Hiya yall fancy people. I'm looking for some mates, which are alitle experienced with Dayz, not much. I just dont need to tell about that basic things ;-).. My self - Started like a week ago, so yeah maybe im gonna be the newbie. So yeah, if you would like to start a camp site with me in the north-********** on SOEBORG DK1 Server, im the man! Ofcourse im on for playing on other servers, i just dont like to keep track on like 20 tents on different servers :D 23yr From Denmark and i have a teamspeak server we can use, if skype aint the thing for ya. You can add me on steam; rallepops or solostah (can't remember which one it is lol) Skype; rallepops_ BTW! I'm looking for Afx and Daniel i met them today on DK1, so if anyone knows where to get ahold on them, Yell like a mothafucka! ;)