit about sniping, military tactics etc. The squad will be focusing mainly on sniper tactics, everybody will have his own role like sniper, spotter etc (this will change from time to time ofc). I would like to try snipe some of the bigger towns in game (what is almost impossible when you play alone, at least on high-pop servers), counter snipe, maybe try to find some vehicles sometimes and more stuff. If you enjoy this game style and think you meet all requirement listed belowe, just reply or write me PM:) What I expect from you: • Be able to work in group • Have some level of maturity • Be interactive • Understand the game • Know a bit about military tactics • Never use or encourage hacks etc. • Have Skype and fine microphone (if you have TS/Mumble and know some server where we could spend some time, it would be awesome) • Be able to play on EU servers (I am usually online from 6 pm to 1 am GMT) • Speak English What you can expect from being in group like this: • Be able to achieve higher goals in game • Help each other in game • Trade items with other players • Play the game with experienced players • Have some good fun with others • If you die, the group will help you to recover your gear (also gearing up itself is faster in group)
  8. *Scarecrow*

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Yes, there is a problem. I have been playing new hotfix for some time and there is one serious bug. When you log into some server and didn't die before, there is some chance you will spawn on the coast with all your stuff. It happened to me three times from abou 6 logins.
  9. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    True. L85 should be also removed now when there is so many scripters... Another funny thing about sniping or it doesn't even have to be sniping is that when you are hiden in bushes and shot through leaf the bullet stops. The bullet which can go through windows etc. and doesn't penetrate leaf... Should be fixed:)
  10. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    I honestly think they should for example completely remove tents as well, or at least make them carry less stuff. It ruins the game IMO:)
  11. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    I would dare to say I know something about rifles, especially in real life from what I see in your post clearly I know more than you:) But your opinion is your opinion, of course. And yes I know what bullet drop is. What about read some previous posts before you start writing? I was just naming some factors that affects bullet and bullet drop is one of those factors even if it is in game. Think what you want, but the zeroing in this game is funny. You have rangefinders, you have map waypoints... It is not about estimating range at all, even people who don't know how to use mil-dots to meassure the distance can estimate it pretty well because of these things. I think you really don't know what spin drift really means when you shot with sniper rifle. Spin stabilizes the projectile, improving its aerodynamic, stability and accuracy. Each fired bullet is spining and if the bullet flies a longer time the spin affects the trajectory:O It is called derivation and the bullet moves in direction of the spin. The derivation is every shot the same but if you shot at long range you should take it into account. And you are telling me sniping in this game isn't easy? You have plenty of ammo so why not take some semi-automatic sniper and fire full mag at the target. Even if he is moving as best as he can one of bullet will evntualy hit him. And sniping in real life is not like this at all. And if you add more factors which affects the trajectory of bullet it will be closer to reality. It is funny how people think I am being killed by snipers. I have no such a problem, currently I have my favourite rifle, DMR and 15 murders:/ http://s8.postimage.org/e2kvdytc3/DMR.jpg
  12. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    I am not at all. I didn't write this topic because snipers are killing me. I enjoy sniping and my current character is alive for almost week now but even if I am sniping, those things are pretty easy and I would really like to make it more realistic. EDIT: But it is true I have few friends who enjoy running whit assault rifles through major cities and the snipers are pissing them. If there was few sniper than it wouldn't be a problem but now it is like everybody playing "sniper". DMR and SVD are only sniper rifles that requires some skill because you can't zero them, others have zeroing but if they want to keep weapons real they must keep that. The zeroing is something what is necessery for rifles like M24, AS50, M107 and I understand but the bullet trajectory itself is ridiculous. I've got a feeling that all those things are in singleplayer. It is not temporary, do you think that all "so called snipers" you can see these days, will be willing to learn how it really works? I'd say most of them won't. Also if you limit the spawn of rifles, mags and solve hackers than it is something what must work.
  13. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    Almost everybody has rangefinders atm, so it is not hard. For example removing them completely would be nice, but I doubt people will be be open to this. It really might be to much for a game and if you have other ideas how to limit sniping I am all ears but the current sniping is something what this game really doesn't need.
  14. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    Well, from what I know, Rocket is now working with Bohemia Interactive so it shouldn't be problem if I post it only here:) The bullet drop is in game as you say, I was just pointing out some examples... GummyWyrm: I am not lucky at all, I just scout through map and it is not really hard to find crashed helicopters if you have vehicle and on crash sites you almost everytime find some sniper rifles:)
  15. *Scarecrow*

    Future of sniping in DayZ

    Hello, last few days I've been thinking about sniping in DayZ and I have some suggestions how to improve it for everybody At this moment almost everybody is looking for good sniper rifle so he can kill people (who are no threath to him) at long distance. Don't get me wrong, I really love the idea of sniping and I know something about what it takes being a sniper in real life but the sniping in DayZ isn't even close to it and I think it's a pitty. The real problem is that everybody get some sniper rifle and than just shoot people at sight. But the people who don't enjoy sniping are screwed because they can't defend themselves. And don't tell me that in real life you cant defend yourself, it is not an argument because in real life every second person doesn't carry a sniper rifle. And what is more it is a game and people should enjoy it not be afraid that somebody will probably snipe you in next five minutes. So making absulutely everything as in real life might not be right way. Another factor is that there are so many sniper rifles on servers (yes, hackers are problem and I know lot of AS50's, M107's etc. are just hacked but I do not want you to solve it right now, I just wan to make suggestion to future to help the game, for example when the game will be stand-alone:) So in my opinion, the best way to make everyone happy is something like this: 1. Make sniping more realistic. Now everybody just take a sniper rifle, zero the gun and take the shot. Nothing hard on it so why not use this easy option to kill? In real life there are many factors that affects the bullet when shooting at long distance and really hit the target is a bit of a challenge. Factors like wind, bullet drop, bullet spin should be implemented in game so people who really want to hit something with sniper rifle should know them. 2. Sniper rifles should be REALLY hard to find. At this moment they are pretty much everywhere and even if there aren't hackers I still find about 3-4 sniper rifles every day. So, I would limit them only to helicopter crash sites for example (of course if you plan have the sites in stand-alone game. I can't imagine how would it be when servers no longer restart so often and crash sites stay at one place all the time) or make them really rare somehow, and the ammo even more. This should be same with some other items related to sniping like rangefinders, (thermal L85 AWS), ghillie suits...