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Everything posted by Hysterics

  1. Hysterics

    DayZ FB hate

    I mean come on, it's not even going to ever be what it was while it was a mod. It was highly popular and a great experience. I played a few DayZ mods using DayZ Commander, I think one was called "Echo" I dunno but it added a fair amount of functionality to the game including an in game currency and traders, vaults, and various other structures. Maybe that's not what the majority of people want from DayZ but that mod whatever it was called was wildly successful and very popular back then. That was five years ago. Now coming back checking into the game periodically I see absolutely nothing done, minor cosmetic changes, new glitches then claims of them fixing said glitches as if that's somehow productive. They're creating problems then solving them and acting as if that's progress... I don't buy it. This is a scam, outright. They took advantage of the name brand and BIs name, as well as the EA system, and tarnished all of it. DayZ will from what I can see never be a finished game. Even if it technically finishes the graphics and general gameplay will feel incredibly dated; they already do. There's really no excuse for this sort of development process.
  2. Hysterics

    Why Dayz dev team dont use Unreal 4 engine

    And morons pointing out that it's in Alpha, yeah it's been in Alpha for a very long time. That's not an excuse anymore especially since when you load up the game they tell you it'll continue to be in Alpha for the foreseeable future... This is how you kill a game, not how you create a game. They know that they've got all the money they're ever going to make off this, even if it leaves alpha there's not going to be a surge of people buying it, and that's why the game is as it is. They don't give a fuck. They have no reason to give a fuck. You people give more of a shit than they do.
  3. Hysterics

    Why Dayz dev team dont use Unreal 4 engine

    What's insulting is how egocentric these Devs are. They don't give two shits about DayZ or the community that supported DayZ and made it as popular as it *was*. It's no longer popular for very good reason. They've taken about five years too long to come up with something that even compares to what the old mod was. This is utter horseshit. The game is in my opinion utterly unplayable. I can't even tell if a server is dead when entering, you can't see how many are online, and zombies are disabled so you have absolutely nothing to compete with other than the weather........ This is what we get after five years of waiting, and purchasing Arma2 for the DayZ mod and then the Stand Alone. I deserve a fucking refund on the Stand Alone because this shit is next level scam artist bullshit. I can't believe they still have you ignorant neckbeards defending it and going so far as to insult players who suggest they use UE4 to speed the god damned process up, not to mention make the game look significantly better. Ark uses UE4 and has very similar in game systems to DayZ and while it has it's issues it looks infinitely better than DayZ, the inventory systems are infinitely better than DayZ, and flying around on a fast dinosaur is a significantly better experience than the bullshit you deal with while driving in DayZ. This game is a joke, and so is anyone who defends it at this point.
  4. Hysterics

    L85 Should it stay or go

    Seriously you guys can not let 330 votes make you remove this gun.
  5. Hysterics

    L85 Should it stay or go

    This gun is hardly a sniper. It's range ends around 400 meters, and is very tricky to aim properly at that range. It can be used to snipe, but you could hide out in obscure spots with a generic AK and snipe just the same. You people will always complain no matter what, get with reality and realize that it's not the gun that kills people, it's the douchebag that hides in a third story window for twenty minutes until you walk by that kills you, and those types of players will always exist, even if we only had hatchets to attack one another with. Hide around a corner in the dark and jump out at you. It's not the guns, it's the playstyle some people choose. Stop bitching and ruining the gameplay for the rest of us because you can't conform to a reality of FPS's. I do agree that in a game like DayZ, having anti material sniper rifles that shoot from 1600 meters and two shots most vehicles is a tad overkill though. :)
  6. Hysterics

    L85 Should it stay or go

    I also really dislike how many people are basing their opinions on "duping". Basically you're saying "This gun should be permanently removed from the game due to a short term bug that will eventually be fixed." That's just really really really daft in my opinion.
  7. Hysterics

    L85 Should it stay or go

    This is ridiculous, you're letting a forum vote at this point in the games devolopment decide whether one of the best guns in the game will be around? Honestly, most of the long time Day Z fans are just waiting for the stand alone at this point, a lot of us don't frequent the forum daily anymore. My input, guns like the L8 add a form of progression to your gearing up process. They're very rare, unless you're playing on shitty servers that have a ton of dupers, personally I play on servers where I've only seen maybe one or two cases of hacking/duping in well over a month. So please don't use that as a reason, it's not legitimate. I mean you start off usually find a pistol, eventually get a shotgun or ak or something generic, eventually find some nicer guns, etc etc, the L8 is like top tier. Remove that and you're just left with generic shit. There has to be an aspect of progression I think, without it the game feels very two dimensional. Please do not remove this amazing gun based on forum banter. You don't have nearly enough total votes here, comsidering your fan base size, in order to remove something that in my opinion is a huge aspect of the game. I've used the L8 plenty, and while I will not downplay how awesome the Thermal is, if you're using it by yourself it can be very tricky to utilize properly, it's more suited for team based play in my opinion. I'm trying to say that it's not in and of itself uber powerful, you need team work and coordination as well.
  8. Hysterics

