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Everything posted by aimfull

  1. Me and my friend have this Name: aimfull ID: 23657158 Name friend: Sarge ID: 10417670
  2. aimfull

    UK11 Official Server Thread

    Hey Macho, I spoke earlier to you in the server, but I have spotted a hackers camp and some of my friends have died by them after they found SVD camo's TWS in it. It is at the Castle at Kamyshovo at the mountain Rog. Maybe you can check who created the tents?
  3. So yesterday around 4:00 PM GMT+1 Time I and my group were playing on server: NL 17 when suddenly this happened Name of hacker: Marv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIMcs5QbV1o
  4. aimfull

    Hacker now present on NL 17

    Also had it today but then 8km out of the map :(, Oh and sorry Pjotr for killing you once :( I remember your name.
  5. aimfull

    Maybe hacked vehicles (NL 17)

    This server got hacked, I got proof :D. Look at my posts.
  6. aimfull

    Hacker busted with video proof

    Thanks :) , Today I was on NL101 and the whole server was teleported 8km out of the map but I wasn´t recording at that time :(, So I felt I had the right to disconnect before everybody started shooting each other..
  7. aimfull

    Hacker busted with video proof

    Can the devs actualy even do anything about it?