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About Piemonster

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I joined this server about 3 months ago and have exclusively played on them ever since. Highly recommend to any DayZ player, whether you want to play on a server that has a day and night cycle, 24/7 day, or even 1st person only; BMRF has it. Not only that but, there is almost always plenty of people on, for those who like having medium to high population even during the night time :) Also, Really great community and staff.
  2. Piemonster

    DayZ 2017 - Day 0

    Nice story! :o I actually downloaded the mod earlier today but have yet to try it out...But, after reading this I'm definitely going to go try it right now. Any server recommendations? :)
  3. Piemonster

    Why this mod is failing

    I'm actually quite surprised at all the people posting who didn't read the OP. But, anyway, I'm rather new to DayZ however, one of the biggest problems is the PvE. PvE so far is WAY too easy(I think it's the best explanation of WHY people love to kill new players, it's just as easy as killing zombies except it's an actual player). Zombies are way too easy to kill or sneak by. But, I believe this is more of an Arma2 problem limiting the possibility of more complex zombies. I hope to see most things fixed in the standalone. After all it is 'alpha'.