    New to Community

    You should download a Zapp Brannigan sound board.
  9. Hysterics

    Nice to know that 2,000 bans do nothing

    I like how he says "I should really start cheating too" Then the next paragraph he says "Or I could go back to playing legit." This kid either already hacks, or is just too stupid to figure out how.
  10. Hysterics

    Wipe the hive please.

    Its funny though how most of you have no fucking clue how hacks even work. They use a program that makes BattleEye completely useless, a "Bypasser" these Bypassers are fixed by BattleEye every few days, and when they're fixed they get a group of players banned before the hackers come out with another ByPasser. Rinse and repeat. So if they could stealthily fix the Bypass, at the same time as a hive wipe, there would be a huge amount of script kiddies banned.
  11. Hysterics

    Wipe the hive please.

    BattleEye and the Hives need to work together. The second BattleEye breaks the hackers "BattleEye Bypassers" they need to tell whoever is in charge of the hives to wipe them. Bam a ton of hackers will try and dupe items, but their ByPassers will be broken, and they'll all be caught. The only reason hackers still exist is because these guys are fucking moron slackers with no idea how to handle this stuff.
  12. Hysterics

    DayZ Team up!!

    You might as well make a thread "Who wants to come kill me?" Enjoy. The majority of DayZ'rs these days are complete pricks.
  13. Hysterics

    Vehicles still not saving

    Or maybe you're full of shit, as you're the only person I've seen say that "It's fine". I'm the same as the OP, lost every vehicle I've tried saving. I save multiple times, like upwards of ten times in a row. Server restart = Vehicle gone. There's no point to playing this game unless you're just going around killing other people. You can't save progress in any way shape or form, and no matter how much time you spend proning around looking for survival gear, it's only a matter of time until a hacker makes you drop from the sky to your death, looting your hard earned gear. This game is so fucking broken, I wish it wasn't such a fun game. Maybe I'd stop coming to the forums to check up on things if that was the case. Unfortunately it's a great and highly addictive game. Just sucks that it's completely fucking broken. I opened a door yesterday, and it broke my leg. COOL STORY BRO. Can't say how many times I've had zombies end up getting me because I had to aim some fucking bizarre angle at the door to even get the "open door" thing to pop up. How many times I've climbed up a ladder, simply to fall all the way down once I reach the top. Yet they're trying to ADD stuff to the game before fixing all the incredibly game breaking stuff. Awesome. Yeah fuck it.
  14. Hysterics

    has the as50 tws been added back in?

    Kind of off topic, but could be related to some people finding these hacked items at crash sites; I've had hackers follow me around and actually help me. I had one guy fix a Ural for me lol... I dunno people are getting bored I think, hard to say what's what.
  15. That's what I'm more or less seeing now... There's no point even looking for stuff like night vision goggles, it just makes you a target for the hackers. Can't get vehicles, takes hours sometimes fixing them, by the time you fix them you gotta log off, and when you log back on they're gone... Tents don't save, or they save and give you unlimited items making them fucking stupid. No wonder people just run around shooting you on sight, THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO. No wonder people hack, they spent the money buying ARMA2, they probably figure they're going to at least get a bit of fun out of it, and if they get banned then oh well they were sick of dealing with the constant glitches and BS and hearing nothing about anything ever getting fixed. But oh wait, there might be dogs. I don't know. I love this game. It's Alpha, sure, but the devolopers give us nothing, tell us nothing, and seem to ignore all the real issues while adding in new shit no one really cares about. I've been enjoying the game because I had the 'light at the end of the tunnel' but with tents and vehicles being completely borked, and absolute silence from the Devolopers about it, I'm just sick and tired of it. This isn't how you treat your community. It's the fans that matter, without us you wouldn't be working with a legitimate gaming company to introduce a stand alone that you stand to make good money off of... At least tell us what you think, let us know if things that are pretty much game breaking will be fixed or not. This last patch seemed to break a LOT more than it fixed... We need some way to build up a camp, or just store some loot. We need ways to deal with hackers, such as ALT F4ing that doesn't cause us to get teleported to the coast. I've never ever alt f4d in combat, most of the time combat is over before I'd even have a chance anyways, but with hackers.... I've alt F4d so many times, and to get ported wherever they send me, or to the coast if the servers decide I'm just trying to server hop... It's fucking stupid. Why did they do that, instead of focusing on real issues such as the hackers, or the actual gameplay...
  16. Dense responses like this make my forum posting enjoyable... I'm not justifying anything, I'm trying to say that the reason we have so many hackers are because so many people are fed up with the game, and don't even care if they get banned.
  17. Hysterics

    Looting supermarkets...

