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Everything posted by JuniorQc

  1. JuniorQc


    PLEASE have a clue what your talking about :) Like three game have been banned there for DRUG in-game, and they were not being vague reference......so please :)
  2. JuniorQc

    Tents should despawn on death.

    To the TC, your tent is only 5 minutes far from spawn point? where it is like between cherno and elektro? My tent take like 35 to 45 minute to get to WITH A MAP, so when i don't have map or compass, i search my tent, and i can search it for freaking long.
  3. So the title said it all, if your interested Pm me. The L85a2 aws should come with minimum 2 mags as my svd got 2 mags. Thanks a lot!
  4. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    if anyone is near NWAF i can provide morphine and painkiller, IF you have a bloodbag i can make you a transfusion. So add me on steam or Pm me!
  5. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi there i'm going into Krashnostav (northish of berezino) supermarket, i would need some transfusion, morphine and painkiller if possible, Thanks, if you help me, i might help you doing some medical run if you wish!
  6. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    thanks a lot pal :) Pm me with the info on the server you want me to join ect .
  7. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    sorry double post :S
  8. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    The guys could not get to met via patch differencies (i have (well the most recent one)) So i would still need a bandage and blood transfusion in cherno, Near a really big building (hotel like) with a lobby full of windows (i think i'm east to this building one that seem like the first floor is a small restaurant and the second floor is made of three room) Thanks again fellow medic.
  9. JuniorQc

    Keep spawning on the coast.

    Well as for me i did have full gear, (m4a1 sd, gps, nvg ect ect) but twice i did spawn with nothing not even a backpack and a flashlight no item at all..... I did try switch server nothing, i did try to re-enter the same server not working. So wth? i still have the same debug monitor and ghille suit so i'm not dead, wtf is this nonsense? Anyone PLEASE did you know how to fix this...a super gamebreaking bug :S thanks
  10. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Okay here the thing twice a bug happend where i log in the game and i lose EVERYTHING (even my backpack) but i still have the same debug monitor and ghillie suit. so i'm like the lowest person in all the server with absolutely NO item on me not even the noob flashlight (And it happend twice today.....) so i'm in cherno, a zombie start making me bleed and i don't have nothing... So i would need a bandage and a transfusion. (anything you could spare would actually be super great) I don,t exactly know where i am i tent to avoid cherno at all cost. But i'm in a building with some kind of restaurant on the first floor, and on the second floor there is three room, the bulding in front of me is king of big, with only a lobby enterable (there is glass all over the place so you can see inside super easily) Anyone near cherno i would be in great need of your help :) Thanks!
  11. If i could take your bean i'll do it. I really don't mind dying and going back to the scavenging food and makarov part of the game, but having full gear (nvg, rangefinder, gps, m4a1 sd, coyote pack) log back having nothing (not even backback) Fine i'll go loot balota air strip (Ak-74, pdw, map, coyote pack) it's allright i,ll do fine with that. logging back a third time losing all this and not even havign a fucking backpack anymore WTF If i'd have die fine but this sir is bullshit.....so don't sing me your don't get attach to your gear, when we're talking about bug, and real nasty one.(gamebreaking one actually) PS: anyone know how to fix this? PPS: i still have the same debug monitor and ghillie when it happen
  12. If Huey Freeman told me to get on this server, i might as well just try yeah!
  13. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi there fellow Medic people, i would be in need of great help in front of the church at pogorevka. I would be in need of : blood transfusion and morphine, Optional: Food, water, any medical supplies. thats it, if any medic is aviable let me know! I post this before but i had to go to bed, as it's the morning i'm ready to live!! :)
  14. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi there fellow Medic people, i would be in need of great help in front of the church at pogorevka. I would be in need of : blood transfusion and morphine, Optional: Food, water, any medical supplies. thats it, if any medic is aviable let me know!
  15. JuniorQc

    Traders and Traitors

    Ewo +1 the trade went super smooth, he didin't act shady, he got a mic, the perfect trade!
  16. JuniorQc

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Do you still need help i have the latest patch so i could come help you, plus i'm near novy sobor so it's a + tell me if you need help!
  17. JuniorQc

    So, you've just killed a hacker...

