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Cosmic Isle

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About Cosmic Isle

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    On the Coast

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  1. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    So you got kicked because you had hacked weapons? I was not there for this, but I am talking to the admin who was and he says you guys had a pile of hacked gear. Also no one was ghosting. I did not see proof of any ghosting in your video besides you guys going on about ghosting. It is difficult to check logs while in game because we use Host Altitude and as far as we have figured out you have to be in the control panel in a browser to access the logs.
  2. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    Huh I did not even notice the black text, what a child. Thanks for backing me up on that point, we had no interest in that heli, nor would we have been able to steal it afterwards. As far as I can tell we were running whatever version there was before the update on sunday. I was also told by the other admin that he had not updated yet. Monday was the first time I looked at the admin control panel so I cannot really say for sure one way or another, and I am beginning to suspect the other admin had no idea what he was doing (sorry man if you are reading this aha). So all I know for sure is that we were not using the most recent version on monday. Host Altitude also forced updates on tues night or weds night, so there were still servers running without the most recent update. If we made a mistake then we are all sorry but the majority of our group still thinks you guys were hacking. I don't really know if you were or not, you guys seem pretty adamant you weren't so in that case again, sorry. Now I have been nothing but polite to you guys and I cannot say the same for you (What I find quite funny is you guys are jerks and have smelly bums(thats a reference to your earlier posts)), I have even offered some kind of exchange of gear, (like I would park an atv or car somewhere filled with good gear and you guys can have at) but since none of you are interested in that then whatever. All I have here is my word that we were not cheating or trying to screw you guys over and I guess that is not good enough for you. So whatever then, good luck in the game and I'm sorry for all your frustration.
  3. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    Only 2 people were banned. He kicked one person, the heli stopped firing, he kicked another and then it stopped flying. I am pretty sure he banned the wrong people but at the time it seemed like they were in the chopper.
  4. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    The admin kicked everyone on the server, since there are no tags he could not really tell who was in the chopper so he kicked everyone except the clan members, the people who he knew for sure were not in the chopper. He kicked everyone one by one and then tried to deduce who had been in the chopper by who he kicked when it stopped flying. He thinks he may have banned the wrong people though. So just to clarify, everyone was kicked and only the people suspected of being in the chopper were banned. I know that seems inaccurate and heavy handed. Again I have to apologize for all that, we are all rather new at this and are learning as we go. We are using Host Altitude and I have not figured out how to check server logs yet. I myself have only come back to the game after a two week hiatus of work and playing the new kerbal space program update (I'm a chef, work is stressful enough and dayz is not the best way to unwind), so I have only recently taken up admin duties and have been absorbing a lot of info admin-wise in the last couple days. As for taking the heli for ourselves I'm not really sure how you think we would accomplish that, fairly certain it was in midair when everyone was kicked, so we assumed it had crashed somewhere or despawned. We just got the hell out of there and went back to base to make sure our tents were alright and no one had done a flyby in a helicopter as we were all under the assumption we had been dealing with hackers. Again I have to assure you there is nothing duplicitous or malicious going on here, everything our clan has gathered is legitimate and we all share the mindset that it ruins the game using exploits, hacks and so on. Again we had no interest in your chopper especially since we assumed it was hacked in. As for the server being on I really have no proof of that, we finally updated yesterday since Host Altitude was forcing updates last night. All I can really go on is the word of the other admin (he is a good irl friend of mine), and the fact that I could see that the most recent updates had yet to be installed. Since I have taken over primary admin duties I can assure you these types of shenanigans will not be happening again. I am curious about turning off the loss of items in water, I have not seen anything about this yet and did not know it was possible. I've assumed the loss of items was an Arma II/DayZ glitch. So in the end guys if you had the chopper legitimately then this has been a misunderstanding and we're sorry for all the frustration it has caused you.
  5. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    You misunderstand what I was saying, you are claiming you found that helicopter legitimately, I am asking for some confirmation that helicopters were spawning in DayZ version Everyone in our group was under the impression that helicopters had been removed in that version, if you google it you can find several threads on these forums and reddit.com/r/DayZ that all seem to confirm that. If there is proof otherwise I would love to see it, because in that case this has been a huge misunderstanding. As for getting the helicopter back the guy who had eyes on your chopper said it vanished after you were kicked, since you were in the air when you were kicked we are assuming it despawned somehow or crashed. I'm not sure how you went back to check if it was still there since I would think you would have died after being kicked while in an airborne chopper. We are also fairly certain we banned you, which is why you were being kicked afterwards. This is a new server and the three people in the group(myself included) with admin access are fairly new to this admin game so we are learning as we go. Our whole group was already a little on edge when we encountered you guys in the heli because we had just found a large circle of tractors, cars and bicycles out in a field, so we were expecting to encounter hackers or more signs of hacking. Suddenly being attacked by a helicopter after that, when all of us thought there should be no helicopters spawning, well you can see how we would jump to conclusions. I could not care less if you come back or not, this whole thing has been more trouble than we wanted and you guys are at the centre of it. If you can provide concrete evidence you came by that chopper honestly we would be willing to compensate you if your characters were lost when you were kicked. We are a nice honest group and more than understand the frustration of losing a character and gear you have invested time in, so if that sounds fair to you PM me and we will try to work something out. No one here is trying to cover up what happened, I have been completely honest about our side of events and more than diplomatic. However if you were hacking you got what was coming to you.
  6. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    One other thing, if you have legit proof that there were Helis in then please provide it. We are not looking to cause trouble, alienate legit players or anything. Our only focus is protecting our server from cheaters.
  7. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    There has been no name change that is a different server. Our server is named US 1060 and was down for several hours last night. It is currently back up with the name it has always had. Seriously here and I am going to reiterate what I said earlier, there is no admin abuse on this server, the players in the Heli were kicked because we suspected them of having a hacked chopper. The server was running and from what any of us have read there should not have been heli spawns. We had already encountered signs of hacker activity, of which one of our clan members has screen shots of, so seeing a hacked chopper was the expected course of events. It also says in the changelog for that helicopters were added back in which would lead a person to think they were not spawning in I do not really see how it is hilarious that we would see the title of the channel as suspicious, the channel is titled [How to Hack], what conclusion do you expect people to draw when they see that? "Oh clearly they are not hackers at all then" . If you actually came by that chopper legitimately then sincerest apologies, but we pay for this server out of our own pockets and protecting it against cheaters is one of our top concerns.
  8. Cosmic Isle

    US 1060 - Admin kicks for almost dying

    Not the admin but I was in that bus. He kicked you because we were running an older version which we thought did not spawn helis (there is mention of helis being added back in the newest version changelog) the server is running . We had already seen things that led us to believe there were hackers on the server like large circles of vehicles as if spawned in. Believe me here, if you came by that chopper honestly sorry about that but we had just been discussing the possibility of encountering choppers ten minutes earlier and the general consensus was there should not be any choppers in this version. Don't know if this counts as counter-proof but the video the OP posted as proof is on a channel call [How to Hack] http://i.imgur.com/iPWoC.png Again if that was an honest helicopter then apologies but the admin banned you for being suspected of hacking. Death was not a huge concern as our characters were all fairly fresh and we were on a supply run after picking up a friend. So we were not carrying high value gear just ARs, packs and basic supplies. As for kicking anyone who joined we banned the players in the helicopter, no one else was banned and the server had 16 players in it again in the next 30 minutes. We like having a populated server. It is not our practice to just kick and ban without cause. We have worked hard on this server and we do not want it ruined by hackers. We play this game to have fun and have no desire to interfere with anyone else's.