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Everything posted by Nasuko

  1. Nasuko

    Rather than the Respawn Button....

    For some weird reason I was teleported to the debug hills upon entering my usual server. All my items were gone. Ran until I starved to death. Even a noose couldn't help me. D:
  2. Nasuko

    Player Punishment Ratio Unacceptable

    I find it highly amusing that a "game developer" would have enough time to play someone's mod of someone else's game. You certainly have time, don't you? You certainly must to not even just be playing these games, but to come onto the "DayZ Suggestions" by the way, to bitch about bugs in an alpha mod is childish. Also, "unfuck your shit" is not a suggestion that belongs here. Given your free time and poor execution at a complaint, I not only doubt that you are a game developer, I doubt you're even old enough to be playing this game. Aside from any personal attacks, I've not experienced the bug you're talking about. When I log out and later log back in, I'm in the exact position I should have been in. An 8 foot drop CAN break a person's leg depending on each individual. It really depends on how you land. You've obviously, and thankfully, not had to fall from 8 feet. I didn't break my leg when I did, but I was quite a bit of pain that it certainly felt like it. It's also been documented that a man who had fallen from the first step of a ladder died on impact. You seem to attribute every bug to the mod developer. Why? Surely SOME blame should rest with the actual makers of the engine? Anyway, whether or not you're a troll is of no matter to me. I just felt like typing out some truthful information. Enjoy your day and please don't come back. Thank you. ~Nasuko
  3. Nasuko

    Fishing, trap for humans, vest broken bone

    I certainly support the idea of a Fishing Rod. It'd take up maybe 6 or 7 slots, you could have different kinds such as collapsable ones and higher quality ones for a higher chance at catching fish. Of course, the size will only matter if it doesn't instantly go to the toolbelt. And you should only be able to fish from the ocean or the larger lakes in the game, in my opinion. It'd make having a boat a great thing since people could sneak up behind you while you're fishing. :P It should take a certain amount of time to fish though. I wouldn't like the idea of catching a fish every 10 seconds.
  4. Nasuko

    Dead players turning to zombies

    Lights Out, a friend and I were actually discussing this last night. The way we figured it should work, if it ever made it into DayZ, would be when you die, your body would reanimate in 10 to 15 minutes unless they were killed from a shot to the head. When the body would get back up, it would wander around the entire map without respawning, still containing all the gear and the backpack that the person had before they died. However, the equippped weapons would drop wherever the zombie had risen from. I haven't seen a zombie outside of Dead Island that uses a weapon. :) Now, while it does sound like a good idea, one has to think about the possible consequences. If a zombie rises and wanders around and never despawns, we have a potential for immense lag due to hundreds of zombies wandering around on a single server, never despawning until killed and the body hidden. If there were a way to work it in, I'd certainly love to see it so long as the servers don't suffer. Perhaps it could be a chance thing? A corpse could have a 10% chance to rise if not shot in the head. And yes, there are quite a few different types of zombies that have been written about. We have the traditional Undead, which have risen through either supernatural or biological (The Walking Dead) reasons. Then we have "Rage Zombies", which is what you get from 28 Days/Weeks Later and, I feel, in this game. They're not really dead, but their higher functions are gone. All that's known to them is rage. There are mutant zombies, which you can see in games like Resident Evil and Left 4 Dead. Of course Necromorphs from Dead Space are fun. I suppose that would be considered a Parasitic Zombie. They're a little unique since they don't actually need a head. :P
  5. Nasuko

    Zombies Too Annoying

    Yeah, zombies are annoying, but isn't that the point? It's supposed to be at least somewhat difficult to get loot. I don't have any trouble getting loot in town. If it's daylight, I prone and crawl my way into buildings. If it's dusk, I crouch or just walk since my meters show 1 bar or sight and sound. If I pull a zombie or many zombies, I bolt for the nearest warehouse, lure them in and do one of two things. 1: I lure them into the building and then take off. Zombies don't move too quick indoors. You can easily go around them if there's only one exit. 2: I happen to find a hatchet inside. I equip it and bash them in the head until they stop moving. If you're having trouble, I'd suggest going to youtube and looking up some DayZ basics tutorials. This isn't a difficult thing to learn, you just need to have patience in this game. Whether you're trying to collect loot inside a zombie-infested town or waiting to kill a player, patience is the key.
  6. Nasuko

