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Everything posted by rdemusx

  1. rdemusx

    DayZ map set in USA?

    Just thought it would be awesome to have a DayZ map that is set in the US. Lots of diverse landscapes and cities to have some fun in. I made a concept (fan art) loading screen that I thought would be ideal for it. Just thinking how fun it would be. Please leave comments/crits :)
  2. rdemusx

    DayZ map set in USA?

    @Hawc ... lol dont take offense bro, was just shooting an idea out there. No one said America is the only place that has that diverse of landscape. Besides it would not be Rocket making it, but rather someone from the community. Don't get so bent out of shape about an "idea". I would love to see all these ideas put into DayZ. Would be completely awesome, so before shooting off at the mouth about how Americans think that only our country has the diverse landscapes that other countries do ... just remember, not all Americans are as proud as you think xD
  3. rdemusx

    DayZ theme Song

    I think this would make a fun contest :) Getting the community involved is almost always a good thing. Original work only of course
  4. rdemusx

    DayZ map set in USA?

    yea Texas would be a nice place for it to take place. The screen was just to capture a DayZ on US Shores. I love the two maps I have played in DayZ. (Chen, Lingour) but just thought it would be neat to have real maps in different "popular" states in the US as well. China would be awesome, as well as SO MANY other places. I seen a tutorial on how to make these maps (although I think it would take to long for the average user to mess with). Just an idea that I thought would be cool. Thanks for the comments.
  5. rdemusx

    This game ...

    This game is a Masterpiece as far as the thinking behind it. Everything anyone who is a fan of survival games would love. The programming behind the ideas is HORRIBLE. My suggestion to anyone who wants this game is ... DONT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Wait till this is out of beta and actually fun to play. You will spend most your time in DayZ fighting bugs. RDX