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Everything posted by drakken

  1. drakken

    bus turns into a bicycle wtf?

    Someone ganked your bus.
  2. EDIT** Celebrating with some beans! You don't get any Swine.. :beans: :beans: :beans:
  3. Okay so say the glitches get fixed. Today we played for hours and suddenly everyone in the server dropped to their death. 49 out of 50 players lost everything. I'd rather play with the glitches then deal with these script kiddies. 34 pages now begging for an update to fix screen tear. Thanks Rocket, but no thanks.
  4. drakken

    {DayZ Short Film} "Gamma and Brightness"

    Hahahahaha! I could watch these all day. F'n classic!
  5. drakken

    Shoot Out In the K.O. Coral (Elektro)

    Nice vid, i usually die in those situations!
  6. How about because we are waiting to see if our efforts to catch hackers is worth our time? Completely non related to you or anyone else in this thread. Even if we were to post our logs, where is the creditably showing you even know how to read the logs and make an educated decision? I've read the logs posted in these forums, watch the youtube video's and whoever post anything just gets blasted by one of the many trolls in here. We owe nothing to you and as I said before, our proof has been given to the devs. It's obvious high school is still on summer break and this will be my last reply concerning this post until our support ticket has been answered. In the meantime maybe you guys should start a journal with uneducated writing skills and post it here in the forums for everyone to wonder why they care about your DayZ adventures, oops.... Good day, The *CoRe* Clan
  7. Credibility? You people just don't listen. We've been a clan for almost 13 years with 100's of members playing everything from MMO to FPS. Because of our reputation and dedicated members we are able to host multiple servers for multiple games. How you ask? We have upheld our community with honest dedicated members, presenting an enjoyable experience no matter what division or game our members play. DayZ is just one of many divisions we have and only a small fraction of our clan base that competes across the world. Losing credibility to the people posting in this thread is the least of our worries. That being said, we did not start this thread. We were accused wrongly from the original post. In our defense, we simply pointed out that the FELLAS guys, mainly shitskillz, got caught and we submitted a ticket to the devs. I find it strange he has not been back or even tried to stand up for his FELLAS. For the rest of you, get your head out of your asses and move on, this thread was dead this minute it was created.
  8. I'm not even gonna bother reading all the bullshit in here. 2 pages already, haha. Put us on your ban list, think we care? We got 4 servers of our own. Don't come to US 1226, think we care? Less chance of us getting hacked. Don't put the FELLAS guys on your ban list, think we care? You'll just get teleported and lose all your gear to. We have submitted our proof to the devs, the people with the power who make decisions. Not the dumbshits in here screaming for proof so they have another youtube video to watch. If you don't like it, go suck on a scrotum sack, once again we don't care. Happy surviving!
  9. List of the douchers for you server admins out there: FELLAS - Tyrael FELLAS - lucasmello FELLAS - Metallica FELLAS - Snaapt Fellas - Seiin VergonhaA FELLAS - slyskillz FELLAS-Bernardo
  10. That's funny slyskillz, we have submitted proof that you yourself hacked our server last night with your teleporting bullshit. By the way, we found your base and it has been destroyed. Go hack someone else now. PS - It's CoRe....retard.
  11. drakken

    US 1226 just got Thunderdomed ...

    We have proof and it was submitted to the dev's as a ticket. To many trolls in these forums. Unfortunately i was a victim of the teleportation and lost all my gear. The guys hacking had FELLAS as their clan tag. Last night we found their base, got our gear back and destroyed everything else. The guy even had the nerve to accuse of for his hacks. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/61064-do-not-play-on-us-1226-or-any-core-server/page__hl__1226
  12. drakken

    US256 Kansas Hacker spotted

    This is one of our servers, not exactly sure who you are powerspec but I may have not met you yet. We've been sniping Kyle for quite some time. I have reported this in our forums for IceCold to review. Thanks for the heads up.
  13. Sure thing Ace21, PM sent.
  14. drakken

    [Forum] Tapatalk!

    Been using Tapatalk for over a year now and have never had a problem. Glad to see the DayZ community finally coming around!
  15. We have 3 public servers and 1 private which has a password. Whatever loot we gain in the private server stays in the private server. There is no transfer between private and public. Going into a private server makes you create a new character separate from public servers. We only use the private server for clan wars. No PVP takes the fun out of the game and defeats the purpose of a zombie apocalypse survival simulation.
  16. drakken

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    I am one of the founders of The CoRe Gaming Community and play on our 1226 server daily with deadcheese, alien, spyder, 10 pounds, etc. We've been established for almost 12 years and I can say, these guys are all stand up, mature honest gamers. I don't know what happened but i can also say that any of these guys are far from being a "douche". Anyhow to avoid any confusion in the future we do have a dedicated Mumble server (like Ventrilo or Teamspeak only better :P) which any of you are allowed to join and communicate with us while surviving in DayZ. We all work together and use a lot of voice communication. If your not wearing CoRe* tags or in our Mumble server so we recognize you, you have most likely been targeted through our scopes already. Anyhow, just putting the invitation out there. The same rules apply on our mumble server as they do in our DayZ servers. If anyone feels they have been banned under false allegations, feel free to post in our forums. We will always treat you maturely and try to work out any confusion. DayZ Servers US114 Kansas US256 Kansas US 1226 Philly Mumble Download: http://www.mumble.com/ IP: coreclan.mumble.com Port: 3636 Website: http://www.coreclan.net