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Everything posted by Strazyplus

  1. it won't be there in a couple of years :P
  2. Strazyplus

    Your Best DayZ Jokes?

    Ten year olds don't have beards...
  3. glad you got help as I did not see you on when I was awake.
  4. Now that explains where that bullet came from...
  5. Strazyplus

    Looking for a friend

    It's a trap!
  6. I would gladly join you Savior.
  7. Not so simple I may be able to assist. add me on steam when you're available.
  8. hey apex need some help? join me in ts and I will get you fixed. and your steam name links to everyone with Patriot in it.
  9. Spandex join me on teamspeak if your there I can see what I can do.
  10. I am on US East Coast. But I could possibly team up.
  11. Strazyplus

    Survivors Helping Survivors: A Mission

    Sounds interesting, Maybe I will team up with your group someday.
  12. Strazyplus

    Chernarus Coastal Transportation - Now Open!

    This is gonna be interesting, good luck! :)
  13. I am also looking for early risers too.
  14. Saddly a bandit K.O'ed meI cannot assist but someone else on TMW Teamspeak may be able to!
  15. Strazyplus

    New DayZ group

    IGN: Strazy Age: 22 Skype: nope Microphone: yep What do you do best?: TMW Doctor and Bodyguard.
  16. Strazyplus

    New crew to roll with

    PM I might team up.
  17. He has bans on his Steam account. tsk tsk tsk....
  18. Trails if you still need assist join me on TMW Teamspeak Server.
  19. Strazyplus

    Need a dedicated partner/sniper

    I had a friend I was teaming up with. but he stopped logging in. we played on a private hive while I got to know and trust him. as my gear and resources rely on my job as a medic for TMW. and I do not plan losing it to a bandit looking to back stab people.I am not sure about you since you are using a very new profile..
  20. join us on teamspeak me or someone else will assist you.
  21. zzq join me on teamspeak channel 9 I will assist you. mic or not comms with me will ensure quick and safe doctoring :) cords would be very helpful if added.
  22. Very neat idea and hopefully you get the manpower to keep the spot safe. I would gladly play with your group as medics and survivors do need safe havens. but for now I will just stick to my bush.
  23. Strazyplus

    [US][Role Play Group]

    no skype: Steam: Dragon_shadow43 or Strazyplus (will use skype if needed) Age:22 Country: USA East ​What is your experience with RP?: many years, fourms games ect interested in rp with a group but not some group wanting to be a clan.
  24. Rooneye some medics may work on private hives. put that info in your post and someone may be able to help.