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Everything posted by Ahris

  1. Ahris

    [suggestion] hand cart on train tracks

    I don't see what mines has to do with it. Theese are still around as backup vehicles on train tracks everywhere although it's very rare to see them used nowdays. I've seen both the classic 'pump version' and bicycle variants used around where i live (Sweden) on the countryside and on train tracks that are no longer in use. I can definately see them getting back on the tracks in a Day Z scenario. :)
  2. Ahris

    Why punish bandits?

    The 'scarfs' were there from the start, they were just taken out for a while. As for fairness: Bandits 'scores' regardless of what they kill, survivors can only 'score' by killing bandits, fairness doesn't realy have anything to do with the turbans, a certain balance do though. It's not the best system for it but it's probably as good as it gets as a mod. As far as i know bandits vs survivors was always a core part of the gameplay so why do people want to pretend that it's not as soon as it affects their easy-mode?
  3. Ahris

    So i had a bush stalk me...

    Not every day you get stalked by a former president and considering it was a Bush you did the right thing getting the hell out of there!
  4. I wouldn't call Day Z a shooter, it's a sandbox RPG as far as i'm concerned. :) But as far as shooters go i haven't really come across anything near as good as Quake since it was released. I play Quake Live nowdays but it lacks something compared to the original. When i see all the other, modern shooters around, this is how i feel: )
  5. Ahris

    Loot Spawning

    Instead of loot-camping it's more productive to just move on to another area. It's also a good idea to approach an area with loot slowly, when you approach you will trigger the spawns (Unless someone else was there recently) and it will take a while for the loot to appear. If you enter too fast you'll usually find nothing at all. I might be wrong but it seems like you actually prevent loot from spawning if you're too close.
  6. I think that the less you spawn with, the better and the more rewarding it will be playing the game and find gear. I think the backpack should go too, the basic inventory is enough to carry everything you need to survive. It isn't really that much harder now and you have more reason to to places other than military loot spawns. The 'need a gun for zombie defence'-argument isn't really valid anymore since you can always get away from zombies quite easily at the expense of some time.
  7. Ahris

    Gameplay tips

    The hatchet is a pretty powerful weapon and from what i've seen they can be found all over the place. They actually work like a very short range gun (It shoots a projectile where you aim) and just like with guns hitting the head is an instant kill. As for body hits it's about as powerful as a 5.56 assault rifle, they went down in two hits as far as i could tell. The range seems to be about 2m and a bit longer than the zombies' reach so with a bit of practice you can kill them before they get close enough to hit you. I found it easier to kill zombies with a hatchet than with a gun so i'm going with a hatchet/pistol now rather than rifle/pistol. :) Infinite 'ammo' and no noise plus you can chop wood with it! If it runs out of 'ammo', just drop it and pick it up and it'll be fully charged again. Note that when you first pick one up, you have to reload it to be able to swing it. I found a lot of pathing problems with the new AI, Z's will get stuck a lot and pick very strange and long routes to get to you, it makes things very unpredictable but can also be a lifesaver. For example, when i hid from a horde in a warehouse at the docks, half of them got stuck by a wall and the rest ran into the ocean and started swimming away. :P Not a single one came near the warehouse entrance...much to my dissappointment as i had lit up the interior with chem flares and was going to try out my new hatchet... Here's a little something for everyone acting like little kids because they can't evade zombies anymore, it does contain a few tips too :) The AI has bugs but i really don't see what some people are complaining about, i haven't died from any zombies yet and i've had conflicts with hundreds of them today. I spawned two villages from Electro and lost my pack in the water (To explore an island), i scavenged both of them and killed every z (20 or 30) that went for me with a hatchet i found, i only started bleeding once, using my only bandage. Then i went to Electro where i massacred every zombie i met on the way to the northern fire station with my hatchet, there i found a backpack, supplies and weapons and stocked up on smoke grenades. I went towards the school, shooting zombies with my new akm on the way until they became a bit too many. At the school another player who was out of ammo was hiding (He was talking on com). I could hear a loud heartbeat so i was suspicious of him but he didn't shoot, still i decided to get out of there in case he would kill me. I shot as many zombies as i could before i ran out of ammo and went across the street to the diner when i heard the guy saying he was bleeding, he was stuck on the upper floors of the school. Since i brought the zombies there and my gunfire had brought a huge amount of zombies to him (Which were now after him since he fired his gun last), i stopped looking for ammo, ran past the zombies who was in the diner with me and tossed a smoke grenade on each side of the school after which the guy came running out like a rocket and went to the supermarket while the zombies were busy and then i had the z's around the supermarket chase me and i pulled them off into the city. That's when the local bandits woke up and started shooting at me...and attracted more zombies, i probably had the whole city after me but since the bandits kept shooting, the z's eventually started leaving my trail and followed the sniper fire instead! :) I managed to get to the shore and headed north where i logged out once i was in the clear with no ammo left but a pack full of supplies. :) It made a good story but what i mean is that this is the first time i've had use of all the crap i usually carry around so the zombies are having exactly the effect that they should, there are bugs but most of the complaints i've heard are just ridiculous. :P For me the game is better than ever because now looking for a single can of beans and a coke can get you into an adventure like the one above. :)
  8. Ahris

    Well i just had my shortest life ever.

