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About tomclapton

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. tomclapton

    Direct chat range?

    direct chat range 30m and in game mic is 80m i think
  2. tomclapton

    Is there a fix to the gfx glitch?

    completely closing and reopening the game fixes it for me.
  3. tomclapton

    Thanks For The Silver Platter...

    you can take someones clothes off after they die? or did he have a ghillie suit in his inventory?
  4. tomclapton

    Talk about a bad night??

    ive done the same thing with a ghillie suit before. just cant logout immediatly after picking something up it seems.
  5. tomclapton

    Why this mod is failing

    this failing mod that has almost reached 1 mill unique players. clearly its not failing to most people.