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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    It's a 25st Ho, you might need help Max.
  2. DazTroyer

    First Play Duration

    The average life is all skewed, it's obviously a lot lower than it should be to account for all the Kemenka/suicide spawns. Sometimes you get a bad spawn and try three - four time before your in Electro again. My first play lasted the exact amount of time it took to die of thirst, lol.
  3. DazTroyer

    SA: server hopping

    They have said they will address this, although I haven't read how.
  4. We don't, spawn in stuff, check for camps other than with a heli or ban unless your cheating :)
  5. DazTroyer

    Pistols are incredibly underpowered

    Looks to me like half your shots missed the guy, you can head shot with a makarov and a G17 is bloody deadly on Taviana. Try popping off a couple rounds then re aim rather than emptying your clip so quickly. :)
  6. M14 AIM + DMR, two guns, one mag that cover all situations. M48 is good for Vehicle killing :P
  7. Big thank you to all who showed up, next server event ASAP... B)
  8. DazTroyer

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    I think the "weekly" blogs are more "fortnightly" now, can't be helped if they are busy I guess. :)
  9. Ryan said that and we smoked him and Tobbe tonight! :P
  10. Damaged plane and hit you once, lol. WooHoo triple kill baby ;)
  11. DazTroyer

    If Rocket messaged you tomorrow...

    I'd like to be able to catch the zed virus and have only 2-3 days to live. Antibiotics being uber rare, you would have to search got players to help. After see my zombie self wandering around where I died.
  12. DazTroyer

    Anyone else miss when you were a noob?

    Crawling on your belly, everywhere. Checking every building, running for miles because that zed won't stop chasing you. Heart skipping a beat at the sound of gun shots in Cherno to the sense of utter misery at breaking a leg in the middle of nowhere. Lying awake pondering your first kill. I play for the social side these days but boy was it more intense back then.
  13. DazTroyer

    hacker made me suicide

    Beats being teleported into a field I guess, you got it on Fraps?
  14. DazTroyer

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    It was a bit to raw imo, they should of at least let the guys know the questions first, so we got some answers instead of silence at times. Raw footage with questions over dubbed would of been better imo. Still it was great seeing more of the map.
  15. DazTroyer

    Best AR for night fighting?

    FN fal or M14 aim both at 8000 damage, last time i looked at Wiki. Also never underestimate the Enfield.
  16. DazTroyer

    Any noob friendly UK based servers?

    You could check out ours, search for FogeyZ in DayZcommander.
  17. DazTroyer

    Help with dayz

    enjoy!!! B)
  18. DazTroyer

    New user... how do I invert my 360 controller?

    I came over from the 360 and stuck with the keyboard/mouse set up. It isn't easy BUT defo worth the patience and effort. Standard keyboard is fine but i got a good mouse with extra buttons and switchable dpi control, then mapped some useful to the mouse.
  19. DazTroyer


    It happened to me on the Arma 3 alpha the other day, except i was a seagull, lol
  20. DazTroyer

    Tips for raiding North West Airfield??

    Don't go there!!!
  21. DazTroyer

    Getting the hang of it

    Please please don't watch to many videos, i honestly believe DayZ should be played blind with no previous knowledge. Yes it will be hard, yes you will die (lots) but the first couple weeks are so precious imo. These are the very best DayZ (as a mod) will be, the raw emotion it shovels on you are like no game i've ever played and at 45yrs old (old fart, i know) i've played a lots of games.
  22. DazTroyer

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    It would be cool if we got the infection and had only 2-3 days to find antibiotics (which would be uber rare) before we died. So forcing a bit of friendly co op, "hey dudes i need some meds" etc. Not actual become a zed but be on our way. Also be cool, that if we died our avatar would be an npc zed wandering the wasteland until killed. (Obviously i've no idea how technically possible that would be)
  23. DazTroyer

    DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

    Well what can you say, it simply looks WOW!!! 4000 zombies on the map is frigging awesome and the map looks amazing. So can't wait to get stuck into it, sooner rather than later, please. :) As for the motion blur, it looks like high AA and post processing is on, should be better when we play it and turn all that off. Kinda wonder why devs use it at all, most turn it off for crisper visuals and better fps.
  24. DazTroyer

    DayZ Devblog 22nd February 2013

    This thread has gone so very very wrong, Pmsl.