    That's how zombies make babies ;)
  9. Even though i prefer the glock, PDW is probably my second choice actually because of the many ammo types. The sidearm is my primary weapon and i like the large 9mm clips and not having to depend on a single ammo type, it also means i already have ammo for whenever i find a Glock. :)
  10. I'm sure lots of people own firearms but i doubt any of them carry them around in everyday life, it's illegal to carry weapons in public in most countries. There has always been guns in houses/homes in DayZ but you never find them on the Chernarus citizens (zombies). So i don't think you typically carried around guns in pre-apocalypse Chernarus either.
  11. Remove the starter supplies and bandits would have to work like everyone else to survive on the coast. They would have to travel or scavenge for their beans. Camping spawns is effortless and provides an endless amount of supplies, take that away and it won't be as easy and therefore not as fun. Another effect would be that people would go into the small villages and farms more since the first thing they have to do is find food and drink.
  12. The beginning of every character's story is the same: You wake up on a beach with no idea of where you came from besides that you came from the sea...and if you'd been swimming you'd have drowned carrying all the stuff you currently start with. Swimming with clothes on at all is hard enough. The only likely item to carry at start besides clothes is a watch really but it would probably be broken because of water damage. Starting at the beach also implies that you survived BECAUSE you were at sea when the apocalypse started so i wouldn't want inland spawn points, a more even distribution along the whole coastline would be nice though and would mean less instant access to military gear in the south. Some argue that they have guns at home irl, well the vast majority don't and the beach isn't 'home'. I also think/hope that they don't carry those guns with them whenever they leave home. Guns can still be found in houses/homes and always have in DayZ but never on zombies (people) so it just doesn't make sense that players start armed to the teeth with full hiking gear, medical supplies and flares. And...they would have drowned. Zombies can ALWAYS be avoided with awareness and patience, if AI awareness is increased you stay out of sight, walk slower or go prone. It's that simple. Getting rid of starting gear would make it harder for anyone to run to any stash to gear up instantly after respawn. But i don't think stashes are much of an issue, bandits wouldn't get any benefit at all from hunting the beaches and would be busy scavenging themselves for survival if they want to hang around those areas. As far as hackers and server hoppers are concerned...well they will be there regardless and are a separate issue. They shouldn't be part of this equation. The more you have to work for your gear the, more rewarding it will be to get it. As it is now i usually have an ALICE pack full of 9mm and STANAG/AKM ammo relatively quickly after spawn and on the lookout for an assault rifle and a glock before i even have to think about survival. I'd actually prefer the military stuff to be much more rare and have winchesters, lee enfields and .45 pistols be what the majority of players use.
  13. I think you shouldn't have anything but bandages, not even a backpack really. Noone carries around all that stuff in everyday life, bandages can be made from your clothes though. As far as food and water is concerned, you never spawn far enough from a place where you can find some before you starve, it would force you to get into the smaller villages and farms and it would make zombies a threat rather than the annoyance they are now, even indoors as you can't let yourself get cornered without gear. :)
  14. YES It would represent a form of intuition. I'd also like to request a similar way of recognizing people you've met before.
  15. YES Players should spawn with no gear except bandages (Realistic, ripped cloth). Encourages scavenging and makes instant airfield runs riskier.
  16. Ahris

    More animals?

    No, i think it's fine as it is. I've never had a problem finding meat if i put my mind to it and there are many smaller animals that are easy to miss, like rabbits and chicken. Chicken are found in villages and rabbits in fields. Keep your eyes open and look in logical places and you'll find meat. If you don't want to work for it stick to canned food. :)
  17. Ahris


    This is the reason for most MMO's having you 'camp out' instead of letting you leave the game instantly. The problem would be solved by having the character stay in the game for a minute after the player has logged out and i really think that a 'camp out'-function is needed for a game like Day Z.
  18. The whole purpose of gamma is to make the boundaries between different levels of darkness clearer and i don't think it's an exploit to use it as intendended. What makes the real difference for me though is the HDR setting, maxing it makes details a lot clearer at night and if gamma is an exploit you could argue that increasing your graphic quality is as well and that using a high end video card is cheating. As far as i have seen it's more common to switch servers when it gets dark to a different timezone and to be honest i think playing in eternal sunlight is far more of a cheat than making the most out of the darkness.
  19. I think the reason for making wood an item might have been a technical one. Before, you couldn't light a fire if any other object was near, including trees and buildings and you needed a flat surface. That just wouldn't be acceptable once you needed heat to survive and by changing it so the fire became an item which can be dropped anywhere rather than an object that can't be placed on top of other objects, it became possible to light fire without having to run miles to find a field first. And in an open space you'd still be exposed to the rain so it just wouldn't work. The current system isn't perfect but i can see why it had to be done. This is still only a mod and is limited by the Arma 2 engine so some things will never be be perfect.
  20. Ahris


    Well there's light coming out of them so i think we can assume that the batteries are inside the flashlights themselves. ;)