[email protected]
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Imagine if DayZ had the ability to...
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
Hmmm maybe but that would result in a server full of zeds. I would still suggest, if a player dies, they restart. I was more thinking of an option when you join a server. Human or zed. -
Imagine if DayZ had the ability to...
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
I dont see why you are jumping to the conclusion this would make a L4D clone. L4D is a game all about getting from point A to B in a group. Thats all. Dayz will still be about survival for the human players with no real 'task' as such apart from to survive, with no pre-determined destination. You go someplace because you need the supplies to live. Also with the zombies spread out over the map as well much like human players, the chances of coming along other Z players will be rather rare unless you go to hotspots. Players will still chose where to go and how to do things. There would be no real reason to save a zombie location / gear as well as they have none, That players survivor could still be saved as well. Just because im suggesting zombies be controlled by humans does not mean a game is instantly copying L4D and going to become a co-op get to the safe room style game. Im not suggesting that this IS going to ever be implemented into the game. Im just throwing out an idea. -
Imagine if DayZ had the ability to...
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
Yeah fair enough - This was just an idea that I had to add some challenge to the game which didnt involve killing other survivors (not that bandits should be removed) or changing the idea of it being a survival sandbox so deff not a polished gem of a idea if you get my meaning. Guess like I said in the OP, if the zombie player could not move fast until within a certain distance from a human this would discourage hunting outside of towns ect and add a challenge to the raiding and also bring back the challenge of zombies to players who have played for more than a week and learnt the tricks. -
Imagine if DayZ had the ability to...
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
How does this explain the crawling zombies in the woods at watch towers? Im pretty sure leaving the citys would be a death sentence for a zombie seeing as they have no range and die so easy. They would have to resort to ambush tactics around area's of interest. Chances are they dont need to avoid snipers until they get close either, as, if they spawn in citys like Elect they would blend in with any other zombie. No sniper is going to risk giving away his position to shoot every zombie in town. Espech at a PVP hotspot. -
Is Arma even out for the Mac? Im pretty sure it isn't. Which makes this whole thread sort of pointless as Dayz is a Arma mod. Unless Rocket creates his own engine - its not going to be coming out for mac unless you instal windows on it. Also double unique player logins and more support? lol nice troll.... Hahahah!
Imagine if DayZ had the ability to...
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in New Player Discussion
Yup - I was thinking it would keep the survival aspect of the game. While giving survivors something to unite them against. Its not going to stop bandits (nor should it) but Rocket himself has said most people start killing each other because humans are unpredictable and 'fun' to hunt and once you get to a certain point in the game... there isnt a lot to do other than die and start over or start player killing. The zombies are unfortunately rather easy and almost a side note for experienced players. Guessing this would be a disaster for new players though... >.< -
We were all new players to the mod at some point of time - how do you find out about the exploits? Through trial and error and I would argue that those exploits are essential to the game. If you give players weapons from the get go - they will never learn the tricks. I will freely admit I died countless times before I got the hang of the game - but when you get the hang of it - the zombies become a sidenote and more of a nuisance rather than a threat. From what I gather... people are arguing that they should make the game / mod easier... because they dont want to learn how to sneak / how to get away from zombies / where loot can or cant be found which is a massive part of the game.
I totally disagree with you. The first thing I found out when I first ran the game is 'shit, I cant shoot." I ran into a town and died instantly. My next thought process is... How do I get there without zombies seeing me? Oh I can crawl right pass them? Great success! This game is harsh fo survivors and it is trial and error start. I died countless times learning how to sneak past zombies but it is an essential skill needed to play the game. Much like I learnt how to escape zombies either running zigzag up hills or using buildings - again, invaluable skills late in game when you dont want to waste your sniper ammo or when zombies become a nuisance rather than a threat. Trial and error baby - the best learning method.
I also dont get what the fuss is about. I die. I re-spawn. You can usually always find a weapon of some sort in a barn / warehouse which are scattered all along the waters edge. Once you have them, a single trip to a supermarket and you have your backpack, food, cokes, map and compass. Then one trip to the airfield near Cherno and you have your Ak or other automatic weapon and by that time your looking pretty good. If you die, repeat the process or join a server with less players on it. If the barn has no weapon. Pick up some empty cans - Throw the can to draw away zombies - they like the sound of it. Use the cans to find weapons. Kids stuff man! All this was stuff learnt from countless deaths - every dayz player was once new to the mod and saying the exact same things all over this forum. Once you learn the tricks. Zombies become easy. Even when you die and have to respawn.
