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Posts posted by lolsallama

  1. http://gyazo.com/e85...c5790af92ee4348

    here is a screen shot of the server just after the restart. Screen shot taken at 10:47pm ish.

    The 8 people on the server is the admin squad we attacked in elektro with the chopper.

    Please take down this server because this is abusing admin rights. Killing people in elektro and when they lose their precious chopper they close the server so they can retake it. These guys had Ghillies AS50s, L85s for the least.

    1) The server was closed due to two hackers called "Kaldar" and "A Suspicious guy" and the admin not being able to ban them two only.

    2) There is no 8 man admin group.

    3) You just sound bitter and butthurt you couldn't mess with people even though you had a hacker with you. GG and QQ moar!!!

    4) Instead of complaining about people who pay for a public server which is always up and running for you too join and only got closed for a short period due to hackers.. why don't you try and pay for a server and run it. Its always the same with cry babies like you who want everything for nothing and just want to ruin other peoples hard work.
