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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. DazTroyer

    Low FPS

    I had the gtx 560ti 448 and could play on high, with AA off with upwards of 50+ fps, 20 in Cherno lol. Had to OC the living daylights out of it but it never died on me.
  2. DazTroyer

    Low FPS

    Yep, you need a new card. Minimum, imo, gtx 560ti or better. (or amd equivalent)
  3. DazTroyer

    Help me plz :)

    What they said ^^^^^^
  4. DazTroyer

    DayZ Alpha won't launch until launched !

    Friday update, anyone? ;)
  5. DazTroyer

    The Pickpocket

    The next time the Mrs says,"Always later, later later, why can't you just pause it and put the rubbish out!"
  6. DazTroyer

    The Pickpocket

    I'd like to say I have a tent with an M9 sd in but I just panicked, we know he works with another guy who was on the server. Still what I got was enough for a new spawn. :)
  7. DazTroyer

    random fps drops?

    Welcome to Arma 2 / Dayz, it happens to the best of us. Some servers are wah better than other, big town plus a lot of zeds = a drop in frame rates. No amount of tweaking g will change that, you might gain a little here or there but not to a great extent imo. The Standalone should be a bit better. :)
  8. DazTroyer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    Similar fps on high, no AA, FSAA on super sharp, post processing off, shadows high. You might need to fine tune the settings but I ran it on a GTX 560ti 448 without to many fps drops. Obviously that's server/location on the map dependant.
  9. DazTroyer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    I very much doubt it.
  10. Everything on high, post processing off, AA low plus FSAA on super sharp, looks the business.
  11. He's been off to the chip shop getting tonight's tea I think. ;)
  12. Yet to get the extras in the beta but I've been really enjoying the alpha.
  13. Did you run Arma 2 and OA once, to the splash screen before running DayZ? How are you launching Dayz? I would dl and install DayZcommander. Check the install button, top right, and dl latest Dayz and Arma beta patch etc. Then try a server from commander. Also it might be worth verifying you install through Steam. Good luck. :)
  14. DazTroyer

    E3 and our attendance

    Shaky smart phone footage inbound. :lol:
  15. I think it's just that it is exceptionally sunny in the pics, it's always bloody raining when i play. It's the same for the DayZ arma 3 mod, the Greek sunlight just doesn't suit grey old Chernarus.
  16. The mod has evolved into so many different ways over the last six months, we have versions like Epoch and Breaking Point. As for pvp, like it or not, that's why the people I play with play DayZ for, yes it has survival elements but it's the glorious open world pvp that keeps us playing. It's not hyperbole to say, the players I know have lost faith, i come here most days and talk/post up what titbits I hear and all I get is the Internet equivalent of the blank stare. It's not even that they rage or moan about "more bull plop" on the Standalone, they simply aren't interested one way or another. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a DayZ hater, i don't come here daily just to bash the Dev's. I'm as stoked as the rest of you guys, it's just most I know aren't. As for E3, this is Dean's time to show what they've done, to wow the world with the standalone, that is what E3 is about after all.
  17. Plenty of folk have lost faith in the Standalone, to a point where most (ALL the ones I know and speak to) couldn't be anymore disinterested if they tried. They love Dayz the mod, in all its different flavours, most playing every day but the standalone, they couldn't care less. It's this silent majority that the Dev's need to worry about, not the few who come here to bitch and moan. I can say hand on heart, that I don't know one single player, who still plays with me most days or who got bored and vanished off to pasture new, that is the slightest bit interested in the Standalone anymore. What once seemed fluid and ever evolving now seems stuck, on what may be important parts of the game but the mod is outpacing at a faster and faster rate. I think E3 couldn't be anymore important at this point, the disaffected need to lot more than titbits to generate some of that excitement we had back in December before all our hopes were dashed. So its over to you Dean and Co, we need to be impressed all over again.
  18. Another mash up of all the good, bad and odd bits. :)
  19. I don't think so, the two communities are looking forward to different games at E3. You have to remember though, DayZ is just one game is compared to two new consoles and all the pomp that will attract. I can see DayZ ported to the PS4 at some point.
  20. DazTroyer

    Can I Run DayZ Mod? (POST HERE)

    ^^^^ are you being serious?
  21. DazTroyer


    To hunt my fellow humans digital avatars, be it bambi or bandit. Sniping from Cherno, hunting them around their camps and generally making their lives as awkward as I and my fellow Bandits can. There by making Chernarus a dangerous place to be and getting as many hearts pounding as humanly possible. ;)
  22. DazTroyer

    Video Card Poll

    Shadows, grass and foliage dissappear at around 50m so it won't have a massive effect on gameplay imo, the number of guys I've killed because they think their hidden in the grass, lol. I started playing with a gtx 560ti 448 and could play on high settings, i now have a gtx 680 and there isn't a massive leap in frame rate or graphics, the Arma 2 engine just isn't optimized enough. To many players worry as it is about being able to play DayZ without setting higher min settings, you will just scare them off and lower the player base.
  23. DazTroyer

    Double Video Sunday

    I have a surprise, lol.
  24. DazTroyer

    New to Dayz and FPS games

    New to DayZ and fps, Hmmmm good luck with that. Talk about jumping in the deep end.
  25. Try DayZ forever Epoch http://www.dayzforever.com/