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SpiritSharD (DayZ)

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About SpiritSharD (DayZ)

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  1. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Haven't played in a while; question about servers.

    Ah crap; I must have been playing on some random-ass private server. Does ARMA keep a history of previous servers?
  2. Hey all, It's been a while since I last played, and I'm a little confused about servers. When I was playing I was under the impression that all servers connected as a hive to one central database; has this changed? I was playing yersterday and managed to obtain a lot of equipment whilst heading up North; I logged into a server today and was spawned just outside of Electro. I'm guessing there's private servers out there, but how do you know which is official and which is private? It's a shame there isn't a history so I could go back to the one I joined before. Noob question I know, but I've been out-of-touch with the mod for at 'least two months.
  3. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Day Z is insulting to LGBT people

    http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2793443 http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2793479 http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2793116 I think this guy's just had a load of bad experiences with the mod and decided that it would be a good idea to find silly excuses for us to boycott DayZ. This is just incredibly silly and, congratulations, you've made yourself look like an idiot and no one will take you seriously.
  4. Congratulations DayZ; you've made me even more of a misogynistic. Seriously; too many people playing DayZ are complete assholes. Am I complaining? Well, yes and no. Yes, because I honestly didn't believe there were so many people out there who just enjoy being dickish towards others, and take pleasure out of ruining other peoples experiences of the game. No, because...well...it's part of the experience, it's not going to change, so we (inc myself) should just learn to deal with it. Also, it's not really a game anyway. There's too much PVP going on. I just got killed within 5 minutes of spawning; no way to defend myself and the guy I encountered just put a bullet into my head after walking around him for about a minute. This happens every-day. 'n usually even if I do have a gun I can't fight back because, despite perhaps shooting first, they still find some way to kill me because the game's a buggy mess.
  5. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Hit-detection is bad?

    Well yersterday I shot someone in the back of the head a couple of times, and for good measure I emptied an entire makorov clip into his head when he went down. Some of the shots must've not registered because a few minutes later he crept up behind me and put ONE into me and I died. Also, today. I met two people in Electro and was attacked by them; they were lagging quite a bit (teleporting, pretty much), but I still managed to hit them several times with my crowbar and caused bleeding. I'm dead a second later because one of them teleports and gets me in the head (no complaints there). I come across them once I spawn again, find a near-by Lee Enfield and promptly put several bullets into them. Non register, they kill me. Like I said, latency is about 50 usually. Game isn't that slow as I get roughly 60fps outdoors, 40fps in cities. This all said, I don't think I've ever seen a player that didn't jump around a bit or "drift" into position when standing still, so perhaps it's an issue my end when syncing to the servers. I don't know. Might just be my luck I suppose. EDIT: Also; I have never been able to hit anything with a crossbow, even at point-blank range. No matter what, it's as if it doesn't fire. So many times I've died because the only weapon I had was a crossbow and the damn thing just don't hit.
  6. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Hit-detection is bad?

    It's strange though; I just got killed by some guy whilst I was in a tower. I couldn't see him and he was very close by judging by the sound; almost as if he was invisible. Not blaming the game; I'm just saying.
  7. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Hit-detection is bad?

    From my experience, anyway. Seriously; every time I come across a survivor or a zombie, whether I attack them with a crowbar or fire at them with a gun, it seems to me as if my shots always miss (when I have around 50 latency, mind you). I just attacked a zombie in Electro, and it took 20 hits to kill it. I was then forced to defend myself against a survivor, and despite smacking him repeatedly in the back of the head for about a minute as he was walking off, he managed to turn around and down me with one shot to the torso. It's just making the game incredibly frustrating because, for the most part, I'm effectively just spawning and dying now-a-days because of this "kill for the sake of killing" mentality. Does anyone else suffer the same, or is it just me? If the former, is it an issue with the servers I'm joining, the engine, or both? inb4 "You suck", "Bad connection" etc. I know it's hard, but let's try and have a friendly, sensible dicussion on an internet forum for a change. :)
  8. Hey all, I just this minute entered a server (think it was titled ARB or something, I'll have to check) and I noticed there were white spots akin to a lens flare effect dotted around my field of view. I thought it was a glitch at first, but I've noticed now that the dots highlight zombies and players, even through walls; so yes, it's essentially a wall hack. The only thing I've downloaded recently is the Six Updater to patch my game. Yersterday these spots weren't around whilst playing so I can only assume this is a server-side feature, or a graphical glitch. Has anyone seen these before and/or know what the problem is? Here's a screenshot; http://steamcommunity.com/id/spiritshard/screenshot/559819354460904087?tab=public
  9. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    More reasons to go in-land...

