You clearly didn't read any of the posts. There was a good example of how the control system could be stripped down or altered to fit the 16 (with dpad) buttons of a console controller (Wii excluded) I agree that it is in Alpha. Look at Minecraft though. Although it is a much more simple game, it now exists on every platform out there. But it wasn't ported until it was near it's current stage, and it was ported without changing the original game. DayZ will obviously not be made for consoles any time soon. But in a few years when the next generation comes out and DayZ is stand alone (if it goes that route) it could be a very easy way to increase revenue. Because once you make a game and sell it to the majority of a community your revenue is going to stop, unless you find new ways to increase sales, making a console version is one method. I would love to see a console version so I can play with my friends who only have Xbox (and to also take advantage of the party system for a fairly smooth Voip set up). But right now I'm stuck to my few friends who are willing and able to play it on the PC.