Melee was never in the Arma games. The hachet is actually just a gun thats had its skin changed so that the bullet is minimum range. You notice that when you use the hachet.... you always have slightly longer range than Zombies / sometimes you get hit by a zombie who is a couple of steps away from you? Also notice that the hatchet uses the same hit sound even when you hit nothing? Much like a gun makes the same gunshot sound. That is a limitation of the game. Not the mod. I also think, as mentioned before, a weapon right from the get go would just encourage more PvP and shoot on sight as the new player has nothing to lose. Even a 4 or 5 hit weapon... Thats a lot of blood per hit. A player starts to faint around the 6000 mark, thats 2 to 3 hits. And would you really want to fight a zombie that is faster than you, making you bleed and breaking your bones with a weapon that took 4 or 5 hits to kill it? Or would you rather just spend an extra 5 mins to slow crawl to that barn, and pick up a shotgun / crossbow / hatchet and avoid the zombie all together. Problem solved.
A Question directed to rocket.
[email protected] replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Have you heard of games such as EvE and world of warcraft? You would be surprised at how much money can be made from a monthly charge - imagine if they sold a game for $100, thats $100 in pocket. Now imagine a game that you have to pay $15 a month to play and a person plays the game on and off for a year. Wow being the big example here, its $15 a month. How long has that game been out for? Lets say a person bought that when it was released and paid each month since.... the mind boggles. Dayz is a highly addictive game. I could see it working quite well for the developers pockets. People are willing to spend $40+ for Arma just to play the mod.... Why not $X a month. -
Read my earlier reply - this will answer your question.
Have you been hit by a hatchet as a player? It F*CKEN hurts! I can foresee huge murder counts as new spawned players (both vets who have died and new players to the mod) have at each other with the hachets on the beach - what have they got to lose? They just died and have nothing! Anybody with a single piece of kit would have to watch his/her back constantly and this would just encourage shooting on sight even more - say goodbye to the odd and rare survivor who actually helps new players. You may as well just label the game / Mod as a PVP 250KM map and get rid of the 'survival' aspect if your going to start arming new survivors right from get go.
Just an idea - not sure how well it would work. How about the ability to play as a zombie? Keep the AI zombies the same. But add in the zombie players. Same speed / stats as normal zombies (or maybe a little slower) - potential try and find a way to make the zombies move slow until they are within a certain distance from a player and then they get a speed boost? Cant pick up gear / regen health over time?(?) Spawn the human zombies near hotspots such as Electra / Cherno / airport - this would help combat the PvP in that area as it give humans something to unite against - other human zombies while still keeping the zombie survival game intact - instead of hunting survivor players, it gives players the chance to hunt 'smart and unpredictable" zombies. I think it would be fun to play as a zombie / get the clan into it. 6/7 zombies crawling through the forest / long grass nowhere near the town hunting players. Have to use stealth to get close (otherwise zombie just gets sniped) and rush the poor sniper sitting up on the hill who's looking for new players! The possibilities are endless! Maybe spawn the human zombie with a modified hatchet that cant be dropped or picked up - this would simulate close combat? But then again... I can imagine alot of people would hate the idea.
Yes I guess.... But maybe not. Dayz is a survival mod - sandbox, yes. but survival all the same. The only difference I can see is that you would now have zombies all over the map rather than in towns / around loot. I think Rocket said himself that majority of bandits kill other players because they run out of stuff to do, players are unpredictable and thats where the fun comes from. Zombies are easy to kill when you know the tricks. If done correctly, this could keep the survival essence of the game... I guess it sort of takes away from the sandbox aspect though with Zombies having an objective.... L4D is also very, get from A to B. I dont think it would become L4Dish too much because, there is no real point for the survivors apart from raiding stuff needed to stay alive. Z players would have to be smart with no real range weapon and low HP... setting up ambush's around supermarkets or 'acting like a normal zombie' till the time is right to attack... I guess....? But eh, who knows - like you said, prob never going to happen.
Hacks and counter hacks!
