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Everything posted by wheelspk

  1. wheelspk

    noob and hacker

    hahhhah ya probably im gona die soon :) can't use the sniper for shit
  2. wheelspk

    noob and hacker

    any good sniper spots ?
  3. wheelspk


    im asked by the siz luncher to update.. how do i do that?
  4. wheelspk

    I have everything, what should I do now?

    try getting a car
  5. wheelspk

    screen gone wrong

    hi, we today for some unknow reason my game was a small box (windowed) , so i tried to up the rez but all it did was just zoomed things or flat things :( i have 2 screens so if i lowered the screen rez the other screen moved also and if i up it come back to way its supposed to but the game become so unplayable i have a gtx 580 and game looked perfect before tried going back to default but nothing! please help
  6. wheelspk

    screen gone wrong

    ok ALT enter worked, so do i put rez back to windowed and do ALT enter? im a noob would like to explain the 3D setting?
  7. wheelspk

    screen gone wrong

    hi, we today for some unknow reason my game was a small box (windowed) , so i tried to up the rez but all it did was just zoomed things or flat things :( i have 2 screens so if i lowered the screen rez the other screen moved also and if i up it come back to way its supposed to but the game become so unplayable i have a gtx 580 and game looked perfect before tried going back to default but nothing! please help
  8. wheelspk

    so i heard gunshoots

    hi, so i was in BEREZINO looting a store and i see on the screen ZXY was killed then ZXY was killed then again ZXY was killed , short-after that i hear bang bang....so i ran out of the store and went prone, that time i was sceared as shit, so i did the coward thing and aborted the game :blush: i didn't wanted to get murder i just went to BERZINO for some med supplies, i said friendly friendly 5 times no one answered. DID I DO WRONG???
  9. wheelspk

    my Deer stands

    hiya, well im on the out skirts of BERZINO , want to get to a dearstand for weapon upgrade any place where is a little bit les risk of muders and bendits? plus the map i picked up does not show all the building and places like in the non active map in DAYZDB appcrate the answer thanks and regards
  10. wheelspk

    my Deer stands

    ya i know these already and i have a ingame map as well but in the map it shows deerstands near bezino too, any good deer stands and advise where i should be headed?? expect cherno
  11. wheelspk

    so i heard gunshoots

    yes that what i saw 3 guys dieing in a row and this server i am on rite now has been hacked many times..like being transported to a fire range with wall all over and no place to run...then they say guns in the barn when u go to get the gun they shoot u in the head... dont know y that is fun. next time ill hide and WILL not quit.
  12. wheelspk

    so i heard gunshoots

    guess your are rite but i want to play the game fair and dont want to be murdered by a physio cunt who just bought the game and kill for the fun of it.... i learning the map and try to survive....and i dont murder , i even helped many people out who called out for help
  13. wheelspk

    so i heard gunshoots

    dont know if it was a hacker or some one just on a murdering rampage....i called out friendly? friendly ? 5 times. no one answered. bang bang and i ran for my life and quit the game. by xyz i meant not one name but 3 different guys...guy after guy died
  14. wheelspk

    Welcome to Cherno

    ok so i just arrived in the out skirts of cherno :) as i been hearing that cherno is a hot spot for bandits to make easy kills. i have all the kit i want so im not greedy or any thing. food drinks ect so i have a stupid question, how do i avoide bandits? all i need are med supplies ,morphine , blood ect. and most important of all a map how do i be safe get my med and run out of cherno?? where should i head next?? regards
  15. wheelspk

    Welcome to Cherno

    it has 1 hospital and 2 stores should be enough for my needs
  16. wheelspk

    Welcome to Cherno

    NA i think ill avoid cherno altogether...got gunned 5 times there....
  17. wheelspk

    Welcome to Cherno

    ok BEREZINO it is then.... ill hit the cost and fallow the road to berezino, to avoid getting lost , NOTE TO MYSELF , ignore the small villages on the way lol
  18. wheelspk

    Welcome to Cherno

    WOW u think berezino will be safe ?? its awfully close to the cost innit?
  19. wheelspk

    recover from hack method?

    i got killed yesterday 5 times like that , got thrown 50 feel and splat !! then got transported to a firing range and saw like 20 dead bodies before BOOM im dead too... guess we have to wait for the game to release, for now let the butt-head hackers have there fun, this is just giving us more and more experience IMO i even tried to quit but when i logged in again the next day i was surrounded with wall with no place to get out off, the only measure is the server admins should have some sort of direct communication with the player (like in mine craft) IRC or some thing
  20. wheelspk

    Where am i ?

    hello, i just looted this town (well kinda) Pictures attatched: so which way is Chernarus?? i have a watch but no compass . P.s IM a noob so plz help me out. thanks
  21. wheelspk

    Where am i ?

    what bunch of helpful people!! the forum ROCKS!! thanks every one just hit cherno and found lots of zombs , so i loged out knowing that there must be players who made them spawn will log in later , but i think ill just watch for a couple of hours for any hostile movement.
  22. wheelspk

    Where am i ?

    WOULD u mid pointing out on the map where my loctation is ? and did u mean the fire station?? at the end of elektro?
  23. wheelspk

    Where am i ?

    lol tipical noob am i lol ya i ment cherno NO WONDER IM LOST :lol:
  24. wheelspk

    iteams saved or lost

    hi, i new and just started paying DAYZ , as a noob i have a lots of question in my mind, please be kind enought to answer it would be really help ful, 1. my battry of the lap top ran out which ofcrose ment a pc shutdown. will my character and the iteams i pick will still be there when i log in the server i was playing in again?? or will spawn frash again? 2. how do i know where i am and where i am going?? REGARDS
  25. wheelspk

    iteams saved or lost

    O south it is then :)