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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    Is this good enough specs for dayz?

    If you wanna overclock then go for the K prefix. If you don't the 3450 Ivybridge is cheaper and works just as well. Other than that what you have there is more than capable.
  2. DazTroyer

    How do you loot?

    This is a big problem and kind of turns us all into the same sos idiots if your not careful. It gets worse imo, as you get better at getting supplies, you get more and more lonely as you can't trust anyone. The game starts to lose its shine, the scared to death feelings wilt away and finding loot becomes dull.
  3. DazTroyer

    How do you loot?

    I crouch run through the towns, don't agro zeds as they give you away. Listen for gun fire, use that to your advantage, it tells you where the bandit or idiot making a racket is. Stick to cover, keep checking behind you and just hit the major areas, hospital (check behind for a med box if windows aren't broken), flats, church, Red brick buildings, fire station and supermarket. You can get in and out pretty quickly. Also check bodies if it's safe, this can be a big time saver as some poor bugger will have found what your looking for. As for what you can find, meds (leave blood bags if on your own) axe, matches, hunting knife, water bottle and a map plus a bigger back pack. With these your sorted and don't have to go into town again. I find it easier and safer to hit the towns than go up north, you won't ever see who kills you up there. Berezino is good if you wanna trek up there if you spawn on the east coast. Other than that choose a low pop server but where's the fun of that. ;)
  4. DazTroyer

    Buy now or wait for stand alone?

    As much as I love playing I'd say wait for the standalone alpha build, it won't be finished but at least hacker free, for a while at least. At present you really can't play the long game, so it's more a pvp fest around the towns. Your bound to lose out to some hacker sooner ot later.
  5. DazTroyer

    Best gaming headset

    Just ordered a pair from Amazon, at
  6. This has probably been posted before but hey, some of you might not have seen it. Made me chuckle. Well done sir..... :)
  7. You calling him a warm hearty pork meal? (You can't use that word fella, i know ;))
  8. Hunting new spawners with your hacked weapons, oooo you the man. ;)
  9. DazTroyer

    Budget pc

    Hi I'm trying to persuade my mate to get in on the Dayz action but he at first needs a pc. His budget is EXTREMELY tight and i've been trying to find a very cheap pc that will let him play. One I found is in the link below, he has windows so that's not a problem. I'm thinking medium settings with a playable fps. Anyway, be nice lol http://item.mobileweb.ebay.co.uk/viewitem?itemId=150879499317&cmd=VIDESC
  10. DazTroyer

    Budget pc

    That's good to know, thank you. :)
  11. DazTroyer

    Best gaming headset

    I'm in the market for new ones to, mine snapped a couple days ago. :(
  12. DazTroyer

    2 new gun suggestions

    I'd like to see one of these, imagine the fun you could have with someone knocked out for an hour or two. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tranquilliser_gun
  13. na...interview was ok, hackers where for the giggles. Guy playing was awful, from what i watched he never got anywhere.
  14. DazTroyer

    DayZ is not free so stop saying it is.

    I lol'd and lol'd and lol'd.......you get the idea. :D
  15. Because they have little dicks and no girlfriends are spotty and weight 300Ibs... :o Best i've had done to me was the guy who brought a pack of zeds with him, said hi, then shot me in the leg. It broke, i fell and got eaten while he watched. Made me chuckle...................after! :lol:
  16. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    Lol who was the lucky fella :)
  17. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    Just walked to the lighthouse and back, no sign chap. Maybe it's gltched out? Getting dark so will have to call it a night, sorry.
  18. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    I just walked the whole coastline from electro to Cherno, no sign of you fella?
  19. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    Dude, i came on and Battle eye kicked you?
  20. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    Well I can try but I've a feeling someone will be also waiting for me lol.
  21. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    If I had an epipen could I revive you?
  22. DazTroyer

    KILL ME!

    If your still alive at about half seven, UK time, I will look for you. Died just before I logged off last night so have bugger all to lose. Post here if your still there ok. :)
  23. DazTroyer

    Great! Lost all my m1911 rounds

    Read my sig, then get used to it! :)
  24. DazTroyer

    Ghillie suits

    I've found two in the flats in Cherno before now. :)
  25. Seems to me folk shoot on sight regardless of bandit skin or not. The last two douchebags that shot me in the back didn't have the bandit skin anyway. At least non bandits have a bit of warning some of the time. As for stuff not working, just add it to the long list.