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Everything posted by andrewjs

  1. andrewjs

    ACRE Support

    Maybe have people start off with a short range radio like the PRC-343, then possible have more rare longer range radios hidden around. It would be cool to have your group be able to talk to each other when they are in range of your radio, and you could try to listen in on other survivor groups by switching through the channels. And it's all possible already with ACRE, which has positional audio as well, and I find the quality better than Armas in game voice system.
  2. andrewjs

    Compressed day/night cycle?

    How many fucking day/night cycle length posts do we need? Leave it how it is.
  3. andrewjs

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Awesome update, the sounds and numbers are horrifying. Don't see why the complaints, first time I've been scared of something besides getting shot in the back, and first game that has actually scared me in awhile. Keep it up and happy birthday!
  4. andrewjs


  5. andrewjs

    Fixed spawn points

    No. This mod is meant to be hard. Be more careful.
  6. It would be nice to not look so threatening all the time, maybe cutting down on some of the unnecessary killing. Also getting to the top of ladders is always a scary situation because your guy pulls out the pistol when he gets to the top and I've fallen off a few times.
  7. andrewjs

    Day/night cycle

    There are already multiple threads about the day cycle, they are not going to change it, get over it.
  8. andrewjs


    They would just change their name.
  9. andrewjs

    Identify your killer.

    Horrible idea, and I don't even kill people.
  10. andrewjs

    Absolutely necessary changes

    1. I don't want to go to a city where a group of people wiped out all the zombies, I want there to be zombies otherwise whats the point of a zombie game. 2. I don't care 3. I'll agree with this one 4. 50 is fine, I run into people just the right amount of times. Also problems with hardware, software, and money isn't worth it for a greater number of people. And we don't need a map of safe zones that's the excitement of exploring.
  11. andrewjs

    Change Starter Pistol Back To Revolver

    Some of you seem to be missing one of the three requirements for DayZ, which is Balls.
  12. andrewjs

    DayZ Update 1.5

    Awesome stuff.
  13. andrewjs

    Please Give Us Third-Person Back

    Third person is a sever option, US3 and US4 are the only 2 set in first person as far as I know. Just go to another server.
  14. andrewjs

    Make binoculars more common

    Your question, is not a suggestion.
  15. andrewjs

    stuck on loading

    Add me to people who get stuck at loading screen. Edit: got in after 5 tries.
  16. andrewjs

    Donation custom Models?

    I would donate money just cause I love this mod, don't need any other incentive.
  17. andrewjs

    Spawn locations more varied?

    I think the way it is now is perfect.
  18. andrewjs

    Survivor Camp

    No, we don't need safe zones, it's a zombie apocalypse. You want a survivor camp, find some people and start your own somewhere.
  19. andrewjs

    A couple of suggestions

    These are all horrible suggestions, in my opinion.