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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. I have had this broken leg hack done to me and been held up by a guy with full kit, they must so good killing a man with an axe, bet they jizz every time lol.
  2. DazTroyer

    really starting to piss me off....

    I would be willing to talk over xbox live if that helps, just pm me here to let me know.
  3. DazTroyer

    really starting to piss me off....

    It is mare, i had trouble and gave up the first night I tried. I found a few youtube vids and like you say the dudes speak/move the pointer so quick its hard to follow. I found one however that was good, just kept pausing it and replaying etc. Will post a link up when on my pc, i have it saved. Other than that download DayZcommander as that does it for you, although didn't work for me first time lol. Don't worry you aint alone, lol :)
  4. Am I the only one who likes being a new spawner, seems to me being hunted and collecting your kit is the best bit. Once you get out into the wilds of Stary or NWA its always some [...] in a bush, you never see, that kills you.
  5. Anyway, here in the UK they are a cheap and hearty Meal. :P They taste lovely http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faggot_(food)
  6. It's a joke Max, Jeez! Chill out fella. :)
  7. What sitting in the bush or being a fagot? :P
  8. DazTroyer

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    (just got sniped and killed typing this ffs)
  9. DazTroyer

    Potential Graphical Artifacting Fixes

    Didn't work for me, in Stary and have had artifacts. Still using the "change your video memory from high to default" as necessary. i5 3450 GTX 560ti 448
  10. Come on man, don't make out its ok and let the poor noobs get slaughtered, just when they've probably got good shit.
  11. I was up there at dawn this morning, wouldn't advice it on your own. That's some freaky shit man. Never seen so many Zeds, didn't hang around for long I can tell you.
  12. DazTroyer

    Any tips for new p;ayer getting into PvP

    Go up North and find a fair fight instead of killing folks with just an axe in Electro :P
  13. Some of the cars are stupidly fast if you ask me.
  14. I've see car I tried last night and you left for another channel lol :P
  15. DazTroyer

    Looting the NW Airfield...What you can expect.

    That one guy should of found a better back pack before going all that way!
  16. Crawled under a tree and broke my leg, what gives with this shit? Them pine cones must be razor sharp as i nearly bled to death... <_< Anyway, two cans of pasta and morphine left me at 520 Blood. Shaking, vision grey and blurred i couldn't risk a town as i kept blacking out. So off in search of a sheep or two, never one around when you need one. Two hours later, two cooked sheep and a visit to a village and i'm 7900'ish blood and the colours coming back to my cheeks. Now if only i could make it until Day 2. :blush: How low have you got, yet managed to live to tell the tale????
  17. DazTroyer

    Anyone in the NW airfield?

    Funny douchebag though ;)
  18. DazTroyer

    Admin Ban - Battle Restriction 180?

    I was using my map and managed to access the admin panel, no idea what i did but i was kicked. Will this effect me in the future? :huh:
  19. That was a HUGE>>>LOL! :lol:
  20. DazTroyer

    Zombie skin

    I've been meeting a few players with the zombie skin, are they all hackers and to be avoided? Just met some guy, teleported in front of me offering any kit i wanted. He had an M107 that looked like it had a thermal scope. Anyway i politely refused but UK 118 is like a hacker meet and greet, as i lay in the grass they were swapping all sorts of kit and stories of global bans etc. :o
  21. What settings are thoughs, i've a 560ti
  22. Looks good to me, in facts that looks sweet. So long as you expect some bugs its Ultra all the way... :thumbsup: B)
  23. This used to be one or two locations, now on some servers its every town or airport. I'm running all latest updates and have tried flushing my card. Any ideas?
  24. DazTroyer

    wield axe keep other weapon

    Get a bigger back pack, Alice pack for example. Then go into your inventory and open your pack, click on the left arrow next to your gun and it will be in your pack. Then equip your axe. BEWARE, YOU NEED 10 FREE SLOTS, IF YOU DONT HAVR THAT FREE DONT DO IT. SEE MY SIG AS TO WHY. :P
  25. DazTroyer


    I get frame rate problems in towns and on certain servers. Runs at 60 fps in the country but down as low as 25 sometimes. Runs Red Orchestra 2 on Ultra without a hitch mind.