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Everything posted by mzltv

  1. mzltv

    Time Cycle

    I'm assuming it corresponds with seasonal daylight hours too? I played on a UK server last night when I got in from work and it was pitch black... Not that night is terrible or anything... I actually had a good hour or two in the dark last night and enjoyed myself!
  2. mzltv

    Is it worth it ATM?

    KICHIKICHIKICHIKICHIKICHIKICHI has a point. As it develops, the price will go up - and personally, I think that if you do wait till then, you'll be kicking yourself physically and emotionally in the balls, crying "WHY DIDN'T I ACQUIRE DAYZ WHEN IT WAS £20. WHY!?" You'll raise your hands to the sky, rain will pour, and a hovering camera will pan up slowly. I can't recommend it enough; bugs included.
  3. mzltv

    Initial thoughts of the SA...

    My evening (a copy from my thread over at Musty) Testing DayZ SA was one thing. Playing in a 50/50 server tonight was a brand new experience however. My evening involved a comical murder in Cherno. As I was creeping through Cherno, I saw someone was sprinting through with a torch - lighting everything up in bold white hues. I saw this and took this as a sign that someone needs Survival 101. I followed him, and gently sang a slower version of Gold by Spandeu Ballet over Direct. He looked around and panicked, fleeing into the Cherno hospital. He ran into me and my splitting axe, and that was the end of (what I can expect was) one of his first lives on DayZ Standalone. After that, I met a new guy and gave him a 101 on DayZ, as he didn't really have a clue. We chased after a survivor and asked him to be handcuffed to test it all out. He agreed, and was handcuffed. I took all his possessions, including a nice pristine pistol and shot him dead - disarmed and captive. I then proceeded to turn and shoot the chap I had guided thus far. It was fun to kill anything that moved during the testing stage, but now it's real people, I had an overwhelming sense of "Wow, I'm a complete cunt", and have now decided that those 3 people were the first and last people I shall kill in SA (unless fired on, obvs) If you're reading this, chaps that I needlessly murdered this evening - then I apologise.
  4. mzltv

    Looking for members for Scelestus

    Sounds like a nasty skin condition...
  5. True story - Rossums prefers Skype chats about SA than SA.
  6. mzltv

    Short question

    On the floor!
  7. Samsung 840 Pro Series is meant to be the absolute nuts. I was gonna opt for the Samsung 420 Pro Series but changed my mind upon realisation of the YOLOSWAG the 840 has.
  8. I was always under the impression the approach was real-life skills being usable ingame, not a skill 'level up' system. Source please.
  9. This. Also, just for the record, it's called Ctrl + F
  10. mzltv

    Battle Royale- How to get good gear!

    Nothing to do with DayZ SA?
  11. mzltv

    any fun squads left?

    Don't believe him ^ BSB don't believe in fun. It's their core principle. No, seriously, check them out. Great bunch of lads!
  12. mzltv

    New DayZStats System

    You'll be knee-deep in babes for this one, Razor. Jolly good show.
  13. Now we just gotta keep our fingers crossed that Mike doesn't fuck it all up. Bloody Mike.
  14. hi rocket on a scale of 1 to 10, what is your favorute color????
  15. mzltv

    Thinking of Building a PC...

    This website allows you to lay out a potential computer build (to your own specifications) and see the pricing from all the retailers in the UK (ie. Amazon/Aria/Overclockers) so you can find the cheapest components. It will also tell you about compatibility issues, and you can have your build as minimalist as you like, seeing as you've already got a GPU.
  16. Michael Bay presents... DayZ.
  17. mzltv

    dayz mod support

    Pardon my french, but what the fuck are you on about? This whole forum is a means of support.
  18. DayZ Forums. Seriously. You're missing out. Get involved.
  19. Even if you don't, the work that has been done has been done to ensure that the implementation of features and functions (that previously were not possible with the Real Virtuality engine) can be brought into the game.
  20. I played for the first time last night and I can happily say there were ZERO latency issues encountered, and I'm in the UK. Musty Gaming: Actual DayZ is epic. The fog makes for such a creepy touch. Thoroughly enjoying it. Looking forward to seeing the new PoI's being added!
  21. What are your video settings ingame? Anti-Aliasing and Post-Processing causes drops in frame rates.
  22. mzltv

    good gaming pc?

    Because it will still be more expensive than buying the parts and assembling it yourself? Assembling a desktop is not hard - it just an hour of your time.
  23. mzltv

    Aim in Standalone
