Also, I forgot to comment on how my side monitors ( I have a 3 x 1 setup) are slightly distorted. Basically if I'm crawling in grass and I pick up a zombie on my right monitor, he looks waaaaaay closer than he actually is. I didn't notice the distortion at first when I started playing, but I'm noticing it a lot more now. I'm not kidding the difference in game is probably at least 20m in space. When I try to low crawl into supermarkets on the edge of town I'm constantly getting a feel for zombies being right on my ass when they pop into my peripheral view. Then I do a quick double Alt tab to free look (to put the zombie on my main monitor) and confirm they aren't as close as my monitor makes them appear. It's almost as if my screens are appearing stretched. I suspect that it could be a resolution issue, but I haven't tried any setting changes yet. I'm having waaay too much fun playing this highly addicting game. I'm pretty used to it now, and I almost like it because it makes me far more aware of how close zombies actually are. Has anyone else seen something like this?