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About vetrox

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. In b4 "just play the game for what it is" because thats exactly what i do atm. I miss my noob days where I would be very fearfull of zombies. Currently you can outrun the zombies infinatley which, although noob friendly, allows you to just run around everywhere willy nilly. This makes them more of a pest than an actuall threat. I expect this has been thrown about before but... Can we leave the current zombie characteristics the same and just make it so they are faster than you? (they pretty fast already though) but keep it so you can loose them in buildings etc. Im hoping the current "zombie not catching you up" is by design and not because the zombies melee script doesnt allow it. Maybe have some servers with harder zombies and some servers without and you just use dayz to change you game version depending on what difficulty you want your zombies. Like i said. When I first played (and i expect when everyone else first played it) zombies were scary guys! I would play night time servers purley for the scarey factor (and zombies are a bit more stoopid in the dark) but it doesnt take long to work out you can just run to wherever the loot is, thus turning the game in to a pure pvp with zombies as decoration.
  2. vetrox

    ALT+F4 and Abort FIX

    I dont know how coding works. Can you not just have a disconnect timer like in wow. 30 seconds regardless of connection status. EG. Client looses connection, server sees lost connection and begins a 30second logout timer before the character is logged out? Dayz commander should have a sign up system where you sign up for a char name. That way you wont get duplicate char names and you could have Dayz commander not allow you to log into a new server until your char has finished the 30 second dc/logout timer. However I expect this is probably isnt possible due to ARMA code rather than being dayz code.
  3. vetrox

    Realistic weapon mehanics

    I like the ARMA gun mechanics
  4. IS this whole *realism of in game weaponss* still going? ...wow Better also bitch and whine about how none of the guns need maintenence and dont ever jam and there are plenty of magazines for these guns just lurking about? Chances are, if you get shot by any sort of firearm where the bullet actually penetrates you (giggidy) and its the zombie apocolypse then you are going to die at some point or another from infection or blood loss or just plain shock. Oh i just got shot! i will just bandage that and drink some blood, all good. You put anything onto a pc thats supposed to be realistic then you are going to have to make some sacrifices. Please go play arma before bitching about the mod. zomg .50 weapons shouldnt all be lurking about with people all shooting at eachother. Do yourself a favour and play arma and whilst your at it, go get hold of operation flashpoint cos the campaign in that was by far the best. ARMA2 IS a game. its more authentic than the others on the market but that doesnt mean it is any less of a commercial product at the end of the day.
  5. vetrox

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Played a few nights ago and logged out near cherno. Logged in yesterday and it spawned me near solinski (with all my gear) Traveled down to cherno and logged out. Logged in today and it spawnedme on the coast nearish cherno (with all my gear) Changed server to avoid night time, logged in. Got some total random gear. some shitty double barreled shotgun and some wood lol. Kinda puts all last nights efforts to waste
  6. I read this part of your post and made my reply cos i just assumed it would be another rant on sniper rifles. Thats why you got a sarcastic reply from me. Thought i would clear that up now before hate came my way
  7. vetrox

    Cant enter any major cities

    search forum for various fixes people find work. One of them will work for you. personally I find that if i log out when im close to the artifacts and log back in (IE exit ARMA completley) i dont get the artifacts in that city any more.
  8. why? because video game why again? because game code why some more? go play zombie apocolypse irl if you dont like dayz OH YOU CANT
  9. vetrox

    First zombies and now this?

    Im currently on a work pc and cant see images but if its some sort of fire (like the first post said) then I too would like to know what it was. I saw it and left my server thinking hax was about to happen to me (then proceeded to get banned on another server for server hopping)
  10. vetrox

    POLL: What do you do once you're geared up?

    I get my RPG/Rambo on and go to town on those zombies!!!!!1 I aint having some scumbag zombie think he can take my town THIS IS MY TOWN BITCHES!!!!!111!! YOU CALL THIS THE ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE!!! I AM YOUR FUCKING APOCOLYPSE WWWWAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH PEW PEW PEW. Anyone here find hand grenades and stash them/leave the on the floor? NOT MEEEEE!!! KAPOW BOOOOOOOM aaaaannnnd so on...
  11. vetrox

    Impenetrable barbed wire??

    WOAH!!! OP has got a serious case of the "too much time on the internet-itus"
  12. I like this idea and tbh when I first saw dayz i thought this was the case. Maybe on the more hardcore servers. As it would encourage teams to have slick teamwork and tactics. "meet back here at 0800 server time...if im not back by then...you take the jeep, and you come find me!" Or maybe some sort of in game loot such as a comms pack or something which if you have you can choose to radio another player...or some crap like that. But i like the idea of it being forced on constantly. +1 from me
  13. vetrox

    Calling you out FTW Static Proof

    OP: "ZOMG HACKER!!!! I KNOW YOUR HACKING AND IM GOING TO WRITE A STRONGLY WORDED LETTER TO YOUR MOTHER IN LAW ABOUT THIS!" HACKER: "hahahahahahahahahahahaha finally my hacks made someone rage. Im gonna do this some more and see if I can get anyone else to rant on forums"
  14. I learnt that the hard way. "pizza delivery for I.C Wiener" run downstairs for pizza come back up Brains are being munched on....DAFUQ ZOMBIES!?!?!?YOU AINT PLAYER!!1
  15. vetrox

    so i heard gunshoots

    If there was a hacker then I will let you off the d/c But if you did it just cos you heard gunshots...then your kind of ruining the game for everyone (including yourself) Part of the thrill of the game is hearing gunshots and thinking "Shit...gunfire...ACTIVATE NINJA MODE!" Even when I was a newbie i didnt d/c just because I heard gunfire. After a while you will learn how easy it is to get supplies after dying and you wont get so worried about it.