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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    Afraid to die - are you?

    I'm afraid to die once i've been playing a few hours, give me two days with full kit and its unbearable. Ain't that feeling just grand... :D
  2. The 550ti will be a lot better according to the benchmarks. Enjoy... :) As for what fps you will get, only trial and error will tell you that but i'm sure it will be over 2fps lol and maybe around 30-45 at a guess. I get 60 on my card but i use vsync. There is a good graphic card set up post here somewhere, that will help you.
  3. DazTroyer

    will this laptop run dayz pretty good??

    Thats soooo true, my daughters overheats like mad just running Roboblocks lol. The cooling pad at least kept it form cutting out after 10mins.
  4. Try the GTX 560Ti 448, 1280mb limited edition card. Same chip design as the 570 and can be overclocked to near the 580, according to some reviews i've read. To scared to try with mine lol. It was £175 new a few weeks ago. I'm bad, thats expensive compared to the 440. Try this 440, has 2GB ddr3 but it looks like it would struggle on more than medium. http://www.amazon.co...y/dp/B005TOP2EQ# I've just seen this, 440 1GB card running Crysis at 31fps on high???? No sound on this pc so no idea what he is saying?
  5. DazTroyer

    will this laptop run dayz pretty good??

    Most i5 processors use the 2500k intergrated chipset, the 3570 uses the 4000k. I tried running games on a 2500k and all apart from CSS were rubbish, even on low settings. I wouldn't waste your cash if you haven't got Arma CO already.
  6. DazTroyer

    Where to find Axes (at least!)

    As Alex said, find a map on the Internet and check out the road signs, it works for me. Also look at bottom right hand corner of the screen as soon as you spawn, your location it there for just a few seconds only! Other than that you get used to the spawn sites pretty quickly, I've had the game a week and recognise my spawn location most of the time.
  7. DazTroyer

    Where to find Axes (at least!)

    An Irish guy on YouTube said run inland until you find a road, follow that road until you find a farm. A farm with a barn, in that barn will more than likely be a gun but at least an axe. I've tried it does work, mostly. Some times I find nothing in Cherno etc, other times I've found more weapons than I can carry. It's just the luck of the draw.
  8. DazTroyer

    Where to find Axes (at least!)

    Stupid phone... Double post, move along, nothing to see here. Lol
  9. DazTroyer

    First Player Kill

    I would hit the deck as soon as I heard gun shots, most if not all miss you on the ground. I've had someone quite literally walk inches past and never knew I was there. He could of walked away, they were probably to busy looting to have noticed. He could of just said he was friendly, there is always another way out imo. You might not get away with it but then hey, that's the risk/reward system at its best.
  10. DazTroyer

    First Player Kill

    No you did the wrong thing imo, i would of just stayed low until they moved off. No one hangs about in Cherno for long. I have yet to kill anyone, I would in self defence and have had the opportunity to murder folk who have run past me in the woods, unaware I was even there. It still feels like a big deal to me, to kill in a video game that has guns. It's very odd and so refreshing. Games have been trying to add story and graphics to get your emotion going and Rocket gave us a mod that beats EVERYTHING hands down. I will kill one day, for sure and I'm not looking forward to it one bit.
  11. DazTroyer

    How you play - Social experiment questions

    Be a hermit and live in the woods. Trust no one, the cake is a lie...
  12. I found one last night and before I was killed I searched every house and there was nothing in any of them, not even a rusty tin can?
  13. It wasn't just no loot except empty cans though, it was nothing at all. I just thought maybe it was a hack as I got done in the back in an empty room while I was looking at the only door. Maybe the game just bugged out after all.
  14. DazTroyer

    My experience of Day Z so far

    I had a mare getting it to work also, followed countless YouTube vids and I'm still not 100% sure why DayZcommander worked in the end, when it hadn't before. Your right about it being lonely but then I guess that is more "realistic", most folk shoot on sight so I hit the deck when I see them. It's about 50-50 on those I've met, killed or helped. Those that helped never stayed around for long, can't say I blamed them. Got done by a hacker that wasn't even in the room with me last night which pissed me off no end. It is fun, it is hard work for various reasons that shouldn't be even there but it's a mod after all. As for the rest, life is cheap....
  15. About three miles east of Cherno and got sniper off the hospital roof, or one near it, as I entered town. Just suicide fella, I'd help but lost my kit last night.
  16. DazTroyer

