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About Rallepops

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    On the Coast
  1. Rallepops

    "FRIENDLY" is bullshit

    Yesterday in Cherno at the contruction site.. I heard gunfire, and came to help, shot all the zombies running after him, came to me thanked me. Gave him a pistol some food and a Blood bag.. Then another dude is getting hunted my the zeds.. Yet again, i kill them, give him some supplies. And they were both very thankful. It ended up we were a team of four, coz one of the guys was playing with a friend. And then we four went on from Cherno and had a great time!. It was maybe one of the best experience i had in the game so far. It really gave me an adrenaline kick trying to help them, and see how would a total stranger react?. And ofcourse it gave me a big smile :D
  2. Hmm, maybe because his friends aint nerds, which have a life beside gaming? Im sorry did i hurt you're feelings now ?! :'((((((((((( Im in the boat with OP, go not a single RL friend that would find this game funny. Mainly because they dont play PC.. Its really funny how you get angry about it, that he is looking for people that already play dayz so they can play together .. LMAO :D "OMG HOW CAN HE THHHHHINK ABOUT DOOING THAT? ITS TOTALY INSANE ASKING PEOPLE THAT ARE ALREADY PLAYING A GAME THAT I PLAY, AND ASK THEM, DO YOU WANNA PLAY WITH ME?" Man GTFO of that house, and go take a nap at the near by asylum, My two cents woop woop
  3. Sorry but im not looking for a clan or community. I play Arma II on professional level (yep u can do that) And my clan wont allow me to be in other clans or communities. So im just gonna stick with some friends that wanna play Dayz with me ;-)
  4. Hiya yall fancy people. I'm looking for some mates, which are alitle experienced with Dayz, not much. I just dont need to tell about that basic things ;-).. My self - Started like a week ago, so yeah maybe im gonna be the newbie. So yeah, if you would like to start a camp site with me in the north-********** on SOEBORG DK1 Server, im the man! Ofcourse im on for playing on other servers, i just dont like to keep track on like 20 tents on different servers :D 23yr From Denmark and i have a teamspeak server we can use, if skype aint the thing for ya. You can add me on steam; rallepops or solostah (can't remember which one it is lol) Skype; rallepops_ BTW! I'm looking for Afx and Daniel i met them today on DK1, so if anyone knows where to get ahold on them, Yell like a mothafucka! ;)