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Everything posted by Crakka

  1. Crakka

    Do you combat log?

    but there is lol
  2. Crakka

    Do you ever server hop?

    crying about pvp lol. it must be really fun to hide from zombies the entire time you play
  3. Crakka

    Logout timer

    i just hope every time you go to log out you die cause you wanted the 30 second timer.
  4. Crakka

    Logout timer

    hahahaha you think i give two shits about being banned from a video game forum rofl. A game thats sinking fast thanks to retards like you
  5. Crakka

    Do you combat log?

    oh you want to start talking about the CoD series which iv won over $1,000 in and winning a bunch for first place titles(computer gear). Yes kid please stop talking, you are retarded.
  6. Crakka

    Logout timer

    When did i say i combat logged? because i dont agree with a log out timer and ill continue to hit alt f4 or ill just hard crash it and it will be like i never even opened up dayz. I dont think that means i combat log you brain dead moron
  7. Crakka

    Logout timer

    SICK BURN... I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I. dont you have to get ready for middle school ?
  8. Crakka

    Do you combat log?

    Maybe you dont understand, i said it would be more gear for ME to loot. Which i would come out on top killing however many people decided it would a good idea to load in next to me.
  9. Crakka

    Logout timer

    youre still a pussy for considering it
  10. Crakka

    Do you combat log?

    Why would I? That just means at the end its more gear for me to loot
  11. Crakka

    Logout timer

    it doesnt matter, you still combat logged and didnt fight. You "pussied" out
  12. Crakka

    Do you combat log?

    cant wait for a 30 second log out timer to stop you rofl. Youre pathetic and a "pussy" for logging out
  13. Crakka

    Logout timer

    you're prolly one of those kids that hide in a tree the entire time and think youre really good when you get a kill every 3 hours.
  14. Crakka

    Logout timer

    in another thread you said that you combat logged rofl. enjoy combat logging for now shitty. your time is almost up. There will always be a way around logging out if they add a timer. EZ PZ
  15. Crakka

    Logout timer

    Im 22 years old. Im up getting ready for work. Nice try tho kid I just think its extremely funny that you kids need a 30 second log out timer. Next its going to be if you get into a gun fight you enter the thunderdome and no one is allowed to leave till someone dies.
  16. Crakka

    Logout timer

    Ill be playing in servers with proper coding, once they release the admin tools. So no my body wont remain in the server. Nice Try.........You never had it
  17. Crakka

    Logout timer

    30 seconds rofl. i cant wait to alt f4 instead of waiting 30 seconds cause people need to cry and bitch
  18. Crakka

    An easy fix to prevent server hopping

    why are you trying to fix server hopping when loot doesnt respawn? god people are dumb
  19. Crakka

    Tents or other storage devices?

    Id like to see something a little more camod, and not easily spotted. Or have storage boxes that you can hide under trees and they would be really well hidden
  20. No its actually not cheating. Its not like its wall hacks or an aimbot. it does nothing to give me an advantage, so no its not cheats you fucking morons
  21. Combat logging isnt cheating tho. i also play with an amazing squad so i know they will kill whoever killed me and i can get my gear. but people that cry because they dont get the players gear that is most likely ruined is sad
  22. you people are just trying to ruin the game 1 cry at a time. I can predict it now that the end game will be god awful and unplayable thanks to you retards. Lets just make it so once you open your game you cant turn it off and robotic arms strap you into your chair until you die, thats pretty much what you guys want which is retarded. OMGOSH SOMEONE COMBAT LOGGED ON ME, I MUST GO CRY ABOUT IT ON THE FORUMS CAUSE I DIDNT GET THERE SWEET HOODIE
  23. So i can die when im not even playing? you must be retarded cause this is the dumbest thing in the world.
  24. Crakka

    I really detest spawn killers

    Thats what they did, they made it so you get gear on the east, then run back down to elektro and shoot people. and in doing all that it takes about 40 mins to an hour