    Bump for more discussion. :) At the very 'least, I'd like to see more loot spawns in and around town in an effort to make them appealing to visit. It's fun and intense to challenge oneself to avoiding loads of zombies whilst crawling through towns, but unless there's a reason to do so you may as well just run around them; having a 200km+ is all well-and-good, but if most of the "content" is in the starting area then it's no wonder people just stick to the coast. I'm not sure how difficult/time-consuming it would be to implement, or even if the devs would want to do this in the first place, but another idea would be to add additional, enter-able houses to towns, as well as as some just off roads. I'm just thinking of ways to make going in-land more appealing. :)
  10. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    More reasons to go in-land...

    More than likely, but still...it would be nice to have an incentive to visit the smaller towns and villages as well, not just military bases. Also, I found nothing when I reached the far North airfield. I was quite surprised, and I suppose someone could have cleared it out...but it seems unlikely that anyone was that far in-land.
  11. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Suggestion: fine tune new zed behaviors

    I definitely agree with persistence and distractions; I pretty much just leave my character to die if I get caught by zombies with no ammo because I know that they'll chase me to hell and back. Also; one time outside Cherno I aggro'd ONE zombie, which I promptly shot in the head with my pistol. Somehow this seemingly alerted the whole town because I had about 20-30 zombies begin chasing me. Fortunately I climbed up one of the cranes by the docks and shot them all from a distance (they didn't try going up the ladder). I like the idea of zombies converging on your location when you fire a bullet, but; A) I don't think they should know EXACTLY where you are, and just head in your general direction. B) I don't think an entire town should move towards you. As it stands, if you get caught with no ammo you may as well just do what I do and get yourself killed.
  12. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    More reasons to go in-land...

    Hello all, I'll get straight to the point; I spent 3-4 hours today travelling in-land, exploring various towns, searching many buildings etc, and I've come to the conclusion that there is very little incentive to go in-land other than to stay safe from other players and to go sight-seeing. In those 3-4 hours, FOUR buildings out of the many I entered contained equipment. Out of those four buildings, non of them had anything particularly new or interesting that I couldn't find near the starting areas. This was particularly disappointing, as I had suspected that the further in-land you were, the more and better equipment you could happen to come across. Don't get me wrong; it was entertaining to avoid zombies and see new locations on the map, but towards the end I just got so bored I ended up shooting zombies at the far North airfield and getting myself swarmed and killed. It simply begs the question why anyone would want to travel vast distances on the island to visit towns with one or two houses available to explore, with little to no loot of any particular importance/value? The equipment I did find on my travels I could have easily acquired in Cherno, Electro or any other coastal town.I'm not entirely sure what could be implemented to make the experience of heading in-land better, but to me it certainly feels as though it's an area that could be improved upon. Admittedly this is entirely based on my own experiences, and that I may simply have had a bad run and not encountered any of the goodies other players could possibly be finding. I understand people may (probably will?) disagree with this, but I thought I'd post up anyway. Happy surviving/hunting! :)
  13. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Every-time I use this it "freezes" on each rar file. After 10 minutes or so if I close the program and re-open, the program will progress onto the next rar file and freeze. EDIT: The "updater" corrupted my files. I had to re-download ever rar file manually. =(
  14. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    Team up

    Agreed. The only thing that bores me is when I have to trek long distances to meet up with friends.
  15. SpiritSharD (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Yesterday I was playing with 4 friends and we were communicating over Skype. After messing around for about half an hour trying to find a server we could all join, we ended up spawning quite some distance from each-other. Myself and a friend spawned at Kamenka (sp?), albeit my friend joined the server later; one friend spawned at Cherno and the other at Electro. We decided to beat up at Balota, and when we got there we spent half an hour prone outside the traffic control tower as we had seen a bandit and two other survivors inside; the half an hour consisted of them fighting off seemingly wave after wave of zombies, before we finally decided to enter the building and kill them off whilst they were in a weakened state. Unfortunately we must've drew a lot of attention as another bandit snook into the building and killed me before being killed himself. We then met up in Cherno and spent some time getting equipment before our journey North. We were beginning to leave the town when zombies randomly spawned all around us, blocking our route. We spent 15 minutes navigating zombies whilst prone, which was intense. We finally managed to head North and loot a few buildings on the way. We didn't encounter much resistance until we decided to head West to Zelenogorsk; the entire town was crawling in zombies, and some other survivor all on his lonesome was keeping them occupied by running around like an idiot. Again, we had the misfortune of zombies randomly spawning right by us, which unfortunately resulted in the death of two of us (ironically the server crashed at this point saving my life and one of my friend's). Most fun I've had playing a game in a loooooong time.