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About Collja

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Tentcamp, storing supplys and cooking meat.
  1. Collja

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello dear Medics. Again i`m in the need of your help. I got ill after i driven a few people along the coast of Chernarus with a boat and would need a packet of Antiboticas now. Im right now on the very outskirts West from Kamenka. Greetings Collja. Was able to get myself to a Hospital a found a packet of Antiboticas.
  2. Closed The Topic mainly says it all. Since i searched the North to the South and from the East to the West and wasnt lucky enough to find a Coyote Backpack for my beloved Medic. I gonna try it another way. With my dear Medic (mentitioned above) i raided the NWAR, NEAR and found 2 Heli Crash sides last night. This is what we get and what we would be willling to trade for Coyote Backpacks or/and a couple of Tents. 1x FN Fal AN/PVS 4 without Mags. 1x AS50 without Mags. 1x M14Aim with Mags. 1xDMR with Mags. Thanks for all offers i got anything i need. Closed
  3. I really liked how this is build up so here is my application. Age: 24 Must be Mature: Seriously to death....most of the time. What kind of communications you have? TS3, Ventrilo, Skype and Mumble. Gear List: Flashlight, Hatchet, Watch, Map, Compass, Hunting Knife, Box of Matches, Military Flashlight, Toolbox, 2x Refillable Waterbottles and my beloved Alice Pack. Main Weapon: M16A2 with 8 Mags and DMR with 10 Mags. But would be willing to give away the DMR as a sign of trust. Side Arm: G17 with 4 Mags. Medical: 1x Morphine and 4 Bandages. Dosier:(about yourself, play style, etc): Been playing for about roughly 3 Weeks now and have been friendly all the time but mostly regreted that choice. Very lucky about finding loot (Includes Helicopter Crashsides). Driving? Not a problem. Tactical Position: (what position your good at.): Heavy Weapons (Contains?), Point Man, Supporter/Supplier(cause i always have a steady flow of useful stuff and i hate it leaving a Ghilie suit behind cause there is no one you can give it too) would also suggest myself as Team Leader, skills that would favor this statement would be that i nearly always got the overview and always a backup Plan at hands, but not in the first place and only if wanted by the whole Team. Medic. A bag full of Medical supply to save your sorry ass?`HELL YES!
  4. Collja

    Dayz Clan Recruiting

    Well that sounds interesting. Im gonna try to contact you in a few dayz and we may have a talk, looking if it will fit between us.
  5. Collja

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I would like to thank MikaelM for Saving my Ass and a great evening. Super Fast and Friendly Medic. You got my Beans.
  6. Collja

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello fellow TMW and WLM aswell. Finally i`am in the need of your help. After i was lucky enough to make some Booty at the NWAR i aggro a whole fucking bunch of zombies. After i was able to pull myself out of this sticky situation i was able to get my sorry ass near to the southwest of the Berezino forest before i fall unconscious. I`am now sitting under a tree and waiting with a bag full of loot for Father Death. I`am in the need of a Bloodinfusion. i`ve got a Bloodbag with me Irony of Fate. I would Appreciate your help. With greetings Collja.
  7. Closed Well after Playing Dayz only alone quite a time im now looking forward to team up with someone, because Teamplay is way much more fun and the feeling having someone holding your Back is also great. The Topic mainly says it all. Q and A Section. For how long you playing Dayz now? For about... let me lie... barely 2 weeks. Have you been Survivor friendly, a Bandit or KoS player? I have always been Survivor friendly even if i most of the time regreted that choice. Why would you want to join a Squad/Team or have a Partner if you getting along pretty well alone? Cause in a Team its way more fun and just been alone all the time is boring. 2 Dayz before i found 2 Ghilie suit and a Tent i could only wear 1 while the other well....i needed too leave it behind 'insert sadly tear here'. I`am a Support/Supplier Player and i hate it every time i need to leave good loot behind me cause there is nobody to share it with and ofc i like been "THAT GUY" that got everything you need;). As a sign of trust i would be willing to give away a M24/M14 Aim with ammo and also 6x DMR Mags/2x M104 Mags and also 2 Camo Clothing but i would like to keep on of them for myself:=). And if you ask nicely even my second Box of Matches. Did you steal that stuff mentioned above? No i just run from the coast, after i got killed by a Sniper again a day before, straight to Stary Sobor and looted the tents in the dawn. On the way back to the south i stumbled over a Heli Crash side. Yes i am a lucky Bastard. I speak English als auch Deutsch, anfragen von deutscher seite sind also auch gerne gesehen. If you got anymore Question before even considering hooking up with me feel free to ask them. Closed