    Two Ways To Actually Fix the "Bandit Problem"

    I wasn't here when there were Bandit Skins or Chat. I would like to see Bandit skins, however. A sort of "punishment" or "achievement" (depending on how you see it) after you've killed a certain amount of people. If you want something to make people work together, being able to build up a small fort would be nice, rather than just a tent. A defensible area where zombies don't spawn, somewhere in the middle of the woods. You can set up walls, a door, windows... I dunno. It's a lot for a modder to do, if it's even possible with this game. I'm just throwing out suggestions. Of course, the mod is still an alpha. I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of things coming and a lot of things going.
  7. I'm hoping someone here will be tech savvy enough in this field to tell me what's wrong, and if my theory is correct. While playing DayZ, it seems that my hard drive will click and freeze up my game for up to 10 to 15 seconds before releasing me and allowing me to move again. It will happen again in the next minute and so on. But this happens ONLY when I play DayZ. I haven't seen this problem with any other game I've been running. My PC tends to get a bit hot when playing and can go up to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Yet I don't have this problem in the Sims when it does this, so I'm assuming it's not overheating. My theory is that Arma 2 or DayZ is installed on bad sectors of my Hard Drive and I think I may need to uninstall and reinstall Arma 2 and DayZ from the beginning. Would I be correct? And if I do this, will I still have my character's stuff? I recently came across Night Vision Goggles and I'd prefer not to lose them. :P Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Well, it appears that my hard drive does click even when running Sims 3. Anything that gets my drive going hard at all, even playing Minecraft, and it clicks. So, it's about ready to die. I'll be backing up everything I value onto my external tonight and buying a new one tomorrow. Thanks all for the help. My Hard Drive is almost dead, so that's the problem. :P So, to back up my toon, I copy the Arma folders in My Docs? I'm on Windows XP
  9. I have a 1 gig SATA. About a year old.
  10. From what I recall, unless you have really low blood, your problem may be because you logged out when a player/zombie was after you. This happened to me once a long time ago when I pulled a few zombies into a warehouse and had to suddenly go. When I logged back in, the Hourglass would show up and I could do nothing. The only way to solve it is to log in and wait. For me, it took about 5 or 6 minutes. It's annoying, but the only way out is to wait it out. Just log in and walk away for 10 minutes. If the hourglass hasn't gone down at all in that length of time please let us know. :)
  11. I see a lot of threads about people wanting a starting weapon and whatnot. Well, why not have a 1-slot item that would act as a primary weapon called "Gloves". You can equip the "gloves" and they would allow you to swing at zombies for...lets say 25% of the damage that a crowbar would do. While this would allow you to do SOME kind of damage to zombies if you had to, it's not something you'd want to keep for very long. If you didn't want to go through all the trouble of making a new weapon, we could even use the Flashlight we start with as a melee weapon. Same damage as I had suggested for the gloves. Not quite decent, but certainly a welcomed choice if the alternative is nothing. I feel this would keep the realism we have in the game while also settling most of the trouble some players are having at the start. If anyone out there agrees, would like to see something similar but different, or disagrees with my suggestion, please feel free to express it in a creative manner for us all to discuss. :)
  12. How much damage does a zombie hit for?
  13. I personally don't have a problem finding a weapon. However some people who are either new, find it hard to grasp, or don't like starting with nothing have been posting threads about having a starting pistol or something. I don't like the idea of starting with a pistol from the very beginning. I like it difficult. :) I've only been playing a week and I love the difficulty. I was saddened that guns were made weaker, though. Pistols are, for the most part, useless unless you get a headshot these days. I certainly hope no one takes out sniper rifles and the like. I love the idea of running along with the chance I could get blown away. Heck, it's almost happened on a few occasions. XD Needless to say, when I have something really good, I don't wander into open fields. I call that an attempt at suicide. @Gunnār and hishnik: That's good to hear. :) Even if it's just a push, that should help people out a fair bit and still runs of the risk of getting smacked.
  14. Nasuko

    Strip cars for parts

    I agree with this suggestion. Not ALL cars, mind, but some of the more intact looking ones should have some scrap or maybe a tire to remove.