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Everything posted by dizze367@hotmail.com

  1. dizze367@hotmail.com

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    Keeps happening to me now. Got all the gear for sniping and ran all the way up to the NW airfield and found a decent sniping position, logged out. Logged back in on the shoreline with all my gear. Ran all the way to Cherno, found a decent sniping position, logged out. Logged back in on the shoreline with all my gear. Ran all the way to Elektro, found a decent sniping position. Logged out and logged back in on the shoreline with all my gear... Pissing me off.
  2. dizze367@hotmail.com

    So how effective is the crossbow REALLY?

    Never used a crossbow myself, but watch this and see for yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFGM81i5eYA