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Everything posted by YouthCounselor

  1. YouthCounselor

    Silenced Sniper Rifles

    I wish this idea would die. Silencers do *not* make bullets drop more, they do not make the bullets weaker, and they do not make a gun do less "damage", and on a sniper rifle sized cartridge they are far from "quiet". Silencers/suppressors actually cause an effect known as freebore boost which typically (on my 5.56 and 308 guns) gives me a 60-120fps *boost* over unsilenced/unsuppressed. The biggest negatives to a silencer is the extra size and weight and a quicker increase in bore temps (causing mirage, which would be an excellent thing to add to the game to help slow down the growth of the endless brigades of psychopath snipers all over the hills. lol). As for noise level imagine a gunshot as two different distinct sounds. The first is the "pop" or uncorking of the bullet when its first fired. This is extremely loud in an unsuppressed gun. Somewhere in the 160-170 dB range is normal for a high powered rifle. With a high-end suppressor you can get that down to just below 140 dB. Now that still "seems" loud if you just look at the raw number, but the duration of the noise is *extremely* short so its actually not very loud at all. If your in an open field (where the sound won't reflect) its quieter then most paintball guns. The second part of the noise is the bullets flight and this is extremely quiet if the bullet is slower then the speed of sound (roughly 1050fps). Most sniper rifles are not going to use subsonic ammo, its far to weak and short range, so they will use full power rifle ammo (thus no damage "reduction" or range reduction). A 308 bullet moving at 2800-3000fps is pretty loud when it goes by (the game models this pretty well with the "crack" noise you hear as bullets wiz by). The thing about the "crack" or bullet flight noise is its non-directional and comes from the bullet, not the shooter, so if the target is more then 100 yards away it becomes virtually impossible to locate the shooter from the noise of the shot. The flight noise masks any small amount of noise the muzzle makes and the flight noise happens *behind* you (since the bullet is moving faster then the speed of sound you hear it after its passed, thus it sounds like its behind you). Anyway, there is everyones silencer/suppressor science lesson for the day. Next week I'll give a tutorial on how to legally buy one in the United States if your over 21 and can legally buy a firearm (and your lucky enough to live in one of the 38-40 or so states that allows them). :)
  2. YouthCounselor

    UPDATED DAILY: I'm Issuing a Warning to Any Snipers

    I've noticed this change over the past say 8-12 weeks. when I first tried the game you started with a revolver (which I don't even see anymore in the game) and things seemed difficult to find. Now I can usually find a AK/AR or similar within 15-20 minutes or less. This would actually be pretty accurate in the south-east, mid-east, and mid-west of the united states, I'm just not sure how common such things would be in the area the game is based in. Me and a couple friends have done the sniper thing (on the hill outside cherno) but honestly its a deathtrap at this point. At any one time you can usually find half the server somewhere on that hillside or within sight of it. A couple things could change the game back from a sniping game with really really hardcore respawn conditions (lose all your gear, etc) to a more "realistic" apocalypse scenario. I have to agree with some of the posters in this thread that its absolutely no longer even remotely "realistic". Sure you die easily just like you would in real life but you also wouldn't have everyone laying around all over the outskirts of cities shooting each other for entertainment. I think the biggest reason we are seeing so many snipers now (beside the high volume of good kit) is the fact that after you find that "good kit" there isn't much else to do. You can kill millions of glitchy, teleporting zombies that look like their from a 1920s film running thats running at 15 fps and missing half of the frames (they look so stupid and retard its just no longer imposing or fear inspiring anymore). Or you can "explore" but everything looks the same so that gets boring quick. Really what the game needs is some other things to do. 1: We need a way to horde food and water and medical supplies and the ability to build a base/house/fort or barricade an existing building, something or anything that gives a reason to try and lay down roots in one spot and gives some way to protect even a small amount of supplies other then a tent that can only be setup in the open, glitches out most of the time, and is usually just a pinata for anyone who walks by. 2: Some reason to work as a team against the AI/Zombies. If the zombies didn't just spawn whenever you approached a building but instead were always there and could actually be cleared out (from smaller areas) and then the area barricaded up and used as a fort/base/trading station/torture facility, whatever. Imagine the cool factor of a huge group of people trying to clear out a corner of cherno and reclaim it for mankind! Then the snipers could setup on the hill and provide overwatch for the humans clearing the city (a *much* more likely thing for them to do then become raving lunatics that shoot people from a mile away for kicks and giggles). 3: Make sniping more realistic, because its not even remotely realistic at the moment, lol. Trust me, 50 BMG or not hitting a moving target at 600+ meters is a difficult shot and not doable for 95% of the population. The lack of wind modelling makes it a million times easier then it is "realistically". shooting even a stationary target that is 800 meters away inside a city (remember, the pavement gets hot and will have a vertical "wind" component) , while your positioned on the side of a hill that's also 500-700 meters tall is extremely difficult. when your shooting a target at a higher or lower elevation then you your bullet will impact higher then it would if firing at a target at the same elevation as yourself. Wind drift at 600+ meters becomes a big deal with almost all calibers (less so with a BMG until 800-1000+). The wind can also have an effect on the vertical point of impact if greater then 9-10mph (magnus effect). Heck as you near and pass 1000 meters you even need to start calculating for the coriolis effect (the spin of the earth basically). Basically if your shooting a normal length 5.56, or 308 with a good scope sighted in at 100 or 200 yards a normal, moderately skilled shooter should have no trouble hitting a stationary man sized target at 200-300 yards in light to no wind. 400-500 yards is going to be a fair bit more difficult and 600+ is most likely going to be a miss. If your target stands around like a moron and you can get back on target to see the impact point (or a spotter with you sees the impact) you could walk your shots into the target reasonably easy. This all changes and becomes vastly harder with any wind (not to mention the wind is often different at different ranges. It might be 10mph east-2-west at your position and 5mph west-2-east half way to the target). Add 100-200 yards to all those number if your using a 338LM or 50BMG. Regardless, I love the game and certainly hope it (or something like it) really gets polished up good and provides some other opportunities for different playstyles (no matter how much fun picking people off from a thousand yards away it's still going to get monotonous at some point.)