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Everything posted by shaktar

  1. shaktar

    Kicking for Hacked weapons

    I warn people first, if that doesn't help i will kick em. If they keep using hacked weapons they will be banned from our server.
  2. Hi, Is it possible to remove the white dot tracers in the side of the screen? Or atleast make it so they will not appear for players, but still be there for zombies/wild life. Cheers
  3. shaktar

    New RCON Tool

    I would be up for testing it also. Have some beans :)
  4. Hi all, We just had a big weird forest fire on our server, so the server was restarted and i checked the logs. I saw one of the people running around with the follow in the log: ["MolotovCocktailMuzzle","amovpknlmrunsnonwnondf",41] Now i've never seen a molotovcocktail in dayz, so is it safe to assume this item was hacked in?
  5. shaktar


    Sometimes i wish we could get a positive list of items in the logs files. So we could spot stuff that isn't a legal item and take action.
  6. Unlucky: One from our team died yesterday, because he pressed V (wanted to hit C instead) infront of some stairs into one of the RED houses, with the hall and side room. He died badly, ended under the house, so we couldn't loot/get his gear. He had nvg, ghillie, rangefinder, gps, m4a1 cco sd and other stuff :D
  7. shaktar

    BattleEye failed to update

    We had the same issue on our server, but it seems like BattlEye is starting to update again.
  8. Hi all, I had a complain on my server about a person that they think are hacking, and when i checked the logs from the server, the only thing i could see was the person that got the complain, had an item i've never seen ingame before. the item was called HandGrenada_west, i've tried to google the item, and so far the only information i've found was people asking for cheats/scripts that had the item. Can anyone confirm or deny that item is illegal in the game? And if the item is not legal, what action can an administrator take?
  9. I just got great help from Johnny from Vilayer, my server is running now and he even helped with me some of the settings in the config file that i was unsure of, so great service from him. What i did was first to create a ticket and then join their TS3, i got contacted after 15-20 min and johnny fixed my problem within 5 mins. So super service :) Happy server admin of DK8
  10. Hi all, I got my server this night, but i looks to me like the mission is empty, and when i connect to the server it just states "wait for host" anyone know how to fix that?