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Everything posted by Raijinmaru

  1. Raijinmaru

    Monkey debug?

    A friend and I were playing. All of a sudden, we both pass out with long timers and and debug menu popped up called "Monkey" and such. We tried logging into different severs but the same "passed out" timer keeps appearing with a VERY long down time. Like hours. WTF is going on?
  2. Raijinmaru

    Monkey debug?

    Someone please help us. I will give you anything I have...
  3. Raijinmaru

    Monkey debug?

    Can anyone at this moment help me and my friend? We will reward you with what we can provide.
  4. Raijinmaru

    Monkey debug?

    Thanks, smasht. Sadly... I think we may be done for then :(
  5. Seriously, I've been there around 30 times recently only to find nothing. Either it's been already looted or nothing is spawning... not even a tin can. Day or night it doesn't matter. Just me?
  6. I'm going to keep this as short as possible, so I apologize for the fragmented sentences. I was heading to Electro via the west when I heard .50 BMG shots. I proceeded up the hill that faces the Power Plant and found a .50 BMG Sniper that may or may not have seen me. All I had was a crowbar from my fresh spawn, so I charged in ala Leroy Jenkins. He ran for a bit and then AltF4-ed when I closed in. His buddy picked me off right after that. I don't care that I died or even was sniped by douche Electro campers. I'm OK with that. But you're going to AltF4 against a crowbar? Really? When you had good gear AND 5 other clan member on watching you back?! BabyBaboon.SoGG... I will be hunting you now. I'm sorry for the rant. I know people post these all the time and it's annoying... But I had to get it out. That is all, good day and thank you.
  7. Raijinmaru

    Cowardly players (SoGG Clan.)

    Thank you all for not flaming. I some how expected it, but this board surprises me :) I guess my crowbar is ultra deadly/intimidating. FEAR MY CROWBAR! I just don't get why people do that. I was top geared (via solo running) and was very attached to my gear. I was in a fire fight in Stary that I wasn't going to win. 3 vs 1. I took out one of them and injured another, but accepted my death. I was my own fault for being careless in a hostile area and also trying to be friendly. I had plenty of time to AltF4 or just Disconnect but I didn't. It just wasn't right to do so. I miss my gear, but, oh well. Life goes on. I miss when this game was a lot friendlier... But I accept it's change and am dealing with it. I can't blame people for shooting on sight now-a-days.