    I've noticed it lately but in more than just Zel. It seems that sometimes the items just don't show up for me, I've walked like a hundred or two hundred meters away and came back and stuff showed up, but I don't think it 'respawned' as someone put it, as far as I can tell loot doesn't 'respawn' until the server restarts, but I think it is something tied in with server hopping. People could just log off in a supermarket on one server after looting it, and relog to another server and collect more loot, I think what they did was made it so that when you log in there's a decent chance that items near you won't register for you, only stuff will start registering a certain distance away from you, would make sense for them to do that to combat server hopping anyway. But the other day I was driving from Solinchay to uh, that north east town with the airfield not Benzino but the one even further but a bit north. Anyways every place I stopped along the way was completely cleared out, not even empty tin cans etc, just completely blank floors it looked weird. I ended up relogging and It went away, so who knows.
  18. And I think I'm starting to lose some of my humanity. Please save me... :(
  19. Well obviously I've been a member of these forums longer, meant that I've been reading these forums and doing nothing else for the past couple hours, and it's slowly draining my humanity.
  20. I have a problem, people keep hacking me! lol Was that anymore helpful? :*) Honestly though I'm just listing out the things I think are game breaking, I'm not a coder or devoloper or anything so I can't offer advice on how to fix these things directly, but I doubt a very large percent of the 1,150,000 people playing have that technical know how. That's why you see a ton of posts like mine, people are fed up with these things, they don't see any feedback about whether they will get fixed, so they come here complaining. Honestly most of us complaining probably aren't the tards you think we are, most of us are only wasting our time on these forums complaining about a video game because we seriously enjoy the game and think it has amazing potential. But yeah, cheers.
  21. Also OP, wasn't blaming it on your hardware, but rather a software issue. My room mate has pretty much the exact same laptop as me, a little over a year old, and he doesn't have issues either, and I know about five or six other people irl who don't have FPS issues. I'm not being all negative saying omg it's just you, more or less trying to narrow down the possibilities. I don't really think what you're experiencing is necessarily and issue with DayZ itself, or even Arma2, as your computer should be able to run both of those amazingly. I was having slight issues with FPS until I lowered my overall visability, which essentially reduces the amount of things, items, terrain, zombies, that are visually loaded for you at any given time, and lowering the shadow quality.
  22. I hope for your sake you realize that 'analogy' was an attempt at humor... And honestly, I'm making a post. I'm not telling anyone anything. You're clicking on my post, reading my responses, repetitively, and complaining that I'm spamming your forum. How about this, I'm not spamming your forums, you're spamming my thread. I'm here actually talking about legitimate issues, and you're just bitching about me bitching. No one likes a complainer, but what's really lame is complaining about complainers. Also, you're only helping me out by keeping my thread bumped and thus getting my message out to more people. If you and Toft hadn't responded, and continued to respond, there's a good chance this thread would have died without breaking two pages of responses... Congratulations...
  23. May laptop is about a year old and only cost a grand Canadian, this issue is definitely on your end... There are some servers I join that are laggy though, like very laggy, but that seemed to be a serverside issue and not with my rig. Best of luck to ya though.
  24. I'd rather be able to talk about my issues and have them dealt with over quitting and having my absence be what helps improve those things. Also I realize that QQ posts aren't the best way to talk about it, but as you guys said, they're hard to avoid nowadays. Maybe that in itself is a good thing. Do you guys really disagree with the bulk of what I'm saying? I'm sure you disagree with how I'm saying it, and the level of fanaticism, but that's partially for effect... It get's a dialogue going when it wouldn't otherwise exist. If there are pages and pages of threads like this, it just says that there is a real issue and that it needs to be dealt with. Honestly, if you're sick of seeing QQ posts, stop responding to them, you're just encouraging us who make them to make more... Opeth specifically, if you think this game is so great, why are you trolling the forums rather than playing it...?
  25. Actually I love pickles and a better example would be finding a burger on the floor with what appeared to be pickles, but what were in fact pickles full OF FUCKING GLITCHES THAT DIDN'T WORK AND WASTED YOUR MOTHERFUCKING TIME.