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Everything posted by gwbrewer

  1. gwbrewer

    You shouldn't have did that mang

    They should make them track you just like they are doing with the dogs while hunting
  2. Since there are so many issues at current state it has given me time to seach around the forums and dig into what/who this Rocket guy is. I don't know him irl but some of the quotes I have read lead me to believe maybe he is taking the mod in the right direction. Rocket has been recorded saying (summary) he is not sure he even listens to players when it comes to building the mod.. He is doing it as art or as a mod that hasn't been done yet. He wants it to piss people off when they die. Even suggested an 8 hour death penalty.. I think that is amazing. Most carebears are going to flame this but once all the hacks are gone and the only real way to die is either by zombie or player death this idea would make this mod (stand alone) stand above all others.. yes there are things to be worked out and they will be im sure, maybe 8 hours changes to some other time.. my point is Rocket doesn't seem like the "give in to carebear" type and that alone will keep me interested in the game.. this game should be hard.. It's (theoretically) about one of the toughest times in anyone's life. It should have harsh punishments on death. This would keep people from running down the middle of main street with 12 zombies in tail for the nearest hospitil in cherno, knowing there are snipers around. Rocket, I have misjudged you.. I can appreciate your art.
  3. gwbrewer

    Tent Work Around

    known bug.. it is voted to the top with glitching and vehicles
  4. gwbrewer

    I'm in a possible sniper battle, what do

    cirlce the area arround the site until you make a complete circle.. if clear go in. Also you can go opposite side of heli from the dead body.. keep moving so sniper has to shoot more than once at you.
  5. gwbrewer

    Pdw sucks assss

    Mak over the 1911 are you high?
  6. gwbrewer

    Pdw sucks assss

    crowbar sucks too.. but you don;t see everybody trying to pick that up unless you have nothing else.. what's your point.. don't pick it up
  7. gwbrewer

    R.I.P. US 790 (Gangrene)

    You aren't the first, you won't be the last. I heard you and appreciated your opinion. It is next to impossible to admin in this game.. In fact they should change the name from admin to server owner.. Because that is really what any of us are. RIP
  8. I'm tired of reading "I'm an admin and being taken advantage of" I turned mine off 2 days ago. Stop QQing and do it, or just stop complaining about it. "Man up" Don't wait for the server lease to run out... Turn them OFF!!
  9. gwbrewer

    Went to Green Mountain...

    Better go in with auto on hot.. spawns about 20+ zombies all clumped together
  10. gwbrewer

    graphical glitches wont go away

    check bug list.. its on there https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz/issues?set_filter=1&sort=fixed_version%2Cstatus%2Cvotes_value%3Adesc
  11. gwbrewer

    Gear disappeared?

    bug ticket is already created for this https://dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz/issues?set_filter=1&sort=status%2Cvotes_value%3Adesc%2Cid%3Adesc
  12. gwbrewer

    How Do I Create a DayZ Server

    If you are having these problems I doubt you want to spend the money on what the internet bandwidth is going to cost you alone.. much less finding a dual quad or higher
  13. gwbrewer


    OP.. you should have taken a second to learn HFB control panel.. You had all the rights you needed.. but I do agree with shutting it down.. well for many reasons not just hackers
  14. gwbrewer

    Admin Abuse US 2165 RAO Clan

    Its a bug.. it happened to my friend right after
  15. gwbrewer

    Admin Abuse US 2165 RAO Clan

    Grats on posting in the wrong thread catagory
  16. gwbrewer


    I'd prob just want to gut it later.
  17. "I went near a large city where large amount of people go to pvp because that is where the risky resources are, and someone shot at me" Are you serious?
  18. Yep.. I suggest rolling back to 1.7.4
  19. I could count the tireless threads that essential go like this "I bought a server, this game sucks now, I am going to cancel it if x doesn't happen" Have some balls and it do it.. If not then take the cry wolf $hit somewhere else.. boo whoo!!
  20. gwbrewer

    Snipers, and why we can't "snipe"

    I would think of it like this.. If someone knows where you are as a sniper and can ghost on you, they prob would have killed you already with a sniper round if they had one. Learn to move.
  21. gwbrewer

    Snipers, and why we can't "snipe"

    This.. sniping 101 bro.. always move and check your last locations through your scope for people checking in on you.
  22. Can others confirm this please.. If it is true.. Im rolling back.
  23. gwbrewer

    Wanting to rent a server

    There are 4.5k servers up..That means even if half have 1 hacker on them there are 2.2k hackers playing DayZ,,, The admin tools are limited and are getting more limited with each patch. My honest assessment is, DayZ is trying to lower the amount of hosted servers. I mean, when the stand alone comes out.. you need a really good reason for people to leave and come play it.