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Everything posted by Fribox

  1. Fribox

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    he trolled you guys good.
  2. lol a fairly in shape man can carry a 50cal and a pack full of 75 pounds of gear and still run. You would get tired pretty fast, but you can still run and if your life depended on it you damn well bet you will be running. No, that isn't what would happen. If you got hit in vital organs you would die fairly quickly, but nobody just DIES because they get shot. Even if you got shot in the heart you would still be alive for a few moments before you passed out from lack of oxygen to the brain. If you got hit in the lung, you would still be alive. You would be in terrible amounts of pain and bleeding a shit ton, but you wouldn't just keel over because you got shot. Real life isn't a video game, it has far less consistent "death factors" than a video game. You don't just shoot someone until you stop getting hit markers or their health bar hits zero.
  3. Fribox

    Shiny new weapons

  4. Why not have tents save automatically when you put something in/take something out. Problem solved. No more duping (for the most part)
  5. One hit kill snipers are for skillless dumb-asses who can't get headshots. You say "So they can take one shot and take them out" I just had someone fire 2 whole mags at me from an AS50 and get ONE hit and instant kill me. Like a real sniper right?
  6. Fribox

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Friendly medic stranded at NWAF Need food and bloodbag, can pay with pair of NVG or some stanags.
  7. Way to strict rules, engaging way too many players and could easily be mistaken for a bandit clan (because it basically is)
  8. Fribox

    Weird Sound?

    Probably the dumbest ambient sound ever. Sounds like the HL2 radio siren. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxLPnMrEvkM
  9. Probably got necro'd I still think its valid that we should be arguing about this though.
  10. NO I have no idea about russia, but in america statistically ~40%-45% of people own guns. It wouldn't be uncommon for someone to just HAVE a gun when this whole infection thing happened.
  11. Fribox

    In game Brony Meetup!

    Currently stranded north of NWAF with no food, but even if I die ill still make it c: Also, I know there are alot of party poopers around, so if you need proof I'm a brony: Here And I'm fairly well geared if I do live, and would definitely guard the noobs c: Appears OP can't receive any more PMs, so my apologies if I shouldn't be posting here to go.
  12. Don't EVER carry a mountain dew with you. They are cursed I say. Mountain, Green Mountain, Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew is green. PUT THE PIECES TOGETHER FOOL.
  13. I heard humanity can be used to restore health, increase defense, and get better drop chances. Hey, did you also know it can kindle bonfires?
  14. Fribox

    Faith in humanity restored. (CA 12)

    Just today I dropped all my weapons and ran into town and gave some guy a gillie suit, took him back to balota, and gave him a ride in my chopper. A few days ago I also randomly ran into an elektro firestation and patched up two bandits who decided not to shoot me. The nicest thing I have had done for me though was when I first started playing, my first char that lasted past elektro/chern. I found a church, I don't know what church, but there was a guy inside and I had absolutely nothing. He was bleeding and had a broken leg and said I could have all of his stuff then killed himself. Fun times.
  15. Fribox

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Add me on steam, and we shall trade.
  16. Fribox

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Look, ill even drop it and log off the server and let you pick it up and leave. Completely free, no strings attached.
  17. Fribox

    Need guille suit (trade)

    I am on the safe trade list. I am a trusted whitelisted medic. There you go. EDIT: also, if you absolutely want to give me something, Id like a engine parts.
  18. Fribox

    Need guille suit (trade)

    Ill give you one for free. Im at balota air strip. add me on steam.
  19. So I got into a massive firefight at NWAF and died after killing two people. Now I'm going to honest, I made a corpse run to try and get my stuff back (the body was hidden) So my friend and I started hitting the barracks to try and get some new gear. Suddenly my friend gets sniped and dies instantly, but I'm perfectly fine. I made it to the barracks and aimed my gun at the door. I assumed because I had nothing I might as well face my fears so I ran outside and was greeted by someone in direct chat. He asked if I wanted an AS50, but I declined and said I was more of an assault rifle guy. I was actually thinking of just shooting the guy but I figured I shouldn't. He gave me an M4A1 Holo SD + Flashlight + ammo. At this point I knew he was a hacker. He ended up giving me a gillie and a coyote and some more ammo. Now I stroked his ego, he was probably 12 or 13 years old; a script kiddie. He asked me to shoot him and I did then he told me he had god mode. I stroked his ego some more, telling him how awesome he was and that it was cool he was helping me out. He spawned me a chopper. Then he flew off, somewhere, never to be seen again. I got in my chopper, and flew it into the hotel in chern; killing myself. It was glorious. TL;DR Met script kiddie, got stuff, flew chopper into building and killed myself to get rid of my hacked gear.
  20. I killed both of you pathetic worms with a Winchester. When me and my friend ran into you during your corpse run you missed every single bullet. 3 L85s and a M249, thanks a bunch. Nice rage quit too, now our server is free of two more bandit scum.
  21. Fribox

    Why I kill unarmed players

    Lol, nobody said you have to group with unarmed. I sure don't. I just defend that they have a right to play the game, not be spawn raped all the time.
  22. Fribox

    Why I kill unarmed players

    Its because you know the second they find a weapon and can fight back, you won't be able to kill them.
  23. When you try to relog to get out of trouble.
  24. Fribox

    Two bandits get what they deserve (VIDEO)

    I lost it when you sniped him, you have my beans sir.
  25. You went to mountain and expected anything different? You know bad things happen when you go to... mountain.