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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    Day Z commander and Lingor installation

    Whats the hacker/script kiddie situation like on Lingor? Ok i dl Lingor via Dayzcommander, all seems fine except when i launch the game. I get into the lobby, for a second then get kicked back to the main menu. From there i can't seem to find a Lingor server, no matter what i stick in the filter box???? Any ideas or help, please? :huh:
  2. Set up my buy an Alice pack service. Each pack containing all a noob needs to avoid Cherno/Electro altogether. Delivered to a server near you. Buy it now on ebay shortly :)
  3. DazTroyer

    I have amazing luck...

    I consider myself lucky if I find an AKM at anywhere other than a crash site. I've even been to NWA and found nothing. Can I be your friend, lol :)
  4. Have to laugh and it's nice to see Battle Eye working on them global bans. Looks like this "stuff spawner" was only out for a day or so. Edit - Please don't post links to hacking sites, whatever your intentions. (Fraggle) Rather depressing though, that this is just one site dedicated to ruining everyone's fun in Dayz and other games. The standalone can't come soon enough imo.
  5. I looked in the other day and you were full, 40/40 :o Will pop back into TS when my headset arrives.
  6. The video memory trick works for me, most of the time.
  7. DazTroyer

    I'm seriously done.

    Why all the frigging hate for the OP, he's just as entitled to his opinion and ability to air it as the rest of you. It was obvious from the title it was gonna be a moan, if that's not your thing then don't read it but Jeez, cut the guy some slack ffs. As for the hackers, I've had more bad experiences with trees, deadly little bar stewards can kill you in a blink of an eye.
  8. DazTroyer

    I am becoming a medic and can help!

    I've tried twice, couldn't find one and the other dies on me when I was in sight of SWA. It certainly adds a new dimension to DayZ. Good luck fella. :)
  9. I've got no mic at present, using some crappy headphones that came with my phone. :blush: It ain't the best way to play thats for sure, i think it would be quicker to shoot than type "Friendly" lol :P I can vouch for the "pissing the mrs off", any time after 10pm and i have to be quiet regardless, otherwise i risk waking the dragon... :o :o :o
  10. DazTroyer


    I died crawling under a tree to look at my map, lost everything. Spawned in Kamenka and ran all way to Cherno, got meds and ran back. He died when i was in sight of the airport. I did try and no he was genuine. :)
  11. DazTroyer


    PM me the server your on... No promises. :)
  12. DazTroyer


    You mean the control tower, at the airport?
  13. I purchased Arma CO just for Dayz and it has been totally worth it, the more you play the more the bugs, hackers etc bother you. It is however a unique game, nothing I've ever played is like it. It isn't long until the standalone version though. UK135 is a pretty good server.
  14. DazTroyer

    Will this run?

    I'd go for a 600 watt psu but other than that, like everyone has said, your good to go.
  15. DazTroyer

    DayZ logic

    Tree of pain very nearly got me, all the way down to 120 blood. Very close call. I like the "Find the best gear, to afraid to play the game" lol :)
  16. DazTroyer

    What's your DayZ goal?

    I'm struggling with any goal at the moment, seems pointless trying to survive when a hacker can (and has) spawned behind you at any minute to finish all your hard work.
  17. Read my sig, been there, done that and have the t shirt lol. :P
  18. I expect at least 95% of the cheaters are gay (i didn't use the f word Max ;))
  19. DazTroyer

    Where are all the vehicles :S

    I usually find them in the woods, with a camping sniper not far away. Found a bicycle today, was having fun until I rode it into a pond...
  20. :) We need an EU version of this.
  21. DazTroyer

    How to Stop Dupers

    Lol, well done sir. Beans means Heinz for you.
  22. DazTroyer

    how to get geared up in an hour?

    I'm crouching 99% of the time and can loot Cherno in about 20mins, god gave you two legs fella, learn to use them. :P
  23. DazTroyer

    Did I waste 30$ ???

    I paid the money just for Dayz and it's been more than worth it imo. :P
  24. DazTroyer

    The hackers love me?

    I've had a few suspect deaths but in almost three weeks NEVER EVER been the victim of any major hacks. Seen one guy teleporting and dish out loot but that's about it. Feeling quite left out lol. :P