    The Island

    Now i've not had this game long but i've already heard folk mention that the scares and tension i have felt now wont last as i get used to the game. So this is where i thought up the island, a reason to survive, team up and prepare for the toughest challenge yet. Now the Island, cliche i know, is far enough off the coast so as a normal boat can't get there and is only reach via a special forces combat boat. To find the boat you first have to find the man, randomly generated after you've been alive for say 25 days. He is a Nato troop (insert your prefered army here) with a blue cap, you may never find him but this would give folk a reason to keep alive and keep searching. On his person is a map and a key, once you find the key you have aprox 1 hr to find the boat marked on the map. This boat will take you and three buddies to the island, maybe some kind of sat nav on the boat would take you to the right place? On the Island, in the middle of the deep forest is a Nato base, there to try and contain the zed problem. There are the best medic and soldiers Nato has but all now zedz. Hopefully, because of the small team you have and the size of the island, the base the size of cherno there could be many more zeds than usual. They are wearing Hazmat suits or full combat armour etc, you will not be able to shoot your way out of this one so stealth or a gazzillion bullets is your only solution. Not only are they harder to drop, they are harder to lose and are more tenacious in there efforts to kill you. You have a set time on the island, boat is gonna blow up or something, i don't know just a reason to keep you hunting for loot as quick as possibly and get off alive. Thats the reson for the risk/reward trip, the loot. Off the top of my head, 50cal sniper rilfles, army rations that heal 500 blood or self heal serums that heal you completely etc. You name it, its there but very very rare, any super gun limited by very low ammo etc. Feel free to add to this idea, i've no idea how technically possible it is but then thats why im not game dev i guess. lol...
  17. DazTroyer

    Zombie Survival or Deathmatch

    Folk just aren't very friendly, although I have met two that helped me out in a week or so of playing. It's best to team up I suppose but who do you trust? I avoid everyone like the plague but still got killed last night while looking for supplies.
  18. DazTroyer

    Can you Recommend a FRIENDLY server?

    Like folk have said, there are no friendly servers. The ones that say they are, well that's like shit to a fly.
  19. DazTroyer

    i hate it!

    If I haven't connected in a couple Mins, max I end the game and look for a new server.
  20. DazTroyer

    Hacking on server UK120

    Just when i was doing well, i had it made. I had food, been hunting for meat and cooked it, I had guns, drink and a bigger pack. I just need ammo for my shotty so went looking in a town, somewhere east of Vyshnoye i think. It had a church that i couldn't get in. Although i can't be sure. I'd been rumbled a few times by zeds but dealt with them with my axe, the odd thing about the town is there wasn't ANYTHING in the first five or six buildings, not a bean, not even an empty tin can. Nothing in any building what so ever in a whole town, Is that weird or what? Whilst in one building i heard a zed who shuffled in the door, so i backed my self up into a room and covered the door, there was only one way in and i was looking at it! Thats when i think i saw someone outside and got that sixth sense spider tingle. Just a glimps of someone moving around the building through the window. As i axed the zed i got hit from behind, three hits and that was it, out for the count from 11000 blood. I was a good few feet from the window so i can't see how he got me from there legit, there was no gun shot so im thinking an axe but i've no way of knowing. So that was it, two nights up in smoke.... GAME OVER!!!!..... :huh: :( >:(
  21. After falling off the deer stand, yep that's me, I spawned in Cherno and scouted around for loot. I got chased by a prosession of zeds, more than once even having to hide in a small out house praying then never gltched through the doors. I was amazed that this time I found drink, food and a pistol/rifle. Then I went off in search of the hospital and on root got rumbled by yet more zeds that got me cornered down a dead end. Having to shoot my way out I made one hell of a racket but escaped with just a little health lost. I heard gun shots just as I spied the hospital, I wasn't alone! Of course without an axe or crowbar I had no option but to shoot out the hospital Widows then ran off to hide. A moment or two later, maybe I should of left it longer, I went in search of morphine and blood packs for the journey north. This is when the shit hit the fan, I walked out right into a zed, panicked and shot off a few rounds. Now was a good time to get out of Dodge. Now whoever was in town obviously heard me and the commotion and as I ran for the hills I could hear gun shots behind me. They weren't to close but as I left the zeds struggling up the hill I looked back but saw nothing. Running for the woods I heard yet more gun shots, this time real close, so I did my perfect Forest Gump impression and ran for my life. By the time I heard the last two shots he must of been within a hundred feet as I hit the deck and literally shit my pants. Please god not when I was so close to getting away with all I wanted... And that's where I bottled it and left the server. Never have I felt so nervous playing a blinking video game. Thank you Mr Hall, that was truly amazing. :)
  22. This almost certainly saved my bacon, laying down to fiddle with the settings whilst in the woods i saw two guys run past me, followed by a third going from cover to cover behind them. If they weren't bandits, he probably was lol.
  23. Brilliant read, very useful for someone like me coming over from the 360.
  24. The tents are very close to the shore line, i spawned there once and could see them from the beach. There wasn't much there to be honest, lots of guns in a rack you couldn't pick up and no loot at all. I died not long after, nowt unusual there, lol.
  25. DazTroyer

    The Island

    Your getting a bit caught up in details, the boat could just have a bigger fuel tank after all. It could be a base on land, Rocket stated the other day at a Q&A that the Arma engine could do 500 square km. Have the area in a deep forest, it can be anything or anywhere in all reality. At the end of the day you can dress it up however you want but the idea of a base with special forces zeds in body armour means you don't have to go down the Left for Dead route to create tougher zeds. Then it gives players a reason to live longer, get better tooled up and find a good team to tackle getting in and out. Once you've survived past a certain point, where's the challenge to keep going?