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Everything posted by jackyshizzle

  1. jackyshizzle

    Humanity reset? Is it possible?

    Ive got -2.4Mil and it doesnt reset EVER I had +3000 at one point now its back to -2.4Mil
  2. Proof being constant restarts and showing server downtime over and over. They come in get attacked and restart the server. Members are: RazorBack,Revenge,(TAB)Aaron,WhiteNeko,HeadshotHank,EasyPete. They're all involved. I have many other players who can confirm this. ALSO: Server IP:
  3. Firstly, the admins know this is a bannable offence so in no way should they let this one slide. Secondly, we forced no one to do anything stupid, they are their own person so they fucked up not us. Thirdly, if they were so worried about their camp they shouldn't have hid it in plain sight nor ordered other members to kill their clan members. Fourthly, I did not rat anyone out I reported them like the rules, they reset three times in the middle of fire fights whilst being blatant hipocrits because they have a rule about DCing during combat. Resetting the server during combat is a step up. These players need to be banned, from DayZ and their server shut down.
  4. Ahoy Captain duncerton, if you would please scroll to the galley area of this fine ship called Post you will see our lovely on ship range which depicts a conversation saying it was reset 3 times tonight. I must now escort you to the brig. Good day sir!
  5. Coords for what? Camp is at 031,011 Exact camp, One Ikarus, One Ural, One V3S, Two ATV's, One Hatchback, One M1030 I believe. Plenty of tents which showed they were exploiting a duplication glitch.
  6. His IGN was nVelocity he was using an AS50 thermal. We were in a chopper that a guy picked us up in and he flew us to NWAF and the guy got out after admitting to having shot me in my previous life. When he left the chopper i shot him 100 times with the Chopper and he didnt even take damage. He turned and shot me in the face..... My teammate who was with us then started to shoot him with an AKM and he got killed aswell.... You could message my teammate whos name was HoboPie, Mine is [iRA] Jack of Dublin. Thank you.