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Everything posted by DazTroyer

  1. Very true, I spent a lot of the weekend messing about in Armex. Great fun trying everything out. :)
  2. We found one on our server, took an hour to find scrap metal to repair it, twice, after firefight and grenade attack. Had three cars and five of us guarding, looting. It was a scream and we did eventually take of with it, although managed to crash fifteen Mins later, lol.
  3. Personally, this late in the day, I would of waited for the Standalone in December. However, now you've taken the plunge you night as well enjoy. Make sure you download DayZcommander, it will make playing so much easier.
  4. DazTroyer

    New Bambi, with a dinosaur computer

    Bambi is generally a fresh spawn in Dayz, no weapon or kit worth killing for or stealing. Harmless as Bambi, get it?
  5. DazTroyer

    Downloading Arma! Can't wait!!

    Almost makes me wish I was starting over, nothing quite like the first week or so in Dayz. Enjoy... :)
  6. Has to be Frankie, however I wouldn't drop my gun for him or anyone else. ;)
  7. DazTroyer

    Asking people if they are friendly?

    I've met many a guy from saying friendly, I've also shot folk in the back of the head after saying it, just because I wanted their gun. We've driven around in a car looting for an hour with two guys, only for them to try and fail to kill us. We ran one over lol. There's no real way of knowing, depends on the player, their mood and the day of the week.
  8. Hey fella, for a bambi like yourself our 24 hr daylight server will be just your thing. Once you get Dayz running, pop in and say hi. Details below.. :)
  9. DazTroyer

    New to the DayZ

    Well look no further fella, will have folk from all over the globe but so far no French speaking players, jump in and be the first. :)
  10. DazTroyer

    BANG I'm dead?

    Welcome to DayZ, life death and taxes, losing your kit is one of life's cast iron guarantees. Biggest tip I can give is, head North from new spawn. Leave the cities to the pvp guys. However get used to dying, it will happen more often than not.
  11. No where near enough for me! Now we've added 24hr day time so no more being afraid of the dark :P
  12. Then look no further, here at the Fogeyz server we have a great bunch of old farts just waiting for some competition. We usually end up having a "old" moment and killing each other, we are that good lol. At present the server is open for business with a roll back option should and skiddies try be funny buggers. So see the server details in my sig and pop along and say hi. :) Also you can pop along to here http://fogeyz.co.uk/...php?topic=259.0 and pop your in game name down, then if we do lock things down again you'll be good to go. Hope to catch you in game real soon... B)
  13. DazTroyer

    New "Bambi"

    Be prepared to die.
  14. Had a blast last night guys.
  15. Looking good, why does if feel like its taking foreeeeevvvver man.
  16. They keep coming and we keep knocking them down, the quality of Bandits out there today it really shocking! Where are the men in this game? The guys who don't script but are up for the challenge, the guys with balls and guns who don't run for the hills. Do you think your up to the task, do you feel man enough to take us on? Some have tried, all have failed!!! :P B)
  17. DazTroyer

    First rate Bandits!!! (Wanted)

    Real men don't hack... :P
  18. DazTroyer

    How smooth?

    The OP's system is better than mine and i get 60fps in the trees/fields and 25-30fps in towns, it still varies depending on what servers i play on and sometimes has the odd freeze. I've read of folk with top end systems complaining of bad fps on here so its hard to say for certain, one way or the other. i5 3450 3.2GHZ GTX 560ti 448 4GB
  19. DazTroyer

    I'm having a difficult time

    Just enjoy the struggle, once you learn the best ways to avoid them, they are never really a problem again. The first few days in Chernarus are by far the best.
  20. DazTroyer

    First rate Bandits!!! (Wanted)

    So what's this spam taking over my thread lol.
  21. DazTroyer

    KUATO LIVES! Join the Resistance!!

    Bring it on Jonny and tell Dean to keep his head down next time ;)
  22. DazTroyer

    Bandit Clan

    Well if you guys are interested, we have a white listed server in need of good quality competition. Server details in my sig, join and you will be kicked but we will have your GUID. Then pop onto our forums and sign up with your in game name. As soon as poss, you will be white listed and good to go. http://fogeyz.co.uk/index.php?topic=259.0
  23. DazTroyer

    Players 30+ years old

    Look forward to it fella. The age limit is not set in stone.
  24. DazTroyer

    UK Player looking for fellow survivors

    Join our white listed server guys, then sign up to our forums. Once we have your GUID details we will get you Whitelisted asap.