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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    Two nights for nothing

    :P :lol: :lol:
  2. DazTroyer

    Two nights for nothing

    If it was a zed or a bandit yeah but i might as well just been hacked Anyway it remembered my blood level but didn't even give me a backpack. Ran to Electro, found the hospital and two guys, told them i was friendly but had brought to many zeds with me. While they axed them to little bits i looked for meds and accidently ran past one and off went my head. So some poor dude has a murder on his record now, lol. GAME OVER... :|
  3. DazTroyer

    Bounty hunters

    I was thinking, in the standalone version that we should all have a permanent id, at least for the life of that game character. Then players, the good guys, could set up bounties on particularly evil bandits. Bounties being paid in goods, top bits of kit that players donate etc. Then if you choose to be a bandit, you take the risk of being hunted down from server to server. This would mean you could hunt them down but still be a good guy... :)
  4. DazTroyer

    My 1st Dayz Experiance

    I know how to bind keys to my mouse, how do i do this? :|
  5. DazTroyer

    My 1st Dayz Experiance

    It is fun, best game i've played in a good while... :D (former jaded 360 player)
  6. DazTroyer

    My Camp!

    I found a helicopter yesterday, no fuel in it though... :(
  7. I couldn't find the server in the list on DayZcommander?
  8. DazTroyer

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    Brilliant idea, anything to give us noobs a little less to worry about whole out there in the wild. :)
  9. My backpack ate my shotgun My camo ate my backpack The zeds wanna eat me... It's a cruel world out there son. :)
  10. DazTroyer

    My First Friendly

    I've met four so far in a week. The first came at me with a face of a zed carrying an axe. I thought I was a gonna, he dropped some kit lit a flare and crawled off. Last I saw was a couple zedz beating a plume of smoke. Never said a word. The second followed me into a barn in the middle of no where, scared the living daylights out of me as he popped a few zeds on his way in. He asked me to give him a transfusion, which I didn't know how to do lol. Then let me take a Enfield and ammo out of his bag. Then off he went as quick as he arrived. Last two in Electro, guy helping one new spawner and let me tag along. Was a very brief affair, got to chat but I think that gave us away. All of us got murdered in minutes. Never had a chance to even exchange names lol. So they are out there. :)
  11. DazTroyer

    plz add me lonley on dayz

    I wouldn't mind some help? Noob question though, if I use Skype can I still use my X1's for both sound and Skype chat?
  12. DazTroyer

    What is Humanity?

    How many points do you lose for one murder? I've read one guy sayt he took a 5k hit for two kills yet i went from +2700 to - 1752 with one kill. When i panicked like a girl... :blush:
  13. I read some blurb on the game that said it was 700m yet the highest I can see is Altar at 471m. So where's the highest point and how high is it and have you been there?
  14. DazTroyer

    Highest point in chernarus

    Thanks, off I go lol.
  15. DazTroyer

    An Apology

    Surely this just perpetuates the pvp problem, every guy who gets killed in cold blood is more likely to then think @#&£ it and kill the next person he sees.?
  16. DazTroyer

    Camo clothing

    This made me laugh.... Under Not a Bug! The screen is black/very dark... It's probably night time. Pop a flare, power up your Flashlight, switch to a day-time server, wait for the moon, or find Night Vision Goggles.
  17. DazTroyer

    Camo clothing

    Wish I read wiki before.... As of when changing skin(happend with camo clothing) your backpack will be removed and you will have the standard spawning bag(Patrol Pack). Witnessed with Ghilie Suit.
  18. DazTroyer

    Camo clothing

    No it's not, I equiped a set last night and my big Czech bag pack vanished with all my stuff in it and left me with a coyote pack. I was lucky it was before i hit the hospital. I swapped back in the hope I would get my pack back but it didn't work. Found more Czech packs but I can't pick any up so stuck with an Alice pack and camos I'm to scared to use lol.
  19. Now its a bit of a slog, i walked from Skalisty island and had to raid buldings on the way for food and drink. Got pretty tough and go food wise but one can of beans and i was good to go. Found an M1911 and hatchet on the way which meant i was prepared for humans or zeds. Except there ain't no one up there, spotted one guy in a car who nearly ran me over and that was it. I had the hospital and super markets all to myself. Maybe i was just lucky, it was a low pop server but i got enough kit to keep me happy for a good while. So leave Cherno and Electro to the bandits, head North... B)
  20. Some will make it i'm sure :P
  21. DazTroyer

    Sudden fps drop

    This is getting worse, not only do i get a frame rate drop that i have noticed is in the built up areas, i'm getting graphical problems. Strange bands of olive green blocking huge parts of the screen, i'm up in BEREZINO but had to drop out as i couldn't see. When in town i got the green and white while looking in certain directions, turn around an they were gone but it meant i couldn't continue as its totally unplayable... :(
  22. As much as it pains me to say it, as hard it is to actually find a gun at times, as tough as it makes being a survivor spawning on the beach. I'm gonna have to say no, being a tough a brutal world is what makes Dayz so much fun imo, right from the off your kept on your toes, alway in danger, always looking over your shoulder. Don't ever make it easier.... :)
  23. I was in Electro, hiding in the firestation tower with my first AK. There had been someone wasting zeds with a silent AR for a good ten mins, god knows how much ammo he had. I wanted to get to the Hospital and then get out of town so thought i'd wait a while. As the shots got nearer i waited then a head popped up the steps, i panicked and wasted a clip on the guy. He was just a new spawner, had nothing on him other than the axe in his hand. :( Thinking i better get out i made a dash for the Hospital, bad move, the guy with the silent AR was waiting, he hit me with a few rounds as i ran off. I hid for a while, down to 400 blood and shaking from pain i could hardly see a thing. I made another try for the Hospital, deperate for painkillers and thats when i saw something, i zoomed in through the blur but could make out if it was a zed or not. It was him, pop and i was dead...
  24. DazTroyer

    please help

    Try DayZcommander instead of sixlauncher? Click on the "versions" tab and make sure is up to date.
  25. I wish some of the veteran players would go a little easier on guys asking questions. This New Player board will be by definition, full of new players asking nooby questions. Yeah some won't search but then hey, your experience and knowledge ain't worth jack unless you pass it on. Let's try and do so without the attitude. Please. :)