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Arm Of Kannon

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Everything posted by Arm Of Kannon

  1. Arm Of Kannon

    First person emptiness?

    So the player base who would rather play 1pp servers don't play on them because they do not fill up? Talk about a snake eating it's own tail.
  2. On this forum?! I actually expected it to be more slanted towards 1pp. 1pp "hardcore" apple picking sim FTW.
  3. This is one of the few games where I get motion sickness while in first person. :( Something about the camera perspective just seems plain off, I can't put my finger on it. Some people have said it has to do with the frames. I don't know. Until it gets better, 3pp is the life for me.
  4. Arm Of Kannon

    Massivly unplayable

    If the game was in it's final release state I'd tend to agree with you. Since it's not, I really don't expect anything to work as anticipated...and it usually doesn't.
  5. This. I had a character I've been maintaining on busy servers for a few weeks at least (so pristine D:). Got bored and decided to shoot a zombie who was hanging out on the main strip of this little town. I prepped first by opening the door of a house next to me that I would retreat to when the deed was done. Fired, moved into the house closing the door behind me, and bappity-bap-bap I'm being hit by 3 zombones who believe I'm somewhere outside the front of the house. So annoying. I moved back out the door to reset my location but the minute I step into the yard I get the old death screen. I nearly uninstalled...JK...maybe. I wonder if they will be able to fix this kind of thing, or will we be dealing with it even after release?
  6. Arm Of Kannon

    loot splosion

    I'm dubious of these so called loot-splosions. Post some server names so I can check it out myself... :P
  7. Pardon my ignorance, but I'm still not sure what the big problem with the .55 loot system is. I understand there was an issue with some servers not spawning loot, right? I've been intentionally only playing 40/40 or 50/50 public servers (during .55) in my area and did not have any real issues getting geared or fed. What was all the fuss?
  8. Arm Of Kannon

    Most wanted feature?

    Any sort of objectives or feats of strength would be huge. I'd like the ability to rotate items in my pack. ie turning a 1 x 2 item so that it's 2 x 1. You can stealth around zombies but not close enough to stealth kill them...that's pretty disappointing.
  9. Arm Of Kannon

    How to be a super genius

    Found a bear trap in Elektro fire station and proceeded to set it up in front of the back door. After looking at my work I decided it was too far back. So I disengaged it and started to place it closer to the door, then there's a flash and a message that the trap failed while setting it up or something similar. I didn't receive a broken limb message so I checked my gear for damage. Turns out the only thing ruined was my helmet. Apparently you can get your head caught in the trap while setting it?
  10. Arm Of Kannon

    Problems with current state

    Hi, OP- Basically you can run from the coast to Stary before you're in any dire need to eat or drink. In between there are several locations to loot and boost your stats that most people do not even go to. As for weapons, a broom will do work...and they are everywhere. If you are not enjoying the zombies now, you're definitely not going to enjoy the next patch. They are fast, silent, and continually slap at you making it impossible to dance around. On the bright side stealth now works. Melee head shots now register more frequently. If all else fails and you can time your swings well enough, you can keep them in a staggered state until they drop. Happy hunting!
  11. Arm Of Kannon

    PM73 RAK... any good?

    I've got one on experimental. The mags were found at a police station and the gun itself at a police car spawn location. Zombies take about 3-4 rounds to the body to drop. I haven't run across any survivors since finding it, so I cannot comment on that. Only that, even at short ranges, the spread is pretty significant. It's fun, and the fact it takes .380 ammo means you have lots of bullets as of .55.
  12. Arm Of Kannon

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    :D We'll see how it goes. Should be fun either way.
  13. Arm Of Kannon

    What Will Happen To PVP in 0.55?

    Personally I can't wait to shoot at people who are trying to fight off zombies.
  14. Arm Of Kannon

    why doesn't the bipod fit on the mosion?!

    Weapon realism in DayZ :D
  15. Arm Of Kannon

    Anyone getting bored of Standalone?

    I just wait for the updates and then try to find or craft any new items. Don't go burning yourself out on an unfinished game.
  16. Arm Of Kannon

    Did .53 remove sunglasses?!?

    I was annoyed I couldn't find any glasses either. Then I found my first gas mask in like 3 months. Oh, gas mask. How I've missed you. <3 :blush:
  17. I for one love being able to explore all the buildings. You never know what you'll find behind a door...a can of beans, a new hat, a guy with a sawed off. In fact I would like to see some underground stuff also like sewers. More entrances, more exploration, more immersion.
  18. Arm Of Kannon


    I would have killed him for gesturing hello. Well done IMO. The more important question is, did you ruin the gear?
  19. Arm Of Kannon

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    Oh okay...Good stuff.
  20. Arm Of Kannon

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    I'm not seeing what you were trying to link here, does it say melee is being removed or something?
  21. Arm Of Kannon

    What gun was your first shooting kill with?

    There will always be PVP...unless they remove the ability to kill player characters from the game completely. If you think loot restriction is going to reduce it and not increase it, I don't think we've been playing the same game.
  22. Arm Of Kannon

    Is it too late for night time servers?

    I don't know 2 out of 3 servers are usually night time for me. Not sure if it's when I play, or if that even factors. Anyway to your point, I log into this server and it's night time. Poke my head out to survey my surroundings and then decide I can move freely about. Go into a nearby house to loot a snack. I'm eating an orange when all of a sudden I'm hearing this massive racket. It's literally in both of my headphones. I think that maybe a squad has spotted me entering this house and are now sprinting circles around it. I check the windows and see nothing. Panicked I post up in a door frame between the hallway and the porch and start peeking the door. The sound is now all around me and getting and louder. Then the hair stands on the back of my neck, because out of the wall of the hallway a shape is forming to go with the noise. A fucking cow runs straight through the wall, the hallway, and the porch like it wasn't even there. Hands down the scariest thing that's happened to me in SA so far.
  23. Oh no. I meant to say I've accidentally placed up to 3 vests of junk into my back pack. ;)
  24. I horde like this all the time and have been shot without being able to return fire. :( On the bright side this wasn't me, because this guy actually found mags for the AK variants. <_<
  25. Arm Of Kannon

    Odd building... unique?

    This one always reminds me of Assassin's Creed. Makes me want to fast travel somewhere else.