    He was probably a hacker just for gathering loot that was high end-game.....so i must be a hacker too, maybe you too!!!
  18. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    Why don't you try to be real bandit? Rarely a bandit will just blow the head off the person and take their shit, most likely they will try to rob them. Why not show up with a group a 3/4 player armed to teeth ROBBING people? You tell them to go prone, drop weapon if they have any, try to loot their bag and things ? that is some good bandit stuff right there! If he try to run instead of killing him, shoot him in the leg to make him prone, Just use your godamn brain and imagination and put something up. it's not me the bandit here. because right now your not bandit, your some murderer REALLY not the same thing. your doing what you would do it cod or bf3 you KILL, instead of trying to come up with something more original and actually ROBBING the people.... Your not really a bandit at all and it's not by survival instinct. it by pure douchebagness Ps: you do not fear nothing (normal you stay at the playground (coast) and shoot unarmed it's normal to feel safe you bastard? While me and my friend are looting the airfield meeting real men who shoot ARMED people, (not armed with a makarov or double barrelshotgun) Come to the north we'll have some fun
  19. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    LOOOOL more like you need us we don't need you mate. You need ''unarmed'' person, we don't need no fag bandit. we need real bandit. the one that only shoot a mofo that have a huge gun and are fighting middle to the north. not some small time guy who think he's the man by shooting unarmed people. you have the hitler tendency to kill unarmed people? good for you :) but don't go in here telling people they are not man enough for the game, while your not man enough for end game pvp...
  20. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    When i saw you and your friend killing some realativly new player in a coastal town. with some higher tier gun than themself. I can saw you adapt very well....at killing less armed person/unarmed person and that's good. For me personally i don't have any problem getting off the coast, i just find it lame for you coming at the coast with your big gun taking out person that are NO WHERE near dangerous. You guys would get killed in the airfield. you seem to play like this Observe : The map with all the great loot in it Adapt: Get to the coast with my new gun, big backpack and ubber gear friend, Overcome: you see those two noob let's blast them. At least that what i seem to saw in your post were you did put a video. It dosen't affect my gameplay (I'm already near some north town with some nice gear and a tent) so it's not for me, more for the more noobish guys who have trouble getting past the couple first town because some high gear clown want to take their live while they sometime didin't even learn the control properly yet.
  21. JuniorQc

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Is there really bear trap in the forest? :o If yes SWEEEEEEET i will love my next forest walk with my friend, it could be really good if he could walk on one while not knowing about it :) I would laugh so hard :P
  22. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    Don't worry that is also my fight :P i find it lame that the spawn killer whine about hacker ruining their endgame experience, while themself ruin the early game of a lot of people ;)
  23. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    Yeah because you can totally see a backstabbing headshot from behind and counter attack because you tought the guys was friendly.....probably why i won't be able to kill them. I bet you kill a lot of people that headshot you first while they were behind you (Don't say to me don't go in front crap, there will always be one time when one would need to go in front of the other)
  24. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    coming from someone who kill unarmed people iiiish.....you should grow a pair first dude. your all about insulting while i'm about talking? what's your problem? someone shit in your cereal today? you keep telling people to grow ball, that this game is not for them? who are you? are you the manlyest man on earth so no one can have opinion on your judgment? why all the hate when someone don't share your view?
  25. JuniorQc

    Why I kill unarmed players

    what after i,m hog tied? what if the person you sold me to stop playing the game? i'm tied forever? What if you find no buyer ever? is there a way to untied myself after x amount of time? explain more of this mechanic. If it can make you actually try and take the RISK to go near an UNARMED player instead of just popping him from 400 meter because his mean look on his face his treatening you all right then. but the mechanic need to be near godamn perfect, if you don't want the hogtied player delog and never log back because of a flawed mechaninc that give him no pleasure when he play (if waiting for you is a pleasure, i can always used your service like in hospital and such, you wait t'ill it's my turn you call me and i show up)