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About spacingtonflioniv

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. spacingtonflioniv

    ~Bug Resolved~

    I'm experiencing this as well.
  2. spacingtonflioniv

    IF this was an actual game...

    If it was basically a cleaned up version of the mod with a little more content, price of game only. Absolutely worth full game price. If it were expanded to something with an MMO scale, I'd be more than happy to pay a subscription. Lots of "endgame" content (exploring, rebuilding, discovering narrative), bigger maps with more players, deeper customization. Community and studio developed. Listen closely to the community and work within your vision. Studio and community servers. I would contribute the price of a game to a kickstarter project. Sounds about the same as a preorder to me.
  3. spacingtonflioniv

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    It amuses me that so many people get called "carebears" by people who are essentially fighting for their right to play on easy mode. They don't give a shit about rocket's vision (see: bandit tears over humanity system), despite how much they hide behind it. It's more realistic this way, they say. You know what's not realistic? Knowing that you can camp, waiting for someone with better gear than you to pop up so you can take their shit, and simultaneously knowing that if you fail you can always respawn, jog a few km, and try it all over again. The consequences of death are completely different for survivors and bandits, causing them to play the game in two different ways. Rocket has said this is an experiment. Well, an experiment has variables and they need to be managed. Otherwise the results of the experiment will skew one way and provide you with meaningless data. I still love the mod, but the unfocused vision and loose management of the community is making it harder and harder to WANT to play. Do nothing about dupers and hackers and griefers, but continue adding unpolished content that makes the game harder on the average players. Sort it out.
  4. spacingtonflioniv

    Start with a flashlight, not flares

    Doesn't quite make sense that you use a pistol and hold a burning flare at the same time, but not point a flashlight. I think it would be fair if the player was forced to drop the flashlight to use the pistol. It'd be nice if it stayed lit after being dropped, similar to a flare.
  5. spacingtonflioniv

    Bring back scroll options

    Wish I had read this before I crawled away from that pump thinking it was broken. Haha. Unless this somehow improves performance, I'd like to see scroll options returned at least to the water pumps/water sources. You still use it to inspect gear/loot, so I don't think it would be inconsistent.
  6. spacingtonflioniv

    Allow stmovement!

    This, please.
  7. spacingtonflioniv

    Pack up barbed wire.

    I think you can vault over barbed wire. The one time I did it might have been a fluke, but I know I've done it before.
  8. spacingtonflioniv

    Dear Rocket. We crave direction!

    I actually started a similar thread a few days ago that disappeared into the fray. Glad to see someone else had the same thoughts/feeling that I did. Having a statement of intent from the development team would really help with narrowing the focus of the suggestions around here.
  9. spacingtonflioniv

    Factions / Trading / Player Types

    Bump for interest.
  10. spacingtonflioniv

    skills idea

    This is getting off topic, but I think the simplest solution would be to have two different corpse models. One gory one the implies that zombies consumed the victim, and the currently existing one that implies that they were shot dead. Maybe a clever bandit could use a hunting knife to gut the corpse of a victim so that it looks like a zombie attack too.
  11. spacingtonflioniv

    skills idea

    In all fairness, just about anyone who isn't braindead can probably look at a body and tell if it was put there by a gunman or a horde of flesheating zombies. Are its organs hanging out? Check. It's zombies, Jim.
  12. spacingtonflioniv

    skills idea

    Yup. /thread So leave it. Shoo. Just because you disagree with an idea doesn't mean the rest of us can talk about it. To stay on topic' date=' I kinda like the idea of having a certain skill to begin with would be pretty cool. Maybe we could have traits too, that start to appear after a certain number of deaths involving zed's. [/quote'] I was being sarcastic and telling Khaled to hit the tracks for that reason. Sarcasm doesn't always translate to text, though. He seems to think it's his job to find any thread that doesn't line up with his idea of the game and try to shut it down. The OP's idea doesn't involve character progression at all. Personally, I think character progression could work in one context in Day Z. It would make sense for your character to learn "survival skills" the longer they survive in the world. Just little things that give a sense of adaptation like gaining a little more blood from food or harvesting a little more meat from animals. Moving a little faster or more quietly over terrain. Even gaining the skill to start a fire every x hours with a "firewood" or "tinder" item you can pick up off the forest floor instead of matches. I think that would make you feel like your character is "growing" in a tangible but mostly non-impactful sense that adds only a trivial amount of convenience. This would also make dying suck even more because your character might have survived long enough to gain this bonus or that skill that helped every once in a while. That's beside the point, though. This sort of "skill system" as described just provides certain role-specific bonuses that personalize the character in a small way. No levelling up. No new skills that unbalance pvp. It's the equivalent of a small stat bonus.
  13. spacingtonflioniv

    skills idea

    Yup. /thread So leave it. Shoo.
  14. spacingtonflioniv

    Friendly armbands