[email protected] replied to jamestrendall's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Myself and clan mates were killed by a hacker. One min at Sober - next min we are falling from the sky near Electr and all die on impact of the ground. The hacker then goes from body to body and picks up gear - one of my clan mates spawned on the beach near the bodys and picks up a weapon and kills the hacker with a headshot! REVENGE! Nope - said hacker then spawns everyone in the sky again, kills everyone and teleports to bodys and continues to pick up gear like nothing happened. "counter" hacks wont work. It will just turn a server into a constant insta death between two hacker groups till one hacker gets bored and jump server to piss off another persons day. The sad thing is, when the hacker finally left and we found the area where all the bodys were - the hacker also spawned a box with 50 of every item in it, nightvision, gps, everyweapon in the game + ammo, food, water. car parts... everything apart from backpacks. So he was just killing us for fun rather than for our gear - left the box alone as didnt want any hacked weapons. -
How many Murders until your a Bandit?
[email protected] replied to Grey Warden's topic in New Player Discussion
The game cant really tell the difference. And chances are if you are being shot at by say, a sniper your not going to live after the 1st or 2nd shot. Bandit means a player who kills other players constantly for whatever reason - be it fun, loot, or self defence. -
So can this not be played alone?
[email protected] replied to cindyanne1's topic in New Player Discussion
Its prob a locked private server which - is against the rules and technically cheating.... Or he's the only one on in the middle of nowhere. Seeing as he is going for a raid however... suggests he has a place to store gear. Which im GUESSING... means he's in a clan which may abuse admin rights and lock server. But thats a guess and prob wrong. Ive never seen a server on 0/0. -
So can this not be played alone?
[email protected] replied to cindyanne1's topic in New Player Discussion
I disagree to an extent. For new players - yes. For anyone who actually knows the game, one trip to a supermarket and you have enough food, drink, bags to last you a good day or so's worth of play. Your second reason hit the nail head on. It is a first person PvP game with zombies added in - why else include sniper rifles? (and yes, blah blah blah sandbox play whatever way you want.... I get it.) -
Backstory is: While exploring on a server (which name I will not disclose at this point of time of hacking as I have no proof... only suspicions) I come across a clan campsite, (tents, bus ect) I tell my own clan mates, we jump on the server and we steal a bus only and hide it in the far north. We then use this bus as a 'mobile camp, to drive to a location, raid it, drive back, a base camp to spawn at and obviously a place to keep extra gear in. Yesterday morning, when we joined in we noticed that the server was 'glitched' in the sense that all players could see white dots where items, zombies, animals and cars are, and green dots for players. These dots could be seen for up to around 800 / 900M - through trees, hills, buildings... in other-words, no LOS was needed. Of course, the bus is found and taken - players having seen the white dot in the middle of nowhere in the far north and surprise surprise, in the afternoon... the white dots stop. Admins, is it within your power to make all items visible like this so that your clan can find and horde all cars? Or was this just a server glitch? (Hence why im not naming the clan or the server name - I googled the clan and it is a large clan, mentioned in youtube vids every now and again and with 100+ members) Bit disappointed if this is a admin hack and not a glitch... If your a clan member / admin of the server im talking about / if your apart of a clan which does this kind of shit.... Shame on you! Wheres the fun in hacking the server so you can have all the cars! Little competition never hurt anyone and keeps the mod fun! Although, if this was just a glitch, meh. Although its very suspicious.... Edit - note, it was not just me seeing these dots, but all 6 of us.
Yeah maybe... They should take the Veteran out of the server name then. Gah, thats as bad as hacking in my opinion.
Ok, so either they changed it to Recruit so they could find the bus, or the server crashed and restarted in recruit? Should this behaviour be reported? -Is there any point as im guessing its within admins rights to change the difficulty of a server at any time they please... even if it is for the purpose of finding gear.... Or should we just move on and forget it - although we had some nice extra gear in that bus.
Thanks for that. These must have been edited or F*cking up... as you could see them everywhere and at a range of 800-900 M's, and like I said, through hills, forests, buildings ect.
Its a veteran server - in server name and every time we have played on it (we have played on it a couple of times before hand) If they changed it so they could see everything... then change it back - thats as bad if not worse than hacking in my opinion as its using a 'legit' way around the rules to ruin the game.