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About Raptorattack

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  1. Raptorattack

    Looking for a small group.

    Hey. I play occasionally. I am always looking a group to join up with. I work better with planning ahead of time when people are going to play. I am pretty sporadic of when i can play. I am 26 and have been playing for about a year. I am a survivor. Let me know if you want to play.
  2. Raptorattack

    Anyone found a machete yet?

    I found a razor. I have no idea what it does or if it has a function. Yes it is an old time shaving razor.
  3. Raptorattack

    DayZ Mod Update

    I am excited for the new foods and new updated chance of infection. Rabbit meat might be a new currency, boiling water will be frustrating but awesome idea.
  4. I was playing dayz on 2/2/12. I was in the server Dayz orgins #us001. We met near a firestation and went to the top of a hospital and met 3 other people. The people were; Mike, Anderson, Sammy, and two others. If you want to join up again. It would be fun. This is me Raptor.
  5. I usually hide and follow them for a bit then ask them if they are friendly but if i have good gear i just run.
  6. Raptorattack

    Looking for friendly players

    I am also looking to play with people. I would like to join you some time. Just message me on here. I check it regularly.
  7. Welcome to dayz. Nothing is easy here.
  8. Raptorattack

    Forest Brothers Recruiting!

    I am interested in joining your team. I like the idea of helping people and hunting bandits. I mainly play by myself and have been wanting to join a group. age: 26 location: West USA Skill: Supplies medic/assault team Contact: Steam- Raptorattack or on here is fine too.
  9. Raptorattack

    What will happen to Dayz Mod?

    The Dayz team has said that the StandAlone will really restrict modders. So all modding will happen in dayz mod.
  10. Raptorattack

    What will happen to Dayz Mod?

    One of the main reasons i asked this because I have seen that games like the original counterstrike still have people that play it and make mods of them. Do you think it would be opened publicly so you can download dayz with out buying arma 2?
  11. I wanted to start this because I was really curious to see what will happen to the Dayz mod after Standalone comes out. I know they will continue to modify mod with the standalone, then open it to the public. I was curious to see what people think might happen to the mod when it get released. Will it die off or will it head off in a different direction from from the standalone? I have noticed some modifications with the new maps and I imagine if is released it will turn out similar to the original counterstrike and have some really creative modifications. What does every one else think will happen?
  12. Location:chernarnus, Cherno apartments Problem: Low on blood I have blood i just need some one to give it to me. message me for skype name
  13. Raptorattack

    Looking for partner

    Are you looking for someone to play today? I have been playing for awhile and would like a partner to help improve my survival skills.
  14. Raptorattack

    =UWS= United We Stand ~ RECRUITING (Est. 2003)

    What kind of people are you looking into recruiting? I play dayz maybe 2-3 times a week and only a hour each time. I have been playing dayz for couple of months now and am looking for people to play with and help me improve my skill at surviving. How often do you guys get together to play dayz?
  15. I am also interested in a group that focuses on strategy. I can survive but when i go into town I feel vulnerable and would like to improve on that. My play times are 6:00-8:00 or 20:00-22:00 coordinate universal time-7:00 usa.