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Everything posted by skargrim

  1. Hi! I am willing to trade this beauty (without ammo) for 1 ghillie. Add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001602135/ Oh, and for assbandits out there: my friend will be watching from far away.
  2. skargrim

    Selling a FAL FN ANPV-S4

    Its good for counter-sniping
  3. skargrim

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I need some help. After suffering a zed ambush, my friend is with a broken leg and i am without bandages. Please, add me (We are in veresnik) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198001602135/
  4. What do you want for camo?
  5. I hope Rocket adds Chedaki/NAPA skins as wearable ones.....
  6. skargrim

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Prizzra/Udak Saved me (Morphined me) It was kind, fast and a patient medic.
  7. skargrim

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Ok, please, i need the help of this group. Me and my friend were scavenging for supplies in Povlovo (he spawned in Kamenka). Then, we decided to go to Zeleno, but badly for us, a stupid bandit/CoD Kid shoot an arrow to the head of my friend. Then i was shoot in the leg, but i managed to kill that stupid bandit. Hoping only a slow death, i resumed my march to Zelenogorsk. I, now, need your help desperately. Please, any good medic can save me? I will donate 1 can of something, because, while i am low on supplies, i will spare some with a good soul. Add me on steam for our safety or pm me http://steamcommunit...61198001602135/ PD: I am spanish. I can write/read english but i have some troubles with oral vocabulary