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Everything posted by wheelspk

  1. wheelspk

    zombie track

    any one know what track at 3:34 to 5:44 is??i really want it... its from some zombie maga tracks... i know it has nothing to do with dayZ but its a zombie track so...
  2. hi, so its loading loading loading loading some one on the forum told me use commander rather than six updater so i did , but nothing :( loading loading 40 mins and still loading then i check on the version and it said ...me a noob!! arma2 95883 out of date...should i update to 96061? dayz1.7.2.4.... out of daye should i updateto also dayz commander update to 09.0.71 plz help should i or should not update and fix??
  3. wheelspk

    doing some thing wrong?

    well to late now i updated evey thing :o
  4. wheelspk

    Im sick of hackers. I quit.

    hope the standalone will fix hacker prob...well not hackers rather 12 year old's copying screpts from the net what assholes!!!
  5. wheelspk

    Dayz Standalone

    what is Dayz Standalone?? sorry for the noobish question
  6. wheelspk

    Dayz Standalone

    ok thanks so what engine will the dayZ be running on?? i mean arma2 looks good..innit. any release date??
  7. wheelspk

    Dayz Standalone

    i dont want to play arma 2, i just got it for dayZ so now i got arma which i dont want and have to buy dayz again...what not to understand in it??
  8. wheelspk

    Dayz Standalone

    so what will happen to the arma we have bought??? i got he arma for the mod :( have to buy dayZ again??
  9. wheelspk

    nvidia surround

    hi, so i bought the gtx 680 , and was wondering if any one know if this can work with 2 monitors or does it ONLY work with 3 displays?? kinda of a noobish question and does not concern DayZ but this the best place to ask before i make a purchase as many good gamer's are around cheers
  10. wheelspk


    so i spawned at electra and went in to the city , saw like 1 body evey few buildings all frashly spawned player no equipment at all. i waited and waited till i saw 2 guys who came towards of me with shootguns. i did the dance and salute them, they did same so were friendly. then i got what i wanted and was going out when i saw like 3 to 4 bodys all in one place , before i could react i got shoot in the head!! i mean what kind of a fucked up person does that!! killing unarmed players. just stilling on a tall building with a sniper up there ass and shoot shoot !!! tDayZ purpose was to kill and survive zombi takeover, this is NOT fucking battlefield 3!! all the noobs who cant play bf3 or anyother fps game come here and get scooped guns and shoot mindlessly... i mean 1st ask or see of a guys is friendly or not!! dayZ has already so much problums as if it , with the hacking and all, this fucking PVP will the end of this game, is is fun some times but not always! its fucking unplayable now...either i get raped by hacker or shoot by sniper fuckers. purpose was survive togather help each other to survive...NOT fucking kill each other , didnt needed zombies for that innit!! GO play bf3 or cod u sniper mofo's where your sniper asses will be bitch raped!! P.S im mad!!
  11. wheelspk


    hahahhahah lol hahhahahhaha good point...ill take cash
  12. wheelspk


    best answer yet... i didnt go in the open im no fool!! i was getting my ass out of elektro when i saw bodies laying abt...i ducked!!! still i got shoot in the head... plus i didnt find a single peace of loot , yes not a single peace of stick even..i guess hackers?
  13. wheelspk


    NO u kill coz u cant get off your lazy ass and loot building!! shoot and loot... and it was never a PVP game u idiot read the reviews!!! its a zombi survival game....!!
  14. wheelspk


    lol i never pussy ass games like L4D!! bf3 now this stupid ass sniper pussy ass game
  15. wheelspk


    YES u are rite , i dont mind PVP as much coz if someone shoots at me at-least i can see em, if i die its my fault, but hiding and killing for no reason if just stupid!
  16. wheelspk


    dont go there , then were do i go??? again kill zombies and survive
  17. wheelspk


    " They keep coming back, 2 hours in and I'm at 24 murders." come do that to in bf3!!! will rape your noob ass!!
  18. wheelspk


    like i said GO play BF3 if u like PVP so much!! kills zombies NOT players
  19. wheelspk

    hacked ??

    ok so after my 20 try i finally logged in the server i play in :us 478 rite after i after i spawned i was teleported and found many players confused looking around so i started recording a guy just ran to me with a axe or some thing and i start firing at him...he had a zomby face:o so i ran for my life and he followed me hitting me i keep firing at him 2 mags in his chest but he no die finally he hit me and i fell just before i hit alt f4 and logged out what is all this ??
  20. wheelspk

    hacked ??

    got hacked and killed 5 times ...god this is so bad....such a good game expect for the shitting load time and hackers..... this will be the end for dayZ other times either i was launched up the air 50 feet shoot then kept alive pee'd on raped raped again fuck i still hate this game :(
  21. wheelspk

    i hate it!

    hi, so im fucking sick and tired of this stupid ass game!! loading loading loading still after 20 mins loading!!! it used to run fine a week ago! every server i try to join, i wait 20 to 30 mins and still the stupid fucking loading screen will not go away!! its been a week and i cant join any server just want to del this game and play battle field again. i hate it i hate it!!! loading loading loading loading fuking loading!!!! reinstalled battle eye reinstalled the game' tryed every fing still nothing please help
  22. wheelspk

    i hate it!

    can u guide??
  23. wheelspk

    i hate it!

    by mad u mean angery ?? then yes if u mean crazy? yes for buying this stupid game!!!
  24. wheelspk

    i hate it!

    i dont know the version of the game?? i got the combined operations package downloaded the beta a week ago sixlauncher
  25. wheelspk

    noob and hacker

    hi, so i just spawned on a server and could not see my self on the map so i just used the compass to head north , on my way i was teleported to a shooting range with lots of players running around and saw a massage to find weapons in the box!! lol i thought hell NO!!! so ESC ALt F4 your guessed it a hacker...!!!! innit so i didnt played the game for 3 days as i was buzy, when i did spawn i saw the place empty with no people in it.... i looked around and saw a wooded BOX with weapons on a stands . i look in and WTF it had all the weapons in it ...i MEAN all !!!! > so i took 2 1. Bizon PP-19 SD 2. AS50 sniper and get my ass out of there, now im a noob with a good sniper dont know any place to snipe also got a night vision , GPS , range finder , and a Entrenching tool??? what is this?? ​went out side and found every singal vehical available just parked with like 20 tents around em , i was like OKKKKKKKKK im gona need a bigger bag so i took a off road jeep and filled it up with 20 cooked food, food tins , coke ,water guns and just got as far as i could!!! me lucky or what