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About KapteinKnipmes

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Pretoria, South Africa
  1. KapteinKnipmes


    I'll have a look at this thanks :D
  2. KapteinKnipmes


    Hey guys. Firstly my specs. Core i7 2600K @ 4.8ghz 8GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 Asus Rampage Extreme mobo Geforce 570 DirectCU II. Generally my game runs really good, nice smooth fps, but here are my settings and these are the Issues I am having performance wise: Video Memory - Default 3D + 2D resolution are both my Native resolution AA is off AF is on 4x Post Processing is off Shadows are off View Distance 1600 All other details set to medium or off. Vsync off Nvidia Settings - Prefer Maximum Performance Frames to Render Ahead 0-3 ( Meaning I have experimented with 0,1,2 and 3) Issue is, even with these super low settings, once I use a scoped weapon and zoom in, my fps drops horribly, and by horribly I mean my fps drops by up to 40fps until I stop scoping / zooming. This happens even when looking directly at the ground or sky. Randomly when near towns like cherno, elektro, zeleno my fps would drop to 40-45fps until I move out and keep the town at my back where the fps would jump up again. It's a bit odd. I know there are many details and lots of things going on in the bigger towns, but that is quite a severe fps drop! Also I see lots of youtube streamers playing Dayz With shadows enabled and the game runs smooth as silk, yet my specs are superior, but if I enable shadows even at it's lowest setting, my FPS drops to below 20 in most cases. I've had a look at the various ARMAII config commands, FoV tweaks etc. Any other tips or things to look at? Cheers!
  3. Rocket mentioned he would like the ability for player owned bases, or the player to build a base or hideout (or something similar) and this got me thinking. What if you could construct a small fortification of sorts, a little place to call home, with a form of access control. Or even get a cave, small building in a city with a gate? I was thinking how this could work is, you could have access control cards (equipment / inventory slots) that grants access to your little hideout. These cards could be made / spawned by a device you can place somehwere on the inside to hand out to team mates or friends. Think of something like an ammobox you use to re arm, but instead you get one keycard, and you can only carry 1 keycard for each unique hideout or base. Then when looting other players, you could pick up their cards or keys to gain access to their bases /buildings, so it becomes vital to keep these cards or keys safe, and becomes a high value item to get from other players. Could add an interesting dynamic to the game if it can be implemented correctly. They could limit the storage space inside your area so you don't go around hoarding all the vehicles and weapons to keep it under lock and key, like have a vehicle shed that has a maximum of 2 jeep slots or 1 truck / bus, and for instance 2 bikes / bicycles with that. Your base and clothing could also be branded with something a team insignia of sorts as a form of identification.
  4. KapteinKnipmes

    Ingame Dayz Diary

    Brilliant Idea. Was actually thinking of starting a blog or something documenting my character's survival ingame. Implemented, this could be awesome for immersion!!!