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Everything posted by drakken

  1. Hahaha! I remember you ninja. Announce yourself before you get near the chenerafix garage ;)
  2. Thank you zombie, i will lift his ban.
  3. Zombie, you're lucky you're still in the server as well. You called me a sociopath and just blew up. At first i thought you were joking. When our server gets hacked, a rollback will occur. I announce the rollback, shut the server down, rollback and bring the server back up so everyone who got hacked and died will have their gear again. Our backups are done every 30 minutes. At the time of this incident the last backup was 10 minutes prior. Now explain to me why i need to give you a 5-10 minute countdown before rolling back the server? It doesn't matter if you land and save your chopper or whatever it is you feel is so important. The server is being ROLLED BACK to 10 minutes before the hack occurred, meaning that chopper will be wherever it was 10 minutes ago. I like and enjoyed playing with Drizzt, however because our your pointless outburst, Drizzt felt the need to hop in and attack me as well. Because he has applied to join our clan, we hold him at a higher standard than the normal pubber running their mouth about something that doesn't even matter. I spend most of my time admining this server to make it a place you guys can play and enjoy. I have sat at the cFix garage for over a week now because i like the cFix guys and i don't have the time to bounce around and actually play the game like you guys do. Most of my time is spent alt-tabbed researching everyone's hacusations. I do not appreciate people telling me to do my job better when i guarantee you have no idea what it's like to run a successful private hive.
  4. Here is a good example from our database. [["ItemFlashlight","BAF_AS50_TWS","ItemWatch","ItemFlashlightRed","ItemKnife","NVGoggles","ItemHatchet","ItemMatchbox","ItemEtool","ItemCompass","ItemGPS","ItemMap","ItemToolbox","ItemRadio"],["ItemPainkiller",["10Rnd_127x99_m107",9],"10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","10Rnd_127x99_m107","ItemBandage","ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]] I'm not sure why people do this on a private hive. We will catch you. And why a radio? Pretty funny actually.
  5. Cash, i have lifted your ban although a different admin banned you so i cannot confirm why you were banned right now. We've noticed a lot of players spawning in gear such as as50's radios, etc. I'm not saying you did any of this but please be careful.
  6. We as a group have decided not to whitelist this server. Sorry for the inconvience but we have a strong server. It's just not worth the trouble at this point. We will continue to admin what we have. Rome wasn't built in a day :)
  7. We are going to whitelist the server tomorrow. To join the server, fill out the form on coreclan.net. It won't be ready until tomorrow.
  8. The long rollback will not happen again. Our backups stopped happening on our main server because we changed the time. Backups are now being made every 30 minutes on 3 separate standalone servers.
  9. We are taking this into consideration. Dealing with the hackers and people calling us "nazis" is becoming a full time job. We have 6 active admins, may be recruiting more. We'll see how things pan out.
  10. We do not kick people without warning them first. If it doesn't say you're banned, you should be able to get back in.
  11. yeah i was on my way there too....they made an awesome base. I will continue to defend it.
  12. That doesn't surprise me niv....the cFix guys made a base there. I'd say people are camping it.
  13. Outragedparker, you were never kicked by an admin...are you getting an error? We need more info.
  14. And just to let the douchebag hackers know, keep coming in, you are banned within minutes and we restore backups. You are only wasting your time ;)
  15. Congrats to our hunt the admin winners tonight. Enjoy your new gear :)
  16. It was Oninaig hacking. He has been banned and the server has been rolled back by 10 minutes.
  17. Not yet, we are experimenting with some of the as50's tonight. If everything goes well we may add more weapons. We have to be cautious that players don't get too over powered.
  18. Naw you enjoy, i will collect this weekend ;)
  19. Hope thats outta 5 Stink! And thanks for giving away my position nivereno :P Good times!
  20. I use DayZ Commander to keep my stuff updated, i'm not sure why its not working for you though. I'm a network engineer of 14 years, maybe i can help. What version of .Net are you running?
  21. Yeah, we have a big player base, until we get a steady set of regulars, there is no reason to start whitelisting.
  22. I guess i'm not sure what "whitelist" means but this server is